Make a dark confession (*if you dare!*) šŸ˜±

Once, a very-very long time ago, I got a 100 gold from a friend who aquired it in a way that one really-really-really should not get goldā€¦ and I knew it :flushed:

(And I thought I would be rich forever, with such an amount!)

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I tested Glider (a bot) on a spare account Iā€™d used to get a refer a friend reward. Which then got permabanned. This was pre WoW on

I got a priest to the mid 50s before it was banned, in TBC, maybe early Wrath, if I remember correctly.

I never once felt sorry for those i tricked into thinking they were summoning health stones in Kharazan but was really summoning my Doom Guard and someone got insta killed :stuck_out_tongue:

ā€¦ and the days when your Infernals had to be enslaved after summoning themā€¦ never ever felt bad for killing all those low level players in SW while my Infernal rampaged around. Fun days :smiling_imp:

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Few years ago in raid we had 1 mage in it. While we were summoning players he made classic stonard portal joke on top of wlocks summoning stone. Later when we needed new players for last pulls, i made dalaran portal on top of summoning stone. Ofc guys clicked it and that only mage in our raid got gkicked. I moved in to the shadows and stayed silent.

Now I wanted to hear tales of you being displeased with how a raid went and saying to the group ā€œOK you know what, this is what I think of that attemptā€¦ā€

soft plunks followed by a flush

ā€œThere. OK pull timer plsā€


I find satisfaction in accidently not being able to heal a rude player in time, especially those who really get a go on someone else for no reason.
ā€œOh I am so sorry, I was like HALF a second too lateā€ - ā€œOh no! woops again, I dunno whatā€™s wrong with me today!ā€ :smiling_imp:

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every time I did die in some boss encounter I did say that my cat jump on my keyboard


Iā€™ve been appearing offline for about 9 monthsā€¦

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Good lord, wish I could dump on command lol, usually takes me prunes and enough pressure to form a diamond

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This must be some high power indeed. Not many would master this skill. :rofl:

it seems to be a new trend in a certain age group of people to my knowledge to hide offline because they think people care enough to look if they are online everyday xd

i personally dont get it i always show onlineā€¦ if i dont wanna talk to someone i just tell them as much lol.

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When I used to raid, good players would get a soul ressā€¦ bad players would get crematedā€¦ :fire:


in another game a guy went out his way to break a friendship up with me and a guy i used to play withā€¦

i didnt like that so i stalked him across realms tracked down his guild ā€¦ joined his guild became friends with his guild leaderā€¦ told him about the guys past and his toxic nature and got him kicked from the guildā€¦

he then quit the game for good.

back in the day this was when i was a toxic SoBā€¦ to people who wronged me lolā€¦ im not like that now.

I am laughing.By the way say that to that guy asking for gold in Stormwind at a corner.
ā€œI am not giving you anything,I will spend 9k on my characterā€™s hair instead.ā€.

Iam completely ashamed of myself for playing this game, nothing more really.


Every time I read the title for this thread I miss read it as ā€œduck confessionsā€.


Add Ducks Blizz. Iā€™m sure Microsoft will give us ducks.


Iā€™ve deliberately murdered thousands of crittersā€¦


1: Iā€™ve been using way too many invis pots as a guardian tank (duh: catform - prowl).
2: I had no idea you could switch conduits in a rested place. I always went back to my covenant area to use the table.


I donā€™t even play the game but I would be too.

At least u admit it thatā€™s the first step.

Blizzard: Zero ducks given

(Double pun intended)