Make Bg's numbers not visable

you knew what you were getting into when you picked horde, your own fault


Horde crying about balance and fairness is soo fun to watch lol.

Oh look, i choose easy mode faction, not only i dont have to pvp against wotf and hardiness, but i get this racials myself by rolling horde as a bonus! Its only fair, i am a good person, i deserve to win!

Hahaha me so skill me kill!

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Not everyone picked horde for “easy mode”, they picked for friends were rolling horde etc.
Premades in AV is cheating, since there’s no option to “Group as” - Otherwise, you’d be encountering horde premades in AV as well :slight_smile:

Be half immune to stuns is cheating, otherwise you’d be encountering alliance resisting stuns :smiley:

Be immune to fear and charm is cheating, otherwise you’d be encountering alliance immunity to fear and charm :smiley:

So they friends were choosing easy mode.

Premades are consequences of faction unbalance. The fewer people choose easy mode the harder to make premades.

The faction unbalance doesn’t really come into play, when a lot of the alliance don’t even play AV.
The majority of my guild for instance (100+ members) don’t touch AV anymore.

Not really?
People might’ve wanted to play shamans for example?

Dwarves have fear ward :slight_smile:

And because of an unknown reason they all ended up as undead mages and ocr rogues.


Dwarf priests you tried to say :slight_smile:
I dont have one wandering around all time :smiley:

Horde claiming Fear Ward is better/as good

Yet they all undeads

Maximum cringe :smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley:

You can’t purge fear ward, no

Horde doesn’t have one extra purge class, no

Shamans don’t have purge keybound from 1 to 0, no

:joy: hopeless clowns


2 dwarf priests can fear ward their whole premade team in WSG before the gates open. With everyone having 10+ buffs people won’t even try to purge off the fear wards. And with buffs not even showing (unless in range to see it get casted) you won’t know when it is purged

Oh look, zugzugs have feelings too, they don’t know exactly which 2 buffs will be purged :frowning: :sleepy:

Next patch - purge and dispell will now always remove fearward first as it was intended from beginning.

Thank you Blizzard, its only fair! Sometime we had fear not work first time! Now problems gone away, only hordes should be immune to control! Zugzug!

Be mature, please.
I’m just saying (playing priest myself). Whenever I face a dwarf priest I have to use my dispel 5-7 times before I can even begin thinking about fearing him.

Oh really, imagine then alliance priest can even begin thinking about fearing anything undead.

But i feel your pain tho, you know… Zugzugs have it pretty tough…


It always end up with both of em fearing eachother, and both being immune.
Fear ward itself seems fine. It’s the 10min duration on a 2min cooldown which makes it good

faction balance is 50/50!!!

Hard to be undead priest :cold_sweat: we all know it, keep going bro, don’t give up on hard road

I play troll priest, so

no its not lol

so you dont have to deal with wotf and shamans, so your life 5 times easier in pvp