But its what people wanted when they wanted to play a man’ari a DEMON with actualconnection to the fel! Its the whole point of playing it instead of playing a regular draenai…if you remove it there is no more much point of doing it…
Orcs still have their green skin from their demon blood, right? Not so different from Man’ari Eredar joining the Draenei ranks.
An Orc Warlock is still using the Fel.
A Man’ari Eredar skinned Draenei Warlock is STILL using the Fel.
The option IS there. Just without the Fel Veins to prevent confusion with the NPC faction of the Burning Legion, which is a 100% valid reason to NOT implement them for players.
Well to me its not really valid, you have no difference between the forsaken you can play and the undead of the scourge that use this same model same with any races, like when you play a mag’har there is no difference with the one of the Iron Horde i dont really see why this “reason” is brought up here.
To me the more customizations the better, if you want to look like an evil demon well free for you to look like an evil demon.
I don’t know why they couldn’t release them now, but we have to wait for next patch
A red Draenei warlock is all i want really, Draenei look pretty demonic to begin with, with the horns, hooves, and tail, it’s best not to overdo the “Brimming with fel energy”-thing, because then it becomes weird, even by my “Gameplay over lore”-standards.
I can imagine being cleansed of fel energy to be a requirement for anybody to want to deal with (Former) Man’ari, that’s probably what the questline in 10.1.7 will be about.
What about lightforged draenei shadow priests, or void elf holy priests. Lore has already been thrown out of window.
How is fel energies different from light energies, nature energies, void energies, arcane energies, undeath energies. It is just a part of wow cosmos, just like any other. It all depends how you use it. Otherwise we should delete warlocks and demon hunters with this logic.
Texture glitches that need fixing probably.
Exacly, its not like we just got mag’har warlocks and lf draenai warlocks which dont makes any sense anyway…
And yeah, even in the void elves description they explain how corrupting the Void is and they can go mad at any moments.
This face and those eyes remind me of bug girl monsters from Sailor Moon anime, in which they kill all the sailor soldiers. For a show friendly to kids and “girly”, those monsters and sailor deaths were really violent and grusome, i remember being quite shocked, only in japanese version tho…
I guess red skinned draenei will be basically orc green skin situation, purified from fel but skin tone stayed same and will stay this way for 2-3 generations.
And i hope not! =p
(Not to mention the “after 2-3 generation” i dont know from where you get this info…)
Orcs return to their natural skin, thrall’s son is already brown, and I remember metzen saying something about orcs slowly losing green color on their skin.
My best guess is that it’ll take longer for man’ari.
And no, the maximum for “fel customization” will be green eyes, i’m almost sure blizzard won’t add demon hunter levels of fel mutations, these man’ari supposed to abandon demonic ways, not continue to snort fel in unholy amounts.
Technically has that since bc
Playable eredar yes, playable man’ari no…you seem to not know the difference between a draenai and a man’ari, both are eredars but both are different.
But Thrall’s wife is not green so its not really a relevant example.
Manari are the faction that sided with Sargaras and are more demonic and the draenai are the faction that sided with the naaru and are the more natural eradar
It’s relevant because durak is not mix between brown and green, he’s just brown, green skin is not genetics, it’s fel corruption
Yes, draenai did (which mean the exiled ones) are more “pure” eredars because they did not took the fel gift of Sargeras, unlike the man’ari (which is a name given by the draenai and is perjorative as it means “unnatural” or “abberation”) are the ones who took the fel gift and became demons but still call themselves eredars.
So by knowing this, how can say that we play man’ari since tbc?
Sure but, this dont remove one thing, eredar live loooooot longer than orcs (who lives as much as humans) so their generations are not the same as the orcs.
The actual corruption has been gone since the third war. When grom killed manaroth
But Mannoroth is not even truly dead ><