Make classic era free to play




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Tell me how Blizzard will cover server running costs.

Retail players can pay


So you want others to pay for your gaming time. How quaint.


Make Retail and Era separate subs!


Even better: make Era independent of SOD, Cata and Retail patches.
Every major patch for one of the other game versions breaks something in Era.


You have my vote.
Even better. Make Eras for TBC and Wrath as well, all independent.


Ask that to turtle wow

How about no


If it were made free to play, how do you think Blizzard would recoup their money?

Well, let’s look at other games based on the F2P model. Here’s some potential ‘solutions’:

Limits on gold - you can only have up to five gold in your bags, removing the limit requires an MTX payment from the cash shop.

Limits on auction house - you can only post one item-per-week, removing removing the limit requires an MTX payment from the cash shop. Or many the AH would not be useable at all unless ‘unlocked’ with real money.

Riding skill unavailable unless unlocked from the cash shop.

Certain quests unavailable unless unlocked from the cash shop.

Certain chat channels such as Trade and LFG locked to F2P players unless unlocked from the cash shop.

Only one profession available, second slot must be unlocked from the cash shop.

Hearthstones unusable unless unlocked from the cash shop.

Restriction on continental travel - many gryphon masters, bat handlers etc. unavailable unless unlocked from the cash shop.

Bag slots restricted to 12 slots only, all other bag slots locked unless unlocked from the cash shop.

These are all the kinds of thing that other F2P MMOs do. Is that what you want?

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Not sure what you mean - care to explain?

Maybe have it cost less, provided you can no longer have access to retail, but not free.


Nah make blizzard or retail players pay for us

Yeah that will happen.

Still higher chance than tbc era

So, private servers have been running for years just with the support of donations and cosmetic / items shop and people here still think that classic era needs a full subscription to keep the servers running.
Einstein would be disappointed.


But this isn’t a private server with 5 geeks in the basement running a server on a MySQL database and four Rasperry PI’s. Most private servers I’ve seen are even more buggy than TWW - and that says alot!!

This is a professional server running with people getting payed to do a job. You can question the quality of development and support - but they are there somewhere.

i see FF14 basic game is free to play on Xbox, you just got to pay for the expensions, so why not WoW?

currently there is ~5 AV going on = 80players x 5 = ~400 players ranking (let’s say ~800players a day in whole EU) with 30min queue time
it’s not a MMO at this point

Nobody makes you play queue simulator if you don’t want. Go raiding get gear

And you have such faith and trust in Blizzard’s desire not to monetise everything and milk it for all it’s worth that you believe they’ll never bring in MTX if Classic was made F2P? You believe they’ll just us all a complete MMO with everything intact out of sheer goodness of their hearts? Because they’re nice guys?

How charmingly naive.