That’s a gross generalization and demonizing in itself to say.
Just like that ‘we’ that you used doesn’t apply to everyone who agrees with your standpoint.
You are talking about an extreme subsection of those groups you mention.
And not acknowledging that is also part of the problem.
I agree with that.
And I find Blizzard’s choice very weird. Yes, the most inclusive option would have been to give everyone the choice of ‘what’ their character is. Including the option to choose different voices (but that’s a lot of extra work I suppose).
Seriously, there is nothing more pernicious than this.
Words are literally not different from thoughts, without words our thoughts are just abstractions, words are what we use to make them solid and able to be communicated.
Change or ban words are the same as changing or banning thoughts, so be really careful with what you consider “not a big deal…” look at 20th century history and you’ll see how much this matters and how wrong it can go.
Unfortunately the difference here is that this is a swap in gameplay mechanics.
Not in culture.
Culture adapts and evolves over time. Less ignorant biases are being put into creations and more representation is being added. Which is good… for the most part.
(I say this as someone who doesn’t like new final fantasies. I like turn based. Lost Odyssey was awesome, let’s get another one of those. My favourite FF’s are 4(GBA) 6, 9 and tactics war of the lions.)
Edit: In fact, my characters name comes from a JRPG. Nina and Ryu are the main characters in the game: Breath of Fire.
They literally just changed male and female, to body 1 and body 2.
Because that’s more accurate to genders.
I dunno mate, seems like you’re throwing this out of proportion.
I did read.
I read all of someones post before I reply.
And yes, genders are different from sex. If you disagree, you are incorrect.
I say this as a trans woman.
I am a woman, just as a cis woman is also a woman.
Just as a tall woman, or a short woman, are still women. They are different types of the same thing. Woman.
Body type 1 can be a woman, body type 2, can be a woman.
I’m going to have to disagree with you here.
I mean; I don’t have a big issue with it myself, but the most inclusive thing they could have done is to just let everyone pick their character’s gender (and sure, there would have been people complaining about that as well, there are always people who complain no matter what they do).
True. Choosing pronouns would be preferable. Choose male or female, then what NPC’s should call you.
But I feel like there are probably gameplay limitations and they’re willing to choose the easy option and not quite willing enough to choose the hard option. XD
But I don’t see people describing real life scenes as: “Today I woke up in the morning and I’ve seen a beautiful body 2 individual walking down the streets”
Nor do I see the police or authorities using terms like “The suspect is a body 1, medium height individual”.
And there’s a reason for that.
And there’s also a reason why countries like here in Sweden are walking back in a lot of these policies.
It’s because it doesn’t accurately represents the real world.
You can’t bend language to your will, because you can’t bend how other people think to your will.
I advise people to stop answering you, because we are not speaking to the person behind the keyboard, we are instead arguing with an ideology, and theres no way to have a constructive conversation with an ideology.
Your problem. Right there.
World of warcraft is a fantasy world. You could’ve guessed from the fact that you’re an elf and you are talking to two pandaren.
Should real life change right now? No. Maybe over time, a lot of time. But these things do take time. Abolition of gender won’t happen tomorrow.
But in a game? In a game it can absolutely change. And it did, and literally no one is confused about what the two options represent.
The only people who are, are incredibly disingenuous.