Make a dark confession (*if you dare!*) šŸ˜±

I play Allianceā€¦ :anguished:

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@ festivals i sell Fructose powder with lil coc in it for 80 Bucks. And cbd as thc.
And sometimes i say im a girl and scam incels for Gold and free runs.

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I corpse camp druids at least 5 times.

Average is 10 / till they log off

Yall pretending to be nice.

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Charging a tip for a Dalaran port. Then sending them off to Old Dalaran.

To the true mages in here, you know exactly what Iā€™m talking about.


When warmode is off and i come across a world boss being killed by the alliance, I just auto attack and go make tea. sometimes i come back and Im potato bread.

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In m+ if I get an item someone might need that I kind of need I donā€™t loot the chest.

I got a much lower ilvl neck at the weekend that is technically better and I just left it in the chest.

Then got it in the mail later.


Most toxic individuals play male orc

edit: or male human paladin.


That isnā€™t a dark confession, that is a factā€¦


Fair enough.

Iā€™ve been on threads saying that the Love Rocket should stay super rare.

My confession is that last year I got the Love Rocket on my 70-something attempt. Not the 70th-something attempt that year. My 70-somethingth attempt ever.

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My darkest confession is that I fancy both Dunkiee and Daestra :heart_eyes:


That is so mean ā€¦ but funny.

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many such cases, sad

confession: i love the smell of orc in morning (dead ones preferably ),undead orcs when?


Nobody fancies meā€¦ sniffs


could be worse you knowā€¦

someone i work with fancies meā€¦ sent me a valentine as a secret admirerā€¦

its the girl i like i referred about in the pastā€¦

the problem is she doesnā€™t actually talk to me, if she just came up to me one day and spoke to me i would date her there and then but reality is how would a relationship work if she is afraid to talk to me longer than ā€œhelloā€ ā€¦

EDIT: i will make more effort over the coming weeks to try start conversation with herā€¦ see what happensā€¦

dark confession is i purposely was not talking to her to start conversations to see if she wouldā€¦ for some reason girls who like me are scared of meā€¦ i dont know whyā€¦ i guess its because im a pretty quiet person and they donā€™t know how to approach me ā€¦ but either way they should just talk to me if they want to get to know me lol.


I said my dog died once to not attend a guild raid and went appear offline for a whole week. they knew I was there, they left me alone cause they thought I was sad but really I forgot that I used that as an excuse.

I felt bad cause they said they were short on dps and I promised them I would join but really I was insanely annoyed that night and being some massdispel bot was not something I wanted to do, In the end it worked.

To top it all of my dog was somewhere in the other room making love to his plushy.


How can I not fancy that hair? :pleading_face::pleading_face:

I think playing Death Knights as any race other than Undead is wrong.