Man'ari Eredar Full Customization OR Allied Race

I think the issue is that the Death Knights were decently excused in the lore. The lore advanced. Battle of Light’s Hope Chapel. The freedom of the Knights of the Ebon Blade. Heck, we get heckled and have rotten fruit chucked at us when we first enter the capital.

But in the end we are accepted as an uncomfortable asset for our Factions. That’s advancement.

More recent additions have been awful when it comes to respecting the lore. There’s no development. It’s just plopping :poop: down. Why were Void Elves mutilated into Blood Elves? Why is cross-faction a thing now? Why are felphobic races suddenly accepting of Warlocks?

Blizzard has a poor job of properly acknowledging these changes in the game’s story.

What’s the point in having story, expansions and any content outside of instances then? Why have any themes at all if Blizz can’t be arsed to organically meld it into the mythos?


Actually, that’s a good point; why spend decades beefing with the Orcs and then turn around and accept the Menari?

The lore falls apart and the mythos crumbles because there’s been no effort to advance instead of degrade.

“Our” Orcs are without all that Legion stuff too. Both in game and in the playerbase, we still get blamed for stuff done by prior Hordes.

I know, right?
The Orcs should have been exterminated at the moment they failed to invade and destroy Azeroth - the planet that would have been their first stop on their universal world tour, just failed miserably

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I still think even trying to run with an orc comparison is off the mark.

To me it’s a pretty obvious case of demons having always been portrayed as an enemy of all life, and them having several oceans worth of blood on their hands to prove it. Even the old Horde had that heart of nobility through the Frostwolf clan - where is that with the demonic eredar?

Kil’jaeden’s death is probably the only few seconds of character growth we’ve seen from their kind - and that came about only as he lay dying after trying to kill us.

Except they are not
And we have “proof” in the form of an archeological find called Orb of Inner Chaos

“Chaos does not come easily to all demons - some struggle with the ways of the Burning Legion. Those that did will often carried an enchanted orb that invoked the rage required of any good demon. It is not known how the orbs were made, or who made them.”

Which does little to disprove their role as an enemy to all life. It means some of them might not have had their heart in it, but that’s cold comfort to their victims.

I have a question: Are we lorewise completely done with the legion?

I may be biased, since i do indeed dig the demonic look, but lore surrounding anything demonic (Warlocks, too) has often taken a backseat to gameplay, the only sign that warlocks are reviled in general is that their class trainers tend to be in sort-of secretive locations. (Although you can just ask a guard “Hey, do you know where can i learn to summon demons?”)

But i won’t judge the lore surrounding playable Man’ari until i’ve played through the quest line myself on live, and given my newly race-changed Draenei warlock her red skin.

Funny how under Turalyon’s rule Alliance got undead elves, scalies, lightforged warlocks and now space demons. For a zealot he is waaaaaaaaaay too open-minded.

Of course, since he is a Dreadlord…

Now, if Turallyon also allows night elves to become paladins, I will personally vote for him in the next High King election.

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Yes. The legion is no longer functional and their leaders are either irreversibly destroyed (Archimonde and Kil’Jaeden both cant be resurrected) or imprisoned (Sargeras). There are only remnants left and those are being hunted by the Illidari. The Nathrezim also have discarded the Legion as revealed during Shadowlands.

They are also no longer able to hyper respawn since the destruction of the titan argus and their respawn location is now anywhere in the twisting nether rather than being a fixed location (antorus)

Hold on a second, i did not see (it was not yet datamined) how they looked like when i posted but…what exactly are these? Its not even man’ari eredar its more like red draenai lol…where are the fel infused horns hooves and hands?

Dissapointed overall with this.

The demon customizatons would make sense for a draenei warlock or if they introduced demon hunters to draenei, but like this it devalues from draenei story a lot.

Man"ari is literally an eredar word for something wrong, broken, horribly unnaturial.

Man"ari eredar also not humanoids, they are demons (unless that has been retconned).

I get that draenei are forgivable by nature, but to accept the same people who not long ago wanted to not only exterminate them, but to brutalize them while doing so, doesnt make sense. Draenei are survivors, their whole appeal has been the notion they are on a brink of extinction, massacred and endured hardships like no other race in WoW, while still remain good hearted and hopefull.

Accepting some man"ari would have been more acceptable if we actually purged them from demonic influence.

Congratz to people who wanted zhese options, but for some uf us, the draenei have lost a bit of an appeal.

I think that’s fine.

Red skin color. But no obvious connection to the Fel anymore.

Just like red-skinned Tieflings in DnD. It gives players more choice while not going actively against the Lore.

If I would be a new player joining WoW when this update goes live, I would be very pissed if the red skin colors (red is one of my favorite colors) would be warlock-exclusive.

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Red would be nice to have as a Lightforged
I love the Vindicaar

Doesnt really look much like actual eredar so far, hopefully they will add much more customizations and alternate voice over, which eredar have.

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That too. Was expecting this kind of unlock similar like the Nightwarrior unlock for Nightelfs in BfA.

It’s not unusual to incorporate defeated enemies, no matter how big the hatred was. See human history for reference

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Maybe the Draenei being on the brink of extinction is part of the reason they’ll forgive the Man’ari, there aren’t many of them left, so any way to bolster your numbers a bit is useful.

As for “purged of demonic influence”, what we have seen so far is only the skin colour, but not the fel veins on hooves and horns, or the fel green eyes, maybe they will be purged of demonic influence during the questline, but like the orcs (Who went from brown skin to green), the skin colour is a permanent change.

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