Make a dark confession (*if you dare!*) šŸ˜±

I miss levelling taking longer as I get bored as soon as I hit max levelā€¦ I miss the feeling of exploring zones too :frowning:


same ā€¦ i dunno why this game as to be such a rush these days.

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I get this feeling with most games these daysā€¦like ā€œthis is it?ā€. Games used to feel much biggerā€¦like for example the old ff7ā€¦that was a full game when it releasedā€¦now they cut it up into different games or release DLC or early access gamesā€¦Iā€™ve gone back to playing old single player games >.<

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yea it is all about least effort most profit these days.

it is why i havent even touched a single game in about 4 months nowā€¦ not even booted one up.

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I went off to TBC for that reason, but in fact I just miss the old days :frowning:

It was very fun for the first time when that game re-released - found a very friendly rogue and doing WPL was more fun than ever!

Maybe itā€™s the old leveling AND the presence of a kind friend you miss? :thinking:

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Donā€™t need people perse. I played a lot of single player games before mmorpgs. The content and quality in games just seems less than it did before even though you pay more these days.

old games prided themselves on the story and immersion ā€¦

major games these days are all about cheap thrills, competition and addiction.

Elden ring is probably the most recent title which was different ā€¦ and more like the old gamesā€¦ but it was still just a reskin of dark souls.

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Sadly I never liked the feel of Dark Souls. Bought Horizon today feels okay so far :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I did try it. They are not happier! I love alliance and all kind and sweet people that I meet along the journey.

Donā€™t know if people are burnt out right now but I did encounter so many toxic people while leveling my horde character from 1-60. Could also just be bad luck while going dungeons within LFD-tool!

The biggest and most positive different between my alliance vs horde experience is that the population is much healthier on horde. LFD as healer while leveling 14 sec Q!

But lately when the announcement about x-play came I have noticed a big amount of ā€œnewā€ people joining alliance once more. And it makes me incredibly happy that alliance is getting more player!


Call of Duty is a good example of that.

The very first part, while having low image qualities, had crazy great stories, even if the character of Cpt. Price is contradicting (dies in the Ship mission in Cod1, and returns to lead the British in the second part - needless to say, too weird he still has enough health left to even participate in modern wars).

And the modern games are pleasing to the eye with the 4k graphics and dramatic ā€œsave the worldā€ stories but are all too short and mostly built for multiplayer that not everyone might enjoy. :frowning:
Say, I finished WW2 in 6 hours playtime, and I even got stuck during the last mission during that time.

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call of duty and call of duty 2 were actually pretty good gamesā€¦ it was not really until modern warfare imo when it went viral on xbox that greed took over.

remember the 360 no scope fad and ā€œmum get the cameraā€ ?? all leads to what it became.

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Yes!! YES!!! SEE CAPCOM!! See this???

Get Street Fighter back to what it was! SFV was utter garbage and Iā€™m saying that as possibly the biggest SF fan youā€™ll meet.

You know the thing that annoys me most of all in videogamesā€¦

FPS games.

The weapons NEVER overheat.
(Anyone who has used an automatic firearm will tell you that if you hold down the trigger for more than 3 seconds your barrel and muzzle will get very hot, for longer than 6 seconds your barrel and muzzle will overheat rendering the gun almost useless.
The bullets ALWAYS follow where you are pointing.
Anyone who has used a firearm will tell you that unless you are standing and firing at point-blank range bullets very rarely go where you are pointing if you are shoulder firing without a scope and VERY rarely if you are shoulder firing when moving (especially running) and almost never if you are hip firing.
They never need cleaning regularly, never need to be maintained regularly, and never ever jam.
Anyone who has used a firearm will tell you that if you donā€™t clean and maintain your weapon regularly it will jam very easily and you may as well run-up to your enemy and try to club him to death.
You seem to carry an infinite amount of ammunition magazines (or clips)
Bullets in bulk are heavy. Believe me. The kind used in video games like NATO 5.56 and 7.62 seem to appear magically out of nowhere and the player can hold like 50 replacement magazinesā€¦ They wouldnā€™t be able to walk without huffing and puffing carrying that much ammunition never mind sprinting from cover to coverā€¦

grrrrrrrrrrarrgh!!! Rant over.


Thatā€™s one thing I donā€™t much like in some FPS games, that they donā€™t feel realistic enough. :frowning:

Very few games have a weapon degradation system (Far Cry 2) and recoil mostly isnā€™t correct (or only for multiplayer). Donā€™t know a single game where you have a realistic carry limit with proper penalties for X pounds/specific equipment carried.

Or say, Iā€™ve seen realistic combat debuffs in newer CoDs and Fallout (where if your legs are crippled, your movement is hampered, or with a beaten up arm, your aim is very unsteady).

So I almost died when that grenade blew up, got a couple shrapnels in my arms but yippie, 5 secs and they are magically gone! :star_struck:

Still, game developers are making a progress towards it - thatā€™s what really counts, after all!

you seem to know a lot about firearms, should i be worried?

the deadliest firearm i ever used was a super soaker.

EDIT: on the topic of fps games ā€¦ i find them much better in virtual reality personally.

i once filled my super soaker with head and shoulders and nail polish remover and used it as a flame thrower to kill antsā€¦

true story.

lol no I owned a few guns when I lived in the states and the guy I went hunting with was ex military and he taught me a lot of things. Namely.

ā€œbuddy, always remember, this here tool picks up shotgun will kill someone if you mess around with it. Remember itā€™s a killing tool. Treat it with respectā€

Nothing annoyed him more than seeing idiots with guns, he was always complaining bout guns in movies and games lol.

But what made him absolutely go berserk at his firing range?

A kid holding a semi auto handgun. With one hand.

Sideways. He would walk over and throw them off his range more or less telling them he wasnā€™t about to allow idiots to endanger other people at the range.

Having said all that about firearms, I must confess one of my all time favourite games are in fact Doom and Quake.

Doom Eternal. When you have had a rotten day dealing with ungrateful customers who think itā€™s your fault they got semi skimmed milk instead of full skimmed in their delivery and you wonā€™t drive back to get them a replacement, (damn right I wont, you think Iā€™m going to drive ALLLLL the way back to Dundee from a farm sitting at the bottom of Schiehallion and then BACK again just to get you your full skimmed milk because it had to be subbed!!!) going back home, booting up Doom Eternal and blasting Barons of Hell in the face with a 50,cal shotgun is great stress reliefā€¦

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A favourite trick of mine was to plant bangers (the big continental ones, not the lame UK ones) in ant nests and proceed to wreck my garden.
On a side note, best of luck recovering from depression- been there myself and its horrible. Iā€™m still prone to it, but not as bad as I was about 10 years ago.


Itā€™s truly a wonderful thing that unlike in the WoW related happy/sad thread, people do share their everyday difficulties and misdeeds. Itā€™s the necessary first step to fight the heavy weight upon oneā€™s heart. :heart:

I never expected this thread to be this successful. So many different people confessed here, I lost count. Iā€™d like to leave a quote of wisdom here. :latin_cross:

It does not spoil your happiness to confess your sin. The unhappiness is in not making the confession. - Charles Spurgeon

May those who confessed be forgiven of their misdeeds.
May those who have fallen to sadness arise happy once again.
May those who experience difficulties manage to overcome them.
May everyone here reach the Light who are passing through the Darkness.

ā€¦ for the beauty of the Light owes its existence to the Dark.


And finally - may this thread always be here to help everyone in their struggles.


I miss Dunkieeā€¦ :slightly_frowning_face:


I bet the next expansion which takes us from 60 to 70 will be quick as well, such a shame

Define dark? :thinking:

I suppose for me, currently, itā€™d be that I love elves compared to my burning hatred for tauren.

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