Make a dark confession (*if you dare!*) šŸ˜±

Some time during WotLK i leveled and geared up an Alliance character just to gank my friends. Which i did successfully, many many times. So much so that my Alliance character got quite ā€œinfamousā€ among my friend circle. To the point they tried to organize traps by having one character act as a ā€œbaitā€ while the rest of them hid in the immediate area, waiting for me to show up. It only worked once because i used my Horde character to track their location.

To this day some of them still bring up ā€œthat [expletive] Death Knightā€. They never found out it was me.


The only times Iā€™ve ever really enjoyed WoW are when Iā€™m outright trolling somebody; better results when they donā€™t know whatā€™s happening.

Ever been teleported in a dungeon and fallen to your death? That was probably me and my swapblaster.

In BFA I used the boat near the echo isles to get to Zuldazar because I didnā€™t realise there was a portal in the portal room

Oh yeah, and twice Iā€™ve used the instant tank queue to save myself from drowning, then immediately left the group.

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I destroyed someones key because someone destroyed mine

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I canā€™t resist headbanging when I hear the Maldraxxi theme after exiting the Seat.

That metal theme is so good. :metal::metal:


man from all your stories your life sounds like trash xd

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it really is lol ā€¦

if its one thing i learned sifting through all the trash is that im better off alone no one can screw me over then :stuck_out_tongue:

just do facepulls and watch it all turn round bro

i used to be a pretty passive and tolerant person you know, but it got me no where only where i am nowā€¦

these days i just take no crap from anyone with no filterā€¦ if they dont like what i got to say about them itā€™s their problem people said alot worse to me already lol.

people do not like me because i am too honest about them

I always use Swapblaster - Item - World of Warcraft ( to troll people on raids.

They are jumping around, I go near of a cliff and swamp with them to they end falling :smiley:

No worries, you are not alone. I did the same. :sweat_smile:


I sit with the lights off

I used to play Wow on a laptop many years ago, while on the toilet.
No voice chat, Iā€™m not an animal

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Honestly, better do it like that than use bottles. Preferred method will always be ā€œThe Cartmanā€, however.

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Youā€™re getting better and better as time goes by but you havenā€™t pulled the entire instance and left yet when somebody willingly unfriendly run their mouth to you :grin:

yeah ur probably right i guess im not overly that dark after all.

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Hmm, I may have done that. I donā€™t know. Been tanking for so long. But I do remember actually fixing situations like that. Tank pulls big, leaves, queue pops for me, I join and salvage it. Once or twice I actually got blamed for it afterwards. Fun times.

Also it didnā€™t feel like the point of this thread to post unamusing things youā€™ve done out of pure spite.

i also got an alliance char with which I queue as tank for heroics then I say ā€œalliance sucksā€ and insta leave


I sometimes PK tanks, nothing brings smile to your face better than after tank says ā€œmass pullā€ and then just watch dumb tank run to deathšŸ™‚ Letting dps to die standing in bad stuff just not give that same satisfactionšŸ¤”

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