Make wow f2p

Yes and im stating thats a Opinon not a Fact.

33p a Day, buys u less then a Chocolate bar and imho. i enjoy WoW more over a 24 hour period then a Moment of chocolate.

WoWs Litterally, cheapest thing per daily use. if u broke that down to hourly its like something dumb like less then a Penny. couldnt get cheaper lmfao.

F2P wont improve the game, if anything it’ll make it worse. by what ri read of you. u’ve litterally never played one. Because they’re abysmal.

WoW offers More content expansion to expansion then any other MMORPG. thats factual. so how can it possibly be considered on par with a f2p mmorpg?

ever considered you may simply not be the right audience for the game? as Many disagree with your Opinons of the game itself? we arent all susposed to enjoy the same thing. and they’ll never make a game everyone loves.

every change will make Some happy others mad.
Every decision will be controversal.

its the way of the world.

im not against having ur moneys worth. i simply am stating WoW is its moneys Worth.


F2P would actually be a upgrade for them personally the model generates ALOT More money… it simply has a Smaller sustained playerbase but whales would keep the game alive Easily

Look at things like Blade and Soul.

for the playerbase F2P would be a massive Downgrade.

with the staff cuts and more they could do… and just generate PvP competitiveness throujgh its market. it’d do well.

Easiest troll flag of my life

You kids don’t realize the game is already f2p with gold and tokens… if it becomes f2p for real, all the bad things you whined about in your troll thread will become tens of times worse than they are now… but I guess it’s hard to think clearly these days

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Well your sub fee sure doesn’t go anywhere considering you’re still not max level after 8 years of trolling the forums, kid.

How it can become worst?

You mean they will rehash content, races, and re-introduce old legendary/talents as new?

The only thing that can change is instead of grinding it will be locked behind a fee.

At this point I would pay for flying at the start of expansion and pay for Allied Races instead of grinding them for months.!


You could just stop your subscription, you know. In fact, it’s perfectly possible to play this game without spending money, I have for the past few months.

But if you don’t like the content, lore or the gameplay, then why stick around in the first place?

I like how every complaint on the forums here are all the same, but the obvious solution is to just moan about it.

ill give an opinion after i played sl for 3 months: Not b4 with just PTR in action.
And anyway: ppl play wow with different style. Somethin you can find awful, i can find wonderful and Punyelf meh.
For me legion was 9, redoctober hated it.

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Man, puny stop this please. You’re reminding me of the exact rot that’s taken over Runescape. Its constant MTX promos rammed down your throat. Need new action bars? buy this premium currency for it.

Bleugh im not glad i left that game due to the 14+ years i spent having a blast but damn its a a garbage show nowadays.

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Smart people know he has 120’s. Might explain why you don’t.

Thats what literally every gaming forum is. You rarely ever see any constructive threads. It’s just the usual complains just with a different wording and formating. But still the same 10000 complains.

If he has them why does he feel the need to hide behind a low level alt?

Oh, right. Because he doesn’t believe in the verbal bile he spews enough to put his main behind it.

There’s a word for that - cowardice.

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Not really. Takes 5 seconds to find out someones main.

Like this isn’t my main now but I still post on it because its the character I’ve always used.

Yes really. Post on your main or not at all. That goes for everyone.

You don’t dictate the rules, so fat chance of that happening.

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If I did, half of all forum users would be gone and it’d be a utopia of good discussion and feedback.

Yeah, no. Lead by example.

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At this point if wow went f2p, it could only mean that the player numbers are nose diving.

OP, like they say in my country: put more tobacco in what you’re smoking.

The free to play model has always been horrible for various reasons. Among them is the insidious pay shop, pop up ads and the community nose dive that comes with the free loaders griefing everyone because they have nothing to lose.

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Even if they do, you can fake a new one.

Why what difference would it make? My opinion on this character…