Make Bg's numbers not visable

So is you gitting gut at the game

Because first should rework AV map. After it will be possible removing numbers.

Hey there Blizzard developers.
Make wotf easy mode cowards invisible before u login.
KK thx bye


you mean reworking a map to make it not alliance favored? i’d be with that

Do you really think such thing will ever be done

and quickly if at all?

rather make Shadowlands as a fixed version of Vanilla instead of this clownfiesta

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I mean revorking the map to make it not horde advantage. For example full mirror like WSG or AB.

WSG is not full mirror, horde druids can easily jump from mid to gy kiting entire teams while alliance can’t (their trick jump is next to tunnel so easier to get caught and also more difficult to perform)

Everything is relative. Compared to AV WSG is a full mirror.

What i mean is if they are to go in that direction they might as well fix WSG while they are at it

sure make av less alliance favored and wsg less horde favored completly okay.

?? AV is not allianve favored if we talk about map design lol, it’s exactly the opposite

AB might be cause someone says you can reach stables like 1 second shorter than Farm but that’s all

The whole map design is biased towards Horde

Yes you can by simple adding faction queues when logging in.
But i am pretty sure you dont want to fight in open pvp enviroment while you dont have the advantage of 10 to 1.

That’s ok for you, on the other hand the real problem is battleground numbers…yes yes makes totally sense.

No because No.


the literal only disadvantage alliance has in AV is the small way between IB GY and Tower point. otherwise there is nothing which is horde favored.

please can you stop with the obvious trolling of being incredibly salty just cuz u got farmed by level 40 horde players in silithus at the start of p2?

Just to name few more:

  • SH bunker is much closer to IB GY than IB tower to SH graveyard, so horde can send endless reinforcement to attack SH B
  • SH graveyard is a dead end and can be blocked while few horde captures bunkers, IB GY is open to north so horde cannot be graveyard farmed there
  • while IB chokepoint is a big horde advantage, IW chokepoint is an alliance disadvantage, since it doesn’t defend SH GY so alliance can be blocked to go to south but horde cannot be blocked to go north

Ye would fix lots of problems

“Only” disadvantage is already relevant enough to demand a fix.

horde bragging about phase 2, this meme will never get old

btw I think you meant 40 as raid size lol

  • Dun Baldar being a horrible base to take in meanwhile Frostwolf Keep being just an easy rush-hour.
  • capturing a tower is 2000x easier for allys also are the bowmans much better spread because of the bunkers being so big, let’s not even start talking about the bridge between dun baldar and stormpike gy
  • cave is further away from vanndar for horde than it is for allys for drek.

just a few examples there are much more which I don’t prolly think of right now but are existing.

In the end it doesn’t matter at all. it will stay #nochanges when it comes to map design.

to things aka cheating/abusing like av premades this is something which should get looked at and everyone being a part of it suspended.

world pvp nor faction balance has ANYTHING to do with the fact of cheating an system which is supposed to pug everyone in AV

Alliance pugs get face rolled because all of the decent pvpers are in premades, if your remove premades u be looking at 1hr plus avs a time.

With that time allies mite as well premade wsg as it would be faster honour per hr

Yep either way its not good honor to play with what is left in av pugs

Just got booted out from a AV game because a russian premade dodged the game and it started 2v40 and we got kicked out 5 minutes later.

25 mins in que to end up getting kicked out from the game :slight_smile: