Isn’t he? Cannonically think he is. Though the twisting nether thing makes it iffy
You see him in wod and they clearly say its the same Mannoroth and demons can only be killed in the Nether. And he never died there.
Not anymore!
My condolences to everyone who said this was not going to happen. (They are not technically an allied race, but we will be able to play man’ari eredars.)
I’m curious… this will be a Draenei only thing, or Lightforged Draenei could be red too?
Those horns and acces to the Vindicaar is something me like!
To be fair the Man’ari would probably be better pilots, the Draenei always seem to crash their ships and the Lightforged aren’t much better, only difference is they explode along with the ship.
points at mortally wounded Lightforged draenei pilot
We crashed 0 ships.
All crashed ship was piloted by Naaru. Anyway Eredars lost more ships on legion. We just lost 3.
Red tails, tentacles and tendrils are just as icky as light blue ones. Just sayin’.
Afaik, Draenei only. And I hope it stays like that for now.
I cant wait…I love a character with an angsty back story!LOL
Besides which there is kinda a precedent if you think about it. Void Elves, Dark Rangers, Worgen, Drakthyr, Death Knights, Forsaken…lots of other races and classes with a questionable past in the game already!
Man this thread.
I disagree with much of what the OP wrote, however I’m just going to go with the easiest problem which is the following: “Velen says that the only way that his relative could be a part of the draenai again and be forgiven would be to be reforged by the Light”.
Velen isn’t as blind as he once was after meeting Illidan. He isn’t going to force people to convert to the holy church of Naaru. Given that he’s consistently trying to forge some sort of peace with the horde, it would be incredibly shortsighted and hypocritical of him to condemn fellow eredar in such a fashion.
And just on a more general note: Blizzard isn’t the best at writing and maintaining the lore. the belfs and nightborne going horde stand out as particularly stupid decisions. Customisation is all we’re going to get and, tbh, if you’re on an RP realm, people will make it work.
Well folks, we got 'em. Not as Eredar, but as Draenei with Eredar skins.
So now we have literal demons not as pets, but as characters, in the alliance.
This game is a living, breathing meme.
The new eyes, with added glow this time around.
Regardless of one’s opinion on the skins, I’m stoked to have more options for eyes for all draenei. Velen has been rocking violet eyes for ages, and the golden ones aren’t tied exclusively to LF anymore.
The Horde needed a pretty race, that’s what got them the Blood elves, and as for the Nightborne, they were planning Void elves by then, so to avoid ending up with the Horde and the Elf-liance, they had Tyrande be snippy once as an excuse to give them to Horde.
The lore excuses tend to be flimsy (And that’s putting it mildly), but Blizz tend to know what they’re doing when deciding on races and customizations.
Jesus, I look so GOOD!!!
Can’t wait for 10.1.7!!!
spills Tea and stares stunned
Eghdeh eh dubeda… [unintelligibly noises]
Edit: Btw. the skin unlocks and such are not yet on PTR Server Build 10.1.7
I just checked.
Can’t post links but here’s a side-by-side overview.
Ara Ara…!