Make Blood Elfs Alliance <3

I like Silvermoon and Thunderbluff. Specially the music. Both easy to navigate imo. Orgrimmar is also easy


No point to for that when alliance already has void elf.

And who cares about blood elves? The true importance is that Pandas shall be alliance only.

I mean.

The Blood Elves were introduced way back in the Warcraft RTS series, Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne. So I am not sure if the renaming from High Elves to Blood Elves had anything to do with the chinese market.

Would not surprise me for the Blood Elves’ inclusion into the Horde though. But the prosecution of royalty from Garithos and the invasion by Arthas already caused a rift between Blood Elves and the Humans, so Blood Elves being on the edge in regards to the Alliance would probably not be that strange.

And the plan for bringing them into the Horde was not entirely bad either, the execution was terrible though as is often the case with blizzard’s writing.

Splitting them up into High Elves and Blood Elves yet again was also a terrible idea.


Oh lord ! they can have my number !!!


I always thought that Stormwind was more confusing than Orgrimmar but I like both.

Celes OK? Do we need to stage an Intervention of some type?

I did not call Orgrimmar confusing, just ugly.

Orc stuff is ment to be ugly!

Blizzard said no. Move on and let it go. Or Pla horde like we all do.

I want a lot of things too, sometimes it is not possible
deal with it!

I played ESO for quiet some time, but in my opinion weapons there look like plastic toys. :(((

Well, now I wonder why we are in the Horde then : ^)

Please don’t do this to me.

Fair enough.

I can’t provide links.
I will provide a source reddit linked by Steabra a couple of months ago:

“How far into development of bc did the team decide on blood elfs. At the time you where there, did they consider blood elfs as high elfs, or think of them as 2 different races?”

Alexander Brazie - Blizzard Game Designer:
"They were distinct pretty early on - the Blood Elf starting zone was one of the earliest pieces of BC content and was highly polished by the time we rolled into testing.

I do remember a certain poor 3d artist having to chop the Silvermoon city into pieces because it was so overloaded many GPUs would overheat just loading it.

OH - one thing I vaguely remember was that Blood Elves were based on a STRONG request from a poll of asian players (either korean or chinese - I can’t remember which was live at that point) - where many remarked on the horde side that they and their girlfriends wanted a non-creepy femme race to play."

This episode has become even more questionable at my eyes because of BfA.

I mean we have Saurfang hoping for Anduin to stop Sylvanas.
You have Anduin telling Saurfang he can’t sop her, not without his help.
You have Jaina changing her mind after Baine brought her brother.
Heck I read that Tyrande will be working with the Horde player in the next expansion, when she should want our hides for Teldrassil.

Surely the High elves could had considered Garithos a case of an exception, not the rule in the Alliance, couldn’t they ?
I mean they had Alliance assistance, when they fought the Amani.

Where they came from with Silver Covenant and that third Windrunner sister , during Cataclysm (catastrophe expansion for me) is beyond me.

He’s Chritie Golden example of non toxic masculinity.

Couldn’t agree more.


The Blood Elves did actually not judge the current Alliance based on Garithos or Arthas, they were wary but open to negotiations. This is why we see a dwarven “diplomat” in Eversong Woods when you quest through as a Blood Elf.

The Blood Elves were quite open to the Alliance, even showing them around in very important buildings, explaining how the buildings work too.

This was back in TBC where the Sunwell was still destroyed, and the Arcane Sanctums were used to gather magic energies from the leylines so that the Blood Elves could use that to sate their addiction to magic.

Turns out that the dwarf was writing everything down and delivering it to Night Elf spies who then coincidently happened to be right next to an Arcane Sanctum that malfunctioned, so to the Blood Elves it looked like a total betrayal at this point. And of course, while the Alliance was looking to just be sabotaging, spying and invading while the Blood Elves were still incredibly weak, a member of the Horde came to help them
 the forsaken.

Lor’themar reconsidered again later in MoP and opened talks with Varian
 but then the Purge of Dalaran happened and that was appearantly the very last straw for Lor’themar.

It was only then that he finally decided that the Alliance could not be trusted at all. The Horde has it’s bad apples but atleast there is always someone within going against it, it was also against Garrosh Lor’themar decided that if his people were to be safe, the Blood Elves would have to pick up the fight themselves hence why they went to the Thunder Isle, to find: leverage against their Warchief.

It is a long, long history of betrayal.

Veressa came into the light back in 2001, I think. In the book Day of the Dragon by Richard A. Knaak. She came into lore a year before Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos released.

She with Rhonin were pet characters of Knaak.

The Silver Covenant started existed along with the Sunreavers back in WOTLK, both being elves who lived in Dalaran following it’s destruction.

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I do though


Bloodelves want nothing to do with a lame faction such as the alliance. Your leader suck and no one wants to be on the same side as dwarfs, gnomes or worgen. Ew lucky.

I’m so awesome I don’t need a faction.

NPCs come to me with quests and rewards and if i’m in a good mood I accept them.

Hah, yeah the weapons have somewhat more realistic proportions compared to WoW.

Was a bit strange to start playing ESO after WoW, found my first 2h and I was like, “What? It’s tiny!”

 Dwarves and Worgen are awesome

And how do Blood Elves breed anyway? They’re all female.