Make a dark confession (*if you dare!*) šŸ˜±

only one person spams forums with impunity with necro threads dating to 2019 and its not that you mention. idc about anyone else in here except the mega spammer

Not Twilster! :scream:

I gladly gank lowlevel Hordies. As sadistic as it might sound, it actually have an ideological reasoning.

I always plays with WM and PvP off and there is no secret I am in favour of a faction merge/unification based upon lore. However, I consider other players with WM/PvP enabled to be provocateurs and opposers of a faction unification, so they becomes legitimate targets. /pvp, smash them, and /pvp again.

And yes, I would also do this to lowlevel Alliance chars if I could.

The only exception is players being flagged while visiting the other factionā€™s cities. they will always be welcomed.

I really want game be brought back up to the accessibility and enjoyability level it had in classic / tbc. Less mechanics difficulty, less addon dependence, more spec complexity, builts and gearing optimisation.
Also very strict penalties for actual toxicity or scams in game, vigilant hate speech of any kind moderation.

If some neckbeards or dudets lose their only purpose in life because of that, since there wont be any elite difficulty / limited rewards / option to spit acid on others, i wont feel bad for them, nor will i be sorry. I will cherish it with all my heart.


I only ever visited warmode to gain more azerite power :sparkles:


In BFA, I use to activate the nzoth toy to become hostile to both alliance and horde, and get to some location in Kulā€™Tiras and ask for help because there was a ganker killing lowbies in the General Chat, only to kill whoever came and fell into my trap. :smiley:


Wellā€¦ there was.

I havenā€™t been getting much practice in on my small violin:-


I on purpose 1 shot people in BGs to make them leave the game and speak out for PvP gearing. To the guy that took the fat 45k demonbolt or 50k soul fire; it was me, sorry.

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Today i remembered another oneā€¦i played on a private server for a solid half yearā€¦:sob:

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I know play horde for the first time in 16 years a troll female shaman on Kingfall som , I play fully loyal unlike Alliance side, if I see someone being overpowered, shreded I heal, rmove curse, poison , assist him/her and fight with the same tenacity in pvp than I do when I play Alliance side on my human female warlock in tbc classic or when I played my old main that war and I still cheat of course never fought fair never will , I have all kind of potions and funs in keybind from free action pot to restorative, magic dust and others and took engineering on top !

im secretly a necromancer


Thatā€™s not a secret - as noted in this very thread, Retributor is on to you! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


i prefer waman more tbh :3


I kill all the critters in dungeons to cheese more DPS. Got them all mapped out before a run :rofl:. Gotta do what ya gotta do for that sweet number 1 spot.


I like Dark Chocolate.
There, you just had your dark secret!

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W-w-what? Y-you said you l-l-like dark c-c-chocolate?!

People gonna give me some really dirty looks but I think CM Warlock set is overrated. I admit that the helm is badass but the rest of the set is extremely meh and itā€™s kinda lost something since DHā€™s were introduced and meta was taken away from Demo. Itā€™s just a reminder of the time before they had a class in the game that is more suited to that horns and brown rags aesthetic. Almost every other Warlock set is superior IMO. Nemesis? Iconic. Corruptor? Edgy af and perfect for lock. Voidheart? Amazing for Velf and goes great with Voidwalker. Malefic? Badass demon wings. Tier 8? Incredible for Forsaken. Shadow Council? Literally Gulā€™danā€™s shoulders with skulls and fel fire. Amazing for Orc. And the last three tier sets for Lock have been stunning.

Donā€™t get me wrong, CM WL isnā€™t a bad set but that helm carries it HARD. Take Voidheart helm or Corruptor helm away and they still look badass. Take CM helm away and it looks like generic brown robes. If it didnā€™t have those giant demon horns it would be regarded as one of the worst Warlock sets IMHO.

100% of the times I die in M+ itā€™s because I am constantly watching Netflix even while pushing.


When I die in m+ its because I suck at it

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