Yes, a lot of the realms were balanced better before P2.
Then the alliance began to quit due to the fact they gave up.
Flamelash = Was like 45%-55% and the alliance gave up and all transferred to Earthshaker.
Heck, you have 14 current realms that are alliance favoured.
7 being heavily alliance favoured.
The majority of the “horde dominated” realms are currently 40% alliance - 60% horde.
These were 45-55%ish, before the alliance gave up and quit.
As I said, the alliance are PvE carebears(I know, because I’m part of this faction and the amount of times that players just ran away from you in a PvP battle instead of helping you… I don’t know why they went to a PvP realm)
We just stopped 3-4 horde raids from entering Onyxia with 2-3 of our raids.
this is/was the same in retail, same story, alliance never helped out, just ran,
i know becouse ive been playing on retail servers on ally side since 2006!
it would help me, if there werent any xrealm crap like nowdays.
nobody cares about faction balance or whatever a BG should be fair and balanced no matter the faction. and it is clear and thousands of times proven that ally premades is cheating and is working against the supposed system of pugging people in an AV.
nobody cares if your faction be it horde or ally is lower no one literally cares. And bringing it up is always trying to make poor excuses for it to continue even if it’s cheating (quote bait <<). It’s all about fairness and balance and ally premades are NOT.
Also no one cares about queue time on horde when they join a game they want a fair AV and not this zug zug pve rush drek av which ally premades are doing.
The funny part is that Horde is actually the improved faction. they basically crap on any ally pug because how divided all players are among the horde because they can’t abuse premades.
Imagine now a world without ally premades and all the high ranked ally players have to pug av. Just like the horde has to. doesn’t sound balanced or? Also no one cares about world pvp we are here to talk about Bg’s.
There is no bugs exploited nor any real issue beside one in your brains. You have zero clue of what you are talking about. Please stay in your rathole next time.
Flamelash wasn’t 45-55 at all, it was more like 67-33, according to databases.
The only point we don’t agree on is that alliance being pve carebears. Surely, most alliance players are pve carebears, but so are most horde players. Proof? On alliance-populated servers alliance can dominate the same way. It couldn’t be a coincidence that all good pvpers gathered up in those servers?
When you talk about millions of people from different gaming types, at the end of the day, it comes down to numbers.
And the reason most alliance players aren’t pvping in open world isn’t because they are PvE carebears. The reason is, no matter if you win or lose, the guy that engaged you will make a call in general chat and you will have 20+ hordes on your tail for the rest of the day and ruin your whole game.
I have met several dozens of multi-gladiator, rank 1, hota etc. alliance players on my server that don’t even engage in any pvp in open world unless they have to. When we(they) see another alliance player getting ganked, they just walk through, because again, even if you win that fight, you will eventually get zerged by a hundred sweaty nerds a minute later.
The root of all evil in classic from pvp to economy, from raiding to levelling, is faction imbalance. If faction imbalance isn’t solved, there is no other viable long term solutions to fix anything.
start of phase 2 did last like 3 weeks. battlegrounds will last for the entirety of classic lifespan. do we want to keep discussing or are we finished?
just trying to understand you if you are here to understand simple logic as i told you. Or are you trying to keep crying around because you got farmed at the start of p2?
no one cares horde players are glad to switch over to wsg to get honor. you are talking as the game needs premade which makes me inherently laugh actually.
you are actually just here to try to troll around and stalk threads about ally premades and provoke anyone with your nonsense mostly horde players.
i’d actually give you a 4/10 for trolling because you get people to bait you constantly and the downvote button being removed. i’d give you another 5 points if you would at least try to discuss with people in an civil manner, but this doesn’t happen very often. And iv’e only seen 2 people yet on these forums doing that very good.
I gladly wait for a 30 minute queue for a balanced and equal Alterac Valley rather than being disrupted by a 8 minute racing battleground which is stupid, remove Premade and let every player of the alliance play in a single team rather than having an entire 40 man player of an average of rank 8 players up to Marshal.
Talking about simple logic, makes me laugh off my chair.
Phase 2 was known to be lasting a limited amount of time. (obviously, duh)
Any “damage” affecting battleground was instead obvious to continue indefinitely.
Nothing literally NOTHING of what happened was difficult to foresee and anticipate.
You COULD have helped prevent it to happen, but you didn’t WANT to.
You wanted handicapped mode in phase 2 although - again - knowing that your time to shine was LIMITED. Your greed caused a damage to the faction balance, which was obvious to be lasting until the end unless drastic changes; now we are dealing with the consequences.
End of story. You can nerdrage as much as you wish, that’s not going to change anything.
The only one nerdraging is u dude. Ure attacking everyone that have different opinion and would like to participate in an even game like how its suppose to be. Only argument u have and u give is the faction imbalance and becouse of it u should be able to make a premade and the oppisote faction do not.
What faction imbalance has to do with battlegrounds where u have 10v10 or 15v15 or 40v40. ITS BALANCED like its suppose to be. Do not bring the wpvp argument to battleground discussion. What does wpvp has to do with battlegrounds ? ure not swarmed by horde there.
Battlegrounds are fair and should be fair when 1 team play with pug and so does the other one.
U want balance so i give u balance.
IF alliance can make premades so deos the horde. how that sounds ?
Now u just want to take revenge becouse the server populations are not balanced. THIS is your one and only argument.
If you argue for balance in bgs, you should also be arguing for balance in wpvp. You are not. The hypocrisy is what makes us laugh. Spoiler alert classic is not balanced, and blizzard warned us, warts and all