Make wow f2p

Benjamin, if you already hated this game.

Why you don’t quit play it then? Cancel subscription it’s easy

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Maybe in an alternative universe.

Pretty much this.

Other side, more bots and trolls will flown to the servers, cause lagg and other stuff.

They should have removed the monthly subscription fee years ago, when they introduced microtransactions. I don’t mind paying for expansions and what not but having expansions you need to buy, plus an monthly subscription and the cash shop is just such a horrible model designed by greedy people

simply if u dont like it dont pay it no one force you tbh

Get out of here!

Remove the sub? rly?
that would delete the little that exists of the economy, bot farmers would be all over
u think it was bad before?? think when they have nothing to lose, they dont even haveto care to hide it, run 100 bots on 1 pc or whatever

RAISE the sub cost imo, twice or more would be good

Wow goes free to play I quit, We already have micro transactions all over the place when it has a sub. Can you imagine it if it was free to play? No thanks.

Why are people like you still here when you could just quit? Get some hobbies dude.

Wow is fine as it is. If you wanna play for free farm gold and buy tokens.

Activision would pull a loot box / battle pass bull sh*t thing on the game.

I think WoW should be f2p as well. But it should also have a membership option, similar to Runescape. By paying for membership you could get access to the SUPER DUPER VIP CLUB IN GOLDSHIRE! :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Are we going to pretend like it the game already does not have waaaay too many transactions already? Also there is no need for hyperpole. It will never reach to that point you are talking about.

How can it get worst? Level boost/Trans/In-game gold/mounts/pets are all purchasable with real money already.

They game already reached to this level. It should be made F2P.

My point is:

We need our subscription money worth and right now the game quality ain’t cutting it.

No it hasn’t, and that is an awful idea. This is just another one of your complaint threads resurrected. Get a sense of perspective, for goodness sake!

Yes, how dare I want a better game for all of us.

The game quality kept declining because of ‘White Knights’.

Well that didn’t take long did it?

It took several expansions, and right now the subscription money seems too much for the game quality we are having.

Compare the content of pre-MOP and right now; you will get my point.

No, no, I mean this thread. It took minutes flat between someone questioning you and “White Knights”

Come on, get with it.

That is also an excellent suggestion.

If they raised the sub money twice and give us better content I will be happy.

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