Make a dark confession (*if you dare!*) šŸ˜±

i had a crush on my best friends girlfriend :slight_smile:

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Tell more :grimacing:


Ehh, who hasnā€™t? I mean, I donā€™t mean Specifically -your- best friends girlfriend, that would be superweird unless she was Helena Bonham Carter or Winona Ryder, but the general scenario.

Imagine that, a General Forums ten year meet up ā€œLetā€™s all go to Twiggzā€™s house and check out his best mateā€™s girlfriendā€¦ā€


not much to say , other than it didnt end well for me in the end :slight_smile:

short story i got to close to herā€¦ and found out all the awful things my best friend was doing to her in the relationship which was questionable at best :Pā€¦(this put my friend in my bad books and set off the downfall of our friendship)

honestly now though i think she was just playing me ā€¦ cause she was jealous of how close to my friend i was and wanted to break the friendship

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Or Angela Raynerā€¦

Thatā€¦does sound like a pretty rubbish situation all round to be fair, yeah, emotions be tricksy beasts, and best not ā€˜playedā€™ with.

Iā€™m gonna have to take a pass on that oneā€¦ Iā€™m sure sheā€™s lovely, but she isnā€™t batguano crazy enough to be my type!

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I undercut on AH very offen.

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she was very attractiveā€¦ had my friend wrapped around her finger and was inside his head within a year.

so when the day come when he had to make a decision to kick me out of his life or listen to my reasonā€¦

it was a really her decision he was speakingā€¦(he was a completely different person than the guy i knew at this point)

i am bitter about it but at the end of the day good riddance ā€¦ he was a lost cause at that point threw out a ten year friendship where i always fought his corner in favour of booty lol.

EDIT: to think despite all this ā€¦ i always vouched for them to keep trying as a couple when they had hard times lol.

Thereā€™s only so many times you can hold out a hand in friendship and have it slapped away before you say to yourself ā€œwhy botherā€¦ā€


exactlyā€¦ i would say the proper words to describe how i feel about it now but i would probably get account banned here lol.

it was just another proof of reason to me not to trust absolutely anyone in this world lolā€¦ i know i can get through life solo anyway better than dragging someone with me :stuck_out_tongue:

My dark confession :thinking:

One of the main reasons I main Demon Hunter is because itā€™s one of the few classes that isnā€™t overcrowded with unpruned abilities that pollute my action bars, keeping my UI nice and tidy, and my hands out of pain trying to reach too far.

I hate having to put abilities on my bars that I use once in a blue moon, but need them bound when I have to use themā€¦

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I hear you bud, Iā€™m the kind of guy who would take a bullet for you but if I get crossed or made to feel Iā€™m unimportant then I will literally stand over you watching as youā€™re clutching your chest having a heart attack while casually eating a bag of crispsā€¦

Possibly a bit harsh, butā€¦ thatā€™s me Might also explain why I donā€™t have many friends lolā€¦


i tell you what ā€¦ once i started focusing on myself over helping others around me priorityā€¦ my fitness. my health. my life situation and absolutely everything has improved immensely.

people i was putting such dedication and importance into was holding me back i think.

my fitness right now is the best it has ever been in my entire lifeā€¦

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Good for you, Twiggz - I myself have had to take a good look at my health recently. After my usual morning coffee and cigarette on Monday morning, i felt bloody awful. Not much better at lunchtime, so binned the ciggies, got the vape pen out and starting to feel great again. Hope i can permanently stop this timeā€¦

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Wish you the best with that, that is big decision to make and a hard one! :slight_smile:

everyone who makes those decisions for the better get my respect.


another confession, a girl i liked got back with her ex over xmas she came back to work after a 5 week holidayā€¦ and started trying to flirt with me again not knowing i knew she spent the holiday with her ex.

i completely blanked her out of spite of that knowledge.

Why, thatā€™s how it should work. If the other person wonā€™t appreciate your effortsā€¦ (coming from one who was used quite a lot of times nowā€¦ doing such a punishment to a coworker who used my good will to his advantage. I spent months blackmailing him to the point the whole workplace hates him.)

In general Iā€™m not like this but the person in question went an inch too farā€¦

Try macros with modifiers, I have a lot of binds yet my bars are nice and clean. :grin:

I donā€™t need macros with modifiers, I already have everything set up as comfortable as possible. Did you know you can just bind another row to ALT+<number> and you can actually see the cooldown of your abilities? :wink: The problem is that we have too many useless and situational abilities on a lot of classes and specs.

In a Magtheridon PUG in TBC (actual, not classic) I was the main tank. I fat fingered when he became active and went into Berserker Stance. Then I immediately fat fingered again and popped Recklessness. I died promptly and the raid leader loudly blamed the healers.

I didnā€™t correct the raid leader.


raid leaders know best

that is why they are called leadersā€¦