Man'ari Eredar Full Customization OR Allied Race

I agree that the Eredar skins should be as the pictures you have put up Imperia and the fel scars or there is no point.

Gift of the Naaru should also be available to the regular Draenai but being blue color or purple color as option. Should have been there since day one or in Shadowlands. Maraad had in the cinematics of TBC and looked awsome but was never put ingame for playable Draenai.

And a fel version of the Gift of the Naaru would be awsome.

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I don’t agree that there’s “no point” without the fel scars. Pre-WoD the man’ari didn’t have those, their main distinguishing feature being either black or fel green eyes, and skin tones generally not available to draenei.

I do agree that the fel scars would be a neat additional option however.

While I love your customisation ideas, what would be better was if they’d bothered to give us Man’ari as an allied race and not what we’re getting. Man’ari weren’t there when the draenei crash landed in Kalimdor. It doesn’t make sense, lore-wise.

Like the Nightborne’s glowing hands option? Im ok with that. I have collected the WOD Archimonde look alike cloth armor and on wowhead dressingroom it looks cool with the Dark red skin, fel eyes and fel scars. But its still NPC options. The red skin color coming with the patch is too bright. Its just not the same.

Wait for the patch.

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Yes but back then people dont wanted to play them, the fact a big number of people wanted to play them from the moment they got their new apparence in 6.2 is because they were actually different.

What i mean is that, what people wanted was mainly the one from wod, not the ones from tbc. But i get what you mean.

I also forgot to add, that they should also put an option to even be able to remove the gift of the naaru as the man’ari are supposed to not have it. (at least the ones that became man’ari prior to being draenai.)

Making them a separate allied race was the first purpose of that thread, but now it is too late for that sadly.

Yuuuppp… Will get VERY dissapointed if we do not get the full treatment here… :sweat_smile: I have been waiting for this since I started playing WoW, and if we just get “red skin and green eyes”, it will feel like a cheap imitation of what we want… :sweat_smile:

I’m talking fell scars and new horn styles. :point_left: :point_left: :point_left: like the NPCs on Argus have…

I also LOVE the fel scar colors shown in the OPs post, and the additional skin colors. :slight_smile:

PLEASE don’t cheap out on us here Blizzard… Keep up the good community work you have done since Dragonflight launched, and don’t half a** this one part. :sweat_smile: It has been my dream to play as a corrupted Eredar since I saw Archimonde in Warcraft 3 for the first time as a kid, to the point where I would give up an entire patch of content, just to get this ONE update RIGHT. :joy:

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It’s already settled in stone. We won’t get your extra wishes with 10.1.7. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe in a later update in a few months/years. But not next week.

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I think Man’ari are too similar to regular Draenei to count as an allied race TBH.

I think Blizz made the right call in not making an entire allied race out of what basically boils down to a few skin options.

I agree. Because that was literally what they did with some of the allied races and plenty of people have called them out on it over the years.

Like with the… well every Allied race that is not the Vulpera?
They are the only real “race”
All the other?
Orc, Troll, Human, Gnome, Draenei, Elf, Night Elf, Tauren or Dwarf costumizations basically…

Kul tiran humans and Zandalari trolls had new rigs too, but void elves, lightforged Draenei, mechagnomes, and mag’har orcs are pretty much only new skin options (Although i can let it slide for the void elves because their models are new to the Alliance)

I think Man’ari are an experiment, to see if putting new skin options behind a lore questline maybe is as good as making more allied races. (IMO, it is)

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It is why i already make my move to make the thread ask for what we miss so Blizz can already see it and not ignore on it.

Oh, don’t be disillusioned. They will very likely ignore the wishes anyways.

The fact we are getting man’ari customizaiton is exactly a proof that they dont ignore the wishes =/

And i am a follower of the “who dont try anything dont get anything” rule

and TBF Vulpera are just hairy Goblins!

Here’s hoping they do continue to add more ‘races’ as customizations with quests. Makes much more sense IMO.
Sooooo many other subraces Id like to see added!

They are not
Uses the rig, but the Draenei rig isn’t that unique either

More the merrier

Fair point.

I really hope we get at least a deeper/darker red option. I don’t think Blizz will give us more demonic / Burning Legion Man’ari options, at least not during the current expansion (since that’d be too much work and they’ve already decided to do it this way: just some colour options for the regular Draenei models). But I really hope that they make the red skin colour less tomatoey or give us a darker red option, maybe when they finally come around to the Draenei hertitage armour. It’s really frustrating to finally have Man’ari/Eredar but they’re just 90 % and just one step away from being as cool as they could’ve been.