Malding in Stormwind

It certainly damages the community more than you damage Mythic Maut


AD is full of RPers and people to chose from to realize your dreams. DB according to you and the others is dead for RP.

True, I could have worded it better initially.

Yeah, but it wasn’t always dead. It was arguably the biggest RP server for a while - or at least a close second to AD

That’s… not a strong comparison.

But now it’s not. Now it’s dead. So how is one guy supposed to change that now?

I agree! It’s not black and white! I don’t mind OOC people so long as they are not detrimental to RP!

The other RP servers are never going to recover or will ever gain any sort of prominence again. Even the PCU wouldn’t sustain them

You’re not. You should look at this servers and think “wow, I don’t want to see that happen again here”


You’re also massively derailing this for a point I think you forgot about 15 minutes ago

Your sunshine and happiness approach never ever worked while being a hardliner helped me get into more RP than Ive ever experienced between Wotlk and Legion

Well, I don’t want that to happen here. I love RP and I want to help the RP community. I just disagree with the method you guys are using to stop the OOCers from pouring in, but that’s just how’s I feel about it. But we both want the same thing in the end.

That’s why you should always be ready to PvP my friend! Speak softly but carry a big stick, as the saying goes!

That’s actually because the guy in question was making fun of others for not having Curve or high M+ progress, so pot meets kettle basically

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I don’t know man

Cosmic justice exists and it was well-applied in this instance

Present your idea on how to

What methods? Saying “AD isn’t a good PVE/PVP only server” in forum threads?

I think that is by all means a pretty soft reaction

There is some merit to this statement.

Perhaps a discord meeting of prominent figures and people who want to strenghten the RP community can be held one day, to discuss our approach and to coordinate our efforts to maintain the RP on this server. There are plenty brainy people on this realm, so I am sure a solution can be found.

Roleplayers need to stick together after all.

ps: not saying this kind of coordination isn’t already happening, of course. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Was doing rp-pvp mid BfA, having a short 4 days fight. We had to cancel a whole day of fighting due to griefers. Yeah i guess that was just an annoyance that takes some of our time away from what we had planned :man_shrugging:

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That would great, make some king of petition or big well written letter too the people that administrate the server rules or something. I would certainly sign it.

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If you read the quotes, we were referring to PvE griefing, actually.

As I have stated above, RP-PvP griefing is a whole other affair, which is also why you can’t compare DB and AD.

I bet it would have felt good if you ganked them until they gave up though!

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