Man'ari Eredar Full Customization OR Allied Race

Warlocks Available to All Races and Pet Customization Coming in Patch 10.1.5 - Wowhead News

Tell me lies tell me sweet little lies

You can apologise now


As i said many times, i would a lot prefer them to be an allied race due to their too much differenes with regular draenai and i really dont see a customization hit the spot there.

However, i must say that, being a draenai warlock dont necessary means being a man’ari, as you have draenai warlocks in wod for example that are not man’ari but just draenai warlock as using fel magic dont necessarly means you become a demon.

I keep confident here that as long as i we dont see actual customizations that would imply man’ari for draenai i will keep going with the allied race.

Welllll this was a bit rushed post i would assume, because yes it was said in later news as it was linked just above.

Well, they wont add Man’ari - since they’re the higher ups of the Burning Legion, and I dont believe any faction would tolerate or accept them - nor would they ever forgive them. The only way for players to get them is through customisation at the barber, if ever.

So if i understand you there is, bascially, it makes no sense (for you) to have them so lets put them in customizaiton without any explaiantions? This sound very bad imo

And btw i did already make a whole story arc to explain how they would join the factions. This whole thread is about that.

And you have plenty of enemies which became allies when their organization got defeated. I think you are a bit short sighted there.

And none of them have actively been wiping out worlds and races for millenia, with zero remorse for their actions. See the difference?

Because gameplay dont need to work lorewise.

Lorewise, LF cant use Void (Thus, shouldnt be able to be Shadow Priests).

Lorewise, Void elves cant use the light - thus, shouldnt be able to be any other spec than Shadow priest, nor be healed by the Light.

Lorewise, Forsaken feel extreme pain by being touched by the Light - thus they shouldnt be able to be able to be anything but SHadow Priest, nor should they be able to be healed by paladins or priests.

Lore went out the window ages ago. I want my Druid Fox!

Zero reasons? I think you need to learn the story of the eredars because they did have a clear reasons, they believed Sargeras when he said that they must unite in fel agaisnt the Void, because yes, it was all to stand and fight the Void. You really need to see Argus storyline, actually many of the eredar who joined the Legion were manipulated and meant to believe that they did this to fight the Void that will hunger and conseume all worlds (and their since Argus was a titan.)

Its like if you said the orcs killed the draenai for no reasons…

I think you are confusing 2 things there, you are confusing gameplay and lore, yes gameplay dont need lore, but customization is NOT gameplay…what you mentioned are classes being made for races that should be able to have them in the lore (even if lets be honest 5 seconds there, shadow priest is the only spec that use the void, how dumb would it be for void elves to not be preist?)

So yeah, you are telling this as if a customization was related to gameplay while its not.

Its always the fun part with the lorekeeper there, they claim that “muh lore muh lore” but then dont make differences between gameplay and lore…

And you can confirm that everyone did so? I’m pretty sure Archimonde mainly did it for power - as that has always been his thing, even before the corruption. Just as likely that many joined just for the power alone - while some were manipulated, some simply wanted power.

It is - because NPCs wont comment on your looks. If they did, they’d be commenting on your (not you, personally) whacky mogs, for example.

Pretty sure that they’ve made all shadow magic be void related - even if I dislike it.

It is - because it’s there for players, not for lore.

Just like transmogging into whacky sets is.

At least trying to make lore make sense.

Man’ari being forgiven for wiping out thousands of worlds and races doesnt make sense, no matter how you spin it.

Did i say that we would play all single man’ari imaginable? You seem to not get the idea of groups of people leaving a bigger group with different reasons. My story is about a group of Man’ari eredar that questioned the Legion and Sargeras vision due the fact that the Legion was defeated.

Again, you are playing small head on purpose, you take higherups leadership and says “its how ALL the race think!” while its not, and when you see Kil’jaeden ending cineamtic you also notice that he joined Sargeras out of fear more than anything :

So yeah please stop, its like if you said that all orcs took the fel gift because of power because Grommash did so…

Never put a whole race in the same basket it is very bad to do. And we got this discussion times and itme again in this thread, and yes I can say that some were forced to obey the Legion, because some were forced to carry orbs that made them controlled to destroy things…which shows you that not all were ok with this.

You are just trying to sound smart but what you say is not smart, remember what Illidan did? Remember what the orcs did? Rememebr what the Blood elves did? Remember what the Horde did in generale?

I can also bring the Forsaken into that mix, since the Forsaken were also part of the Scourge before and were free of it and joined a faction.

But yeah, i found you just hilarious there, how can you even talk about making a lore which makes sense when you yourself dont even know the story of the eredar and claim they did what they did “for zero reasons” like you already proved to be ignorant of their story so far so you telling me my lore dont make sense is kinda hilarious.

Well, not really since you have no mention of the Void if you play a warlock or a dk, since you use death magic as dk and its shadow damages, again here you confuse gameplay and lore.

But in the same idea, with LF draenai, i mean, lorewise they cant use the Void i guess? (i mean i dont think its said anywhere they like “cant!!!”) but i mean, it would be silly if they could not be priest…

The problem is more the priest class in itself who is like about 2 completly opposed things, void and light.

Ho and you know on what npc do coment? Your class! So here class are then not gameplay? Seems like i broke your logic…

Majority, in fact, did do it for power.

So you’d forgive people like Mengele?

‘‘Hurrdurr some did’’

Sorry, but I don’t think any race that was part of the wipe out of worlds and races should be forgiven - even if they ‘‘changed their mind’’. They’re still guilty of an unforgivable crime.

Yes, did he try to make people forgive him? He owes up to what he did, and regret nothing.

Yes, and they’re ashamed of it later - however, they didn’t wipe out thousands of worlds and races. And they have defended Azeroth against dangers far worse than they were back in the day.

Unlike the Man’ari.

No, you cant, because they - when they were with the Scourge - were completely mind controlled. The Eredar were not mind controlled when they got their powers nor when they used it.

If the reason is ‘‘Lol, some guy said so’’, then yes, no actual reason.

Because it was written in the Chronicles, and they’ve made zero mention of that in-game.

Alleria and Turalyon literally cannot touch each other without feeling pain due to him being infused by the Light, and her Void. It’s mentioned in the ‘‘Thousand Year War’’ thing on youtube.

I didnt say it wasnt - just pointing it out.


And not your appearance - and because it’s hardcoded with ‘‘Class’’.

Nah, you made a fool out of yourself only.

idk…in one way I could see it. After all Forsaken and Death Knights were redeemable.
But on the other hand there is no real back story to explain it. It would be far too ‘out of the blue’ IMO.

Besides I thought we all agreed that no more Allied Races were allowed until we had Tuskaar first!!

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They didn’t wipe out thousands worlds and races. :laughing:

Yes and still they are playable, so thanks to prouve my point here.

You need some help about forgiveness you know, and again, not all did this for power, you have some who did it out of fear and i said it many times, they had many reasons to do what they did.

Nor did i say that the man’ari will want to be forgiven, they can have another reason to join the factions, its like the deathknight they did not try to get forgiven like the forsaken too.

Wrong, i brought up the orb thing, funny that you just choose to ignore it, maybe because you dont know it so you prefer play as if it was not a thing, the problem is that it exist.

Another fact is also that the Legion use runes in their sctructures that makes anyone read them become endoctrined with the Legion creeds and make them more violent and want to detroy things, thats said in the lore, you know the thing you simply ignore…

No no, its just that since chronnicles, they made a full shadow priest rework which linked it to the Void, so here we are only priest is related to the Void, the thing is, the magic schools have no death magic so they use shadow magic but this shows you shadow in gameplay dont mean shadow in the lore.

There is plenty of things that are said in Legion that shows that the eredars did not follow Sargeras just to destroy things, so since they have many different reasons to join you can make up something and alos some just like the forsaken were mind controled.

If i litteraly threaten your world of destruction if you dont follow me, will you be then considered unforgivable? Because another point is…Sargeras can cut worlds in half you know…

This just dont matter…like really do you know the Lf draenai did turn worlds into Light? He hee? So what you say here?! Lightforged serve the Light, the Light turned worlds into Light, they are fanatical that did the same the Legion did!!!

For the record , I also would like to see a full Allied Race , for the horde for Man’ari
but… if it came to it, i’d take a skin option over nothing

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Kinda because they’re kind of the very core race of Warcraft universe - Man’ari isnt, and again - the orcs didnt wipe out thousands of worlds and races.

Irrelevant - If you take part in genocide in a UNIVERSE level, there’s no forgiveness for you, for whatever reason - you did it.

They can - but they wont be allowed in, as nobody is gonna forgive 'em and thus nobody will accept them into their faction.

Didnt see anything about an orb - do link source.

Necromancy is from the element of Decay. Sure, they have no special magic school in-game for it, but it is a thing - Kalecgos mentions it in The Azure Span.

Yes - because you actively aided in destroying THOUSANDS MORE.

I’m not in favor of the Light. Void and Light, same bull - I’d honestly rather have the Void, that gives me choices and options, over the Light that tells you theres only -1- choice and option.

Did they slaughter and butcher innocents to do so? Did they destroy worlds to do so? If not - it doesnt work.

Hah - I highly doubt the Orcs would tolerate the race that caused their corruption to begin with…

Doubt all you want
Lore has fully ejecto seato cuz outta here
It’s more about players and growth within the game , as opposed to a story telling RPG game, despite it still holding those elements

Is this hip hop speech?

Nope , it’s a quote from a film that I find funny but also fitting

All of this point of view is interesting, but its stays just that, a point of view, YOU believe that forgiveness is impossible or so, but it dont matter what you think or what your feelings are, if the writers want it to be so, then it will be so!

The problem however, is that you try to sell as if it was some kind of higher justice that you should not forgive them OR you make it as if it was actually relevant to forgive them in the first place.

My thought on this? They wont care to be forgiven and wont need to be forgiven, they are needed because they are the only race that actually fought the Void in some efficient cosmic scale.

Just like Illidan and the DH were the only ones to know how to beat the Legion.

it says : “Chaos does not come easily to all demons - some struggle with the ways of the Burning Legion. Those that did will often carried an enchanted orb that invoked the rage required of any good demon. It is not known how the orbs were made, or who made them.”

THIS shows that demons are not all nartualy driven by chaos!

There in the Novel Illidan you also have : " Illidan Stormrage managed to project himself astrally to Argus and infiltrate the palace. When he studied the runes within, feelings of rage and despair filled his mind. Even shielded as he was, the spells affected him, filling him with visions of conquest, a lust for domination and destruction, a rage to end all things. Here, written in runes of fire, was the creed of the Burning Legion.[2]"

Yet…your main arguement with the orcs is that the orcs ho…they redeemed themselves? But why not the man’ari then? You are bascially syaing that what they need is time?!!

I am talking about the gameplay schools of magic there, and still it means i am right, in the lore only shadow priest is related to the Void in the class/spec you can play.

No i meant, if i am threatening your life and familly and world, to go and do terrible things, are you unforgivable then?

No matter how many choices the Void gives you, in the end, all will become Void, the “many choices” and possibilities are just how they will reach that goal, they dont care about you they will make you be Void too.

Yes, look at what Yrel and her army of Light did to the orcs on alternate Droaenor…and yes lightforged draenai do the same.

Again, that is arbitrary, you could say the same for elves not working with trolls, but yet we have elves in the Horde.

You can doubt all you want but its stays an opinion, you try to be strict and waves what you believe is right or makes sense like some kind of magic want, but it dont work.

I think it would be an interesting idea to add the Man’ari Eredar to the game as more customization is always enjoyable.

However, I think it would be impossible to get them to join as an allied race for both factions. So a choice would have to be made.

An argument can be made for the Alliance by saying that they already have the draenei and the sancteforges, so they might as well continue the family tree but the Horde seems more likely to me.

However, the only reason I could see them joining a faction would be a Vulpera-style development. We could imagine a zone in an expansion based on the Light or the Void in which the faction (Alliance or Horde) would be saved by a pocket of eredar resistance.

In a later patch, in order to ensure their survival, these resistance fighters will ask to join the Horde/Alliance, in exchange for which they will be able to contribute their knowledge to the future threat (Void or Light, depending on the expansion they are introduced in).

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