Man'ari Eredar Full Customization OR Allied Race

How many allied Draenei races do you want?

Draenei: Yes.

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This seems like a cool idea :+1:


If I am correct, only the amani trolls had a personal problem with the elves from Silvermoon.

I think the problem with the forgivness is that logically ( if the game wouldn’t be run by a californinan company) it would mean that the eredar, that would want to rejoin their brothers, would stop practicing fel/dark magic to redeem themselves. And with that the reason ppl would want them (fel themed heritage armour, body features, mount, warlock as playable class) would make zero sense.

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Well, the amani yes, but back in the days, all of the forest trolls tribes where part of the Amani Empire, the Raventusks were one of them and they also fought the Elves in the 2nd war, as for High elves/blood elves, they bascially dont make difference between an amani and other tribes of Forest Trolls really.

Yes i do agree that the “forgiveness” part is a bit far fetched; it is why i think it would be normal and cooler if the playable Man’ari would not saerch for any kind of forgiveness and are more, a mean to an end just like the death knight and the demon hunter, they wont try to be forgiven but they will do their own things and fight back on a world that hold some hope because its one of only world that matter.

PLEAAAAASE make it happen Blizzard

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Welp… :

Another W for blizzard it seems.

Eredar customization for drenai.

Lol, they don’t look like Eredar, they look like Tomatoes.

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So literal demons in the alliance now. Nice lore, Blizz.

Average alliance player seeing the satanic red draenei warlock in their raid:


Seems from achievement text that it is more of a redemption for some drenai.

Witness Velen’s prophecy of unexpected penitence unfold.
Reward: Customization Reward: Man’ari Eredar Appearances for Draenei

Also, not like the alliance has a problem with demons considering locks and dhs. At least those demons will be “redeemed” (even able to use the racial gift of the naaru).

I quote you there : "BuT WE DoNT NeEd Em…

You were WRONG! =p

Ho yes keep being salty it is so sweet to me!

I was right. You don’t need them…. Unles you want to look like a tomato.

The Alliance had Demons since vanillia; since we ave warlocks, so…
Then servants, sorry ex-servants of the Lich King and later Demon Hunters and Void Elves
The Alliance will be okay, don’t worry

I’m happy for you Imperia getting what you wanted!
Tho’ I hope there will be some options, extra costumizations beside the red skin down the road, fel green eyes, wings, etc; basically what you posted before
But this is a nice start AND not an allied race, so extra points for Blizzard

You’re posting it on a Death knight, who were servants of the lich king, something about throwing stones and a glass house…

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In fairness, playable DKs didn’t get to serve long. Man’ari have been destroying worlds for millenia, and done worse still to their natives.

I’m happy for the players who dig the demonic look, but the lore of it is quite iffy at face value.

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I doubt in the eye of a common Azerothian that hardly matter…

Destroyed their OWN word, made natives to go extinct before that…
Besides, “our” man’ari is without any demonic armies or legion-tech or phenomenal cosmic powers…

Don’t hold a candle to the Burning Legion where murder and destruction is concerned. The scope of it is what drives Demon Hunters to claw out their own eyes in a frenzy.

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I don’t think it is a quality vs quantity think :thinking: