Make a dark confession (*if you dare!*) šŸ˜±

Youā€™re quackers if you think they will do that (ok, bad pun there)

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I smiled when my guild died.

We raided together for 8 years, but in SL the mindset of ā€œnobody left behindā€ and having fun on Discord disapeared.
I warned them that this was against the core of what our guild stood for, and they ridiculed me and called me sensitive. And kicked me of the A-team to ā€œcare for peoples emotions if your so scared people cant handle itā€.

Many people didnt log back in, the rest felt left behind and quit after 3 weeks.

Replacing our core players with strangers with high ilvl after 8 years of knowing each other was a dumb move.
Thats exactly why people stayed in the guild: It was like a social guild that laughed and raided active together. It had that good old-schoold-guild-feeling, instead of the min-max mentality.
We always managed to push trough the raids on heroic eventually, and that was the goal

The GMs are living the PUG-life now as far as I can see


Iā€¦I feel attacked and embarrassed. Thanks man

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when my tank is high enough i just qeue up on that heroic dungeon, do my battle war cry, and run like a maniac towards the end goal. Oh teamate dying collateral damage?! dont worry bro your blood, enemy blood their mums blood i take everything now, JUST KEEP ON DYING!
After my blood lust satisfied everyone takes loot and happy, while teamates write ā€˜ā€˜You need doctor dudeā€™ā€™

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I actually like pineapple pizza.




Iā€™ll list a few ā€œdark confessionsā€ sure or hot takes either works

I like ganking people to finish my pvp wq rather than do the pve objective

I think current class design has been the least mentally stimulating in years and Iā€™m sick of pretending that its fun.

I think alot if not the majority of people who make clueless comments on what worgens could get customisation wise are either wanting blizzard to appeal to ā€œfurriesā€ or are people who probably have like a level 10 alt with zero interest in the race if not close to it.

  • Im tired of seeing worgens should have tails comments when creatively speaking theyā€™re one of the least inspired races and donā€™t even have access to basic features like piercings, tattoos? A better selection of colours / patterns / straight back. The race is doomed to be dictated by people who are obsessed in just butchering it just like how trash the heritage armor is.

Raiding being bis source for highest item level and most unique gear needs to stop, either one or the other not both.

I take great pleasure in people trying to angrily whisper me after ganking them only to be called everything under the sun.

I think wow is still my fav mmo due to the legion devs being flawless with adding mythic plus and honor levels

I am bored of how pushed humans and elves are in most games not just wow which leave alot of other races usually underdeveloped

Also not everything needs to be relatable or politically correct when you play the game to escape reality. I wanna smash the orc god help me the day I am forbidden from ganking said orc

The minute the devs police player led content is the day wow hits the lowest it can as a game. Kts the best double edged sword this game has, same applies for addons

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That explains why I roughed corona out so easily without being vaxxed.

I saw this item from WoD called Iron Horde Rations.

For all the pineapple pizza haters out thereā€¦

ā€œSmells vile and tastes worse, but undeniably potent.ā€ :pizza:


Whenever I see someone complaining about PvP I want to say ā€œgod nobody cares about wow PvP I wish they trash that game mode entirelyā€ but hold myself back.

I killed realms and guilds whenever they were too many people, things I didnā€™t like and have no remorse ,3 cheers for retail wow and especially doomhammer Alliance and hydraxian waterlords in tbc classic but i double crossed and destroyed so many guilds over the years and on plenty of realms, that is how i deal with uneeded tools anymore.


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I had an affair with a married woman that lasted for several months, which resulted in the birth of our son. Sheā€™s still married to the same guy who thinks itā€™s his kid.


Iā€™m not a stoner in real life, contrary to my forum personaā€¦ :yum:

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i did think to play a horde character, betraying everything i like (aesthetics-lore-races) to play with friends i met IRL latelyā€¦ but, and i joke you not, 3 days after discussing it with them, blizzard announced the cross faction play, sooo.

Im stuck for over a year on 55k of gold. Because of moggingā€¦ Why does that need to cost so much gold :,)

Im staring everyday in awe at the Elden Ring release date.



My dark confession is that I am not above being petty when on a healer and will let someone die if theyā€™re being a poohead.


1- Once, I spent over 5k gold in one day wearing a different tmog for every M+ I did in the day.

2- Iā€™d have over 5 mil gold or more, if I didnā€™t sort by unowned transmogs, and buy from the cheapest till my gold runs out, every time I hoard some amount of gold Iā€™d do this.

3- Once, some guy was super convinced that Iā€™m a girl, despite me repeatedly dropping hints that Iā€™m not, he also was super jealous of a friend of mine that I used to tag along with a lot, to the point that heā€™d let him die sometimes in M+ out of spite ( he was a healer and just wouldnā€™t heal him )

Seeing that guy was willing to leave anything he was doing to come and heal my M+ groups and since he was kind of decent in doing so, I kind of let him keep thinking Iā€™m a girl and just kept inviting him whenever I was missing a healer.

4- I once played for two weeks straight using an intellect weapon in BFA as a warrior tank.

5- I used to eat while raiding, and it would cause a slight performance drop as Iā€™d be playing with one hand, when asked I often shrugged it off as me needing a little break.


Tried it once and to my utter disbelief, the thing actually tasted good and as such Iā€™m a closeted pineapple pizza lover.

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