Make a dark confession (*if you dare!*) šŸ˜±

I mean cmonā€¦ anyoneā€¦ ANYONE my age and was an arcade game addict in the 80ā€™s and 90ā€™sā€¦

And you donā€™t even have to beā€¦

Canā€™t deny music like this gets you sitting up and saying ā€œoh yeah itā€™s on now!ā€

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So havenā€™t even tried it yet?

Itā€™s never too late :slightly_smiling_face:

I was helping another hunter taming that purple firelands spider that was hard to tame , but ended up ninja taming it for myself :grimacing:. Back in cata that is


When i level alt every part of new gear i get, i run back to tmog npc to change it so i dont look like a clown.

In vanilla i used to exit game everytime i went to bathroom or lil break coz i was afraid of getting ganked.

When i run mythic keys i always stale and pretend im afk coz im lazy to summon up.

I keep my gold on deleted character untill i restore it every month once coz im afraid of hackers.


I sometimes take flags in bgs and just sit in corners to have a little snackie :slight_smile:


You donā€™t need to go and find an npc. If you buy the Grand Expedition Yak from Pandaria, you have one travelling around with you.

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Maybe he doesnā€™t have the money - but truth be told I do share this habit.

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It took me a long time to save up for it when I was playing MOP but thereā€™s been so much gold inflation that it may not seem so expensive. And, to be fair, I use it several times every day so itā€™s certainly been worth it ā€¦ mainly for repairs and emptying my bags of crap but also for mogging (or in my case hiding) new items.


Indeed not, with the mission table/callings/paragon itā€™s easy to earn a lot (at 320k personally). I hope the poster above will read this :grin:

I like to eat raw horde corpsesā€¦

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I do not confess here, I go to a respectable shared space :stuck_out_tongue:

Ɛelenisā€™s image:


I bought 2 wow tokens , to buy the lightforged tank in Argus =[ I did feel guilty for spending 30 euros on it : /


You can never spend enough on hoofbeasts, and thatā€™s alright! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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the day i find an exploit in the game i will abuse it, there i said it

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Not Wow related but I knew a dude who bought a life sized movie action figure for 3 or 4000ā‚¬

30 euro is like 3 large pizzas, dw about it :partying_face:

So 2 tokens are worth as much as 3 pizzas.

With a token being 200k-ish (the last time I checked) and 2 being 400k, a pizza is worth 130k gold.

These bakers sure know how to print money.

I know how I will farm gold in the rest of my life.
Baking pineapple pizzas and selling them to Hairyclown. :pizza:

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I would love to see more buff female races

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Sad state of Alliance. 14 guilds as of today has done this boss on mythic.