Except she doesn’t do that and has infact been extremely critical of BfA just in a decent and constructive manner.
Never seen her dismiss actual constructive critism but it has to actually be constructive and not just “hurdur this game sux” to be differentiated from “hate”
Yeah… sure… all the “blizz your game sux” is wonderfully contructive criticism coming from a place of pure love.
Why not just leave Puny alone? Is her green text that upsetting that you feel the need to constantly single her out and tell lies about her?
There’s a huge difference with disliking things happening to the game and outright hating a game
There’s nothing constructive about the demand to go f2p. Mmorpgs die on the market. So Ur basically asking the game to die.
If your fuelled to the level u want to encourage the game to kill itself off then u clearly aren’t passionate about the game. But just want the game gone
No one who’s passionate about a game would ask said game to go f2p.
We saw Wildstar we saw rift we saw tera we saw aion
All lost 90% of people employed and content was basically removed from the game for microtransactions and lootboxs…
F2P market won’t sustain mmorpg content we know that the past has proven it. None of the games which went f2p.
Rift had to openly announce a removal of PvP balancing and team to basically cope and even then it can’t pump enough PvE content to hold a playerbase there either.
You want wow to improve. Then you shouldn’t be siding with someone who’s pushing for a movement to go to a market which makes It impossible to come back from.
We have all critised blizzard we have all vented about blizzard but none of us try and start movements to drive the game f2p did Wildstar teach you nothing?
They made a campaign to drive the game f2p and it shut down entirely a year later.
Enjoying something you dislike doesn’t make a player a fanboy it means they have a different opinion then yours
I dislike alot about BFA. but I enjoy m+ which means I can still enjoy BFA through that system.
I Don’t even know why the OP actually pays a sub and plays - all I’ve seen them do is cause forum arguments and say how much they hate the game over and over.
That’s both true and false. Because while it may not be a fortune for you for a person who gets 350 euro per month it kinna is as it represents 1/30th of a salary.
Yeah it was kind of simple to figure but apparently no it was too complicated for her obtuse little mind: if it doesn’t please you go ! YOU ARE MISSING THE POINT !!! They say at TS , they are like the monkey looking at the fingers instead of looking at the moon.
We don’t want it to cease and be finished we want it back to previous gamepay, content, state, glory and millions of subscrivers!!!
This is totally constructive now, but this “greens arent allowed to have their own opinion” thing needs to stop, it turns out sour for everyone involved, and it spoils the fun of whatever thread it is, she and all the greens are all human beings, posting in their personal time.
All she tries to do is to de-escalate a topic or derailment so more constructive feedback can be given.
If it keeps it alive, yeah… then it makes sense. SWTOR is a fantastic example of this, the subscription model would have killed it.
Secondly, I don’t want the game to go F2P, but I do think the subscription model doesn’t belong. I’d rather pay 60 or 80 euro for a expansion and not worry about it afterwards, but that’s my personal niche.
This disgusting strategy to lure people into subscribing with mounts and pets, utterly sickens me, just so they can “pretend” that they have a active player base.
Lastly, I don’t want the game to die at all. Like… what?
I didn’t play any of those, sorry. They seemed like weeb games to me. I literally only got the character creation in Tera, before going “Aawh no frikken way”.
I didn’t side with him.
You just jumped to that assumption because I pointed out flaws in Punyelf’s logic.
That’s a really flat and overused argument. By that logic, I am equally entitled to my own opinion, and where are we then? Nowhere.
That’s cute. I’m sure Puny feels special because I reply to him, but sorry to break his heart, I also reply to other people.
You are equally entitled for your opinion! We all are. But those opinions should be about the game and subject discussed on the thread, not about other posters.
She is far from a fanboy 1) you know she is a she and 2)she has done many threads in a calm and construtive manner having a go at blizzard .
She has never apologised on behalf of blizzard or the state of the game .
I have been reading your post history and time and time again you have attacked Punyelf and never anyone else who shares her views .
You are harrasing her and stalking her imho and the way you speak to her is very wrong .
Its time you stopped harrasing a person over there views and spoke about there views instead .
Shows how immature you are after being told she is a she and still refer to her as a he a man who claims to be in his early 30s acting like you are …
I don’t think that can happen to the extent you are imagining, there are other F2P Blizz games in which they don’t tolerate cheating.
In fact in OW if you cheat; they perm ban you from game AND also they ban your MAC address.
Blizzard cannot do that in WOW. If they perm ban someone that is SUB Loss for them. You see, so in someway. Subscription is causing Blizzard to tolerate so many unwanted things.
The reality is that SUB money was supposed to be for the game experience. The game experience as someone has corrected me kept going worst since MOP. We deserve better quality if they want to keep this game subscription based game.
Times and Gamers have changed, WotLK’s levels of subs in the EU and USA is in the past…if you want to play Classic, then play Classic… The thread is about F2P… which is a rubbish game model, designed to extract far more money, from the same people who claim not to have any.
Haters gonna hate, gives them a fleeting sensation of agency and control, which is addictive if they lack it, irl.
Are you just happy for what you are getting in game?
12 years ago when I was poor the monthly subscription was huge burden on me. I bit my tongue and I subscribed for the first time; made a dwarve hunter. It was the most beautiful games experience I had. Then the first patch hit, I was impressed. I said to myself if this is what my sub money going to get me. I will be glad to quit all other games and stick with this one game.
What I also liked about the game how they were intolerable to the bots back then, nowadays is minor slap on the wrist because they want that money.
Time passes… and we keep getting less and less… worst and worst… lower quality and even more lower quality with each release.
If I played the game today 12 years ago. I would have quit long ago.
SL trailers are rehashes from Legion/WoD… Areas are rehashed. Models are rehashed. It is practically a F2P game level at this point.
The quality of game is awful.