Man'ari Eredar Full Customization OR Allied Race

Its why i made a whole story about it, not that its HOW it could happen, its just one of the many examples of how it could be possible to have them as “good guys” you know like how forsakens are “good guys” but i mean also, most of the races have problems with the burning Legion and Sargeras, and Kil’jaeden/Archimonde, the man’ari we will get are agaisnt these things and no longer part of the Legion. As i said they were manipulated by Sargeras/Kil’jaeden

But i mean, its like the dark iron in a way, they were slaves to Ragnaros (even if they were still evils like really) and now they are playable.

I mean, as the dh above said, alliance already have 2 eredars races, and also, what you say is like if i said that trolls and elves should never be in the same faction…

You fought the Legion not the eredars thats different, and some eredars do help you in fightning the Legion (one in rogue class hall)

Also, i never said they should happen during DF, but even in DF it could be possible, remind me what was the link between bfa and the mag’har orcs…but anyway i never said it was for DF lol, i said in the future.

Then as i said, i never said it was for DF, you again claim things, i think you missunderstand things.

Simple answer NO. More elaborated answers is there : Firstly the way “new races” were added via customization since Shadowlands was too much lacking to support a full man’ari vibe for players, because the man’ari are not simply “red draenai” they are more than just that, they are different in the way they talk (their voice sound different when you aggro them, when they get wounded etc, sounding lot more demonic) and it would be very weird and silly to sound like a regular cute draenai girl when you attack with your man’ari look.

Secondly, they don’t have just their skin different but also their eyes, and more importantly, their “naaru symbol” that they have atop their front head is not the same, for the man’ari who joined Sargeras in the beginning they have no symbol of the naaru at all and thoses who joined later (called the Sargeirai) have a fel green symbol, this was never supported by the customization that we got recently, because, when you look at for example the dark ranger, what did we get exactly? ONE eye color that go ONLY with ONE skin tone while the LF draenai do have the possibility of customizing their naaru symbol (while regular draenai cant ><) not to mention, man’ari have a very good veriety of skin tones, dark blue, dark, red, orange, purple, grey, green to mention only these and from we saw with skin tones added with customization for let say troll, we got ONE skin to be a sand troll and ONE to be a dark troll…yay.

Another issue are the racial, do you really imagine a man’ari use gift of the naaru to heal? That makes 0 sense, and myself i would just feel it as vibe killing…

Now the other problem with man’ari customization for draenai would also be that it would harm the draenai race itself, like you would have draenai looking like man’ari and all good, man’ari with blue eyes too, or man’ari with blue gift of naaru, or draenai with fel naaru symbol on top of head a lot of messy things…not to mention you would have man’ari without having a warlock class for regular draenai? Do you imagine the problem if draenai got to be warlock? Or the man’ari not to be warlock ><

To conclude on the topic of “allied race would be better than customizarion” i will add one more point, is that, if you take for example the mag’har orcs, if you take the dark iron dwarves these 2 races have something more than customization could bring if they were just customization for regular orcs and dwarfs, and that little something else more is called “Flavor” customization as good as they might be, lack flavors because due to how blizz put it in, with no way of changing voice lines, no way of changing racial looks etc it remainsdull.

I dont believe i have to quotes myself for the 3rd time on this topic.

The simple answer is no. We don’t need this as an allied race.

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I would look soooo good in Fel :pleading_face:
These Light fanatics are crazy cultist I tell you! They are crazy!!!


:sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :joy: :joy: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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That could possibly work.


Ok, that may sound (potential) expressed wrong ethically now from me but Humans IRL are also just “humans with different skin tones and eye shapes”. And yet we still have many different cultures, opinions and collective traits.

So your point doesn’t have much foundation, because you are “narrowing down” your view intentionally to avoid seeing the details.

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No, allied races were a mistake. If a race deserves being a fully playable “core” race then so be it, otherwise add them as customization. The game will likely stay tainted with the existing allied races but let’s not add more fuel to that trash fire.

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umm no ?

call me crazy but i believe most eredar did nothing wrong believe it or not ? let me explain why

if you watch cut-scene with velen and kil’jaeden you will see him saying ( i believe he could not be stopped )

which imply very simple thing…if archimonde and kil’jaden both agree to stand with velen it will mean 1 thing ( their planet will be cut like an apple / water melon in half with nice fel infused corrupted weapon )

draenei wouldn’t exist in first place nor we will ever hear about them because sargeras would have destroyed the planet already , similar to races of water planet in wow chronicles book that we never see the planet or heard of it that got destroyed by the legion

with sargeras gone now they are free from sargeras taking their world as hostage and they can freely join the horde same way how demons fight with illdan ? you know how ??

by making them drink from arcane source power that makes them more chill , originally that power source suppose to be giving to blood elf but for some reason illdan didn’t and gave it to demon instead to ( Order them ) , that will help man’ari 100% lore wise with similar arcane treatment like demon did , also don’t forget flying eredar heads Observer on our side as demons who consume magic and was part of illdari too

tho unlike other i don’t care that much what faction they are , tho i feel it would make more sense for them joining the horde , as its faction made for savage races after all


i mean…someone who play a gnome im sure they don’t care about races nor transmog at all with this tiny character model…tho static wise if you go back to legion and bfa era i was the biggest successful thing they ever did as it brings many people back to wow with the patch to unlock them

if you do not believe me search allied races and you will see its insanely popular among wow community despite the many lack luster things they did with very few customization options compare to old races , tho they added more to allied races options over time and start getting better and better

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I’m not that sure :thinking:
I mean 25K years ago (sigh or 13K if you consider that soft retcon Quest… ) the Legion was a brute force, yes, led by Annihilan and Nathrezim, but Sargeras needed Order (Titan and all) and realized, ouch, my team is strong but dumb as a brick… me need brain powaaa!!!
The reason Sargeras visited the Eredar in the first place because they were at the time the most advanced race in the Great Dark Beyond both technologically and magically and as a very long lived race they were ideal to be the top dogs, so he made his offer - and yes, used trickery, some illusion to sell himself as a godlike Titan, not a Fel corrupted monstorsity, but still, the Eredar easly could have put up a fight and hold back the Legion - heck, even the Naaru considered the Exiled Eredar “worthy” to not only the member of ther Army of Light (witch, strangly not formed against the Void, but the Legion… strange… hm…) basically the backbone of it


I do agree, most of the Eredar just went with the flow, and true, became demon, but even Demons are not that bad, and evil for evil’s sake; even Matron Mother Malevolence, a Shivarra and her girls are reasonable and wondered, gee, maybe destroying the universe is not that good idea…
Archologival evidence suggest the Legion even needed orbs to “indoctrinate” Demons to follow Sargeras" vision
The Eredar are/were not a hive mind, easly could be members who regreted the whole thing - like basically Kil’jaden at the end, but he was too far to turn back (or some of the Exiled Ones who started to wonder, maybe the Naaru pulled a dirty on us, and the other Eredar were right)
But the “lesser” Eredar? Cogs in the infernal machine


I rarely hear so much bs in one tiny wall of text in my life you know, like vulperas were a mistakes? Zandalari too? Void elves too? (which is one of the most played alliance race now) NB too? Like please, if you think customization is adding as much flavor than allied race, you should re analyse them.

It is what i wanted to explain here too, what i want to mean is that, most of the man’ari, (before accepting the fel) did it because they believed what Kil’jaeden (and therefore Sargeras) showed them, Kil’Jaeden speech is clear about the Void that will destroy everything and that if they dont join they will eventually be consumed by it as well as their world, therefore, irocnically enough the man’ari are one of the few existing peoples that actually know how to fight the Void in a cosmic scale and although they were wrong in the manner to do it (by destroying every worlds) they may prouve a good asset to defend Azeroth against the Void.


That could work as an overall narrative reason to “tolerate” Man’ari Eredar in the factions when that time comes. Similar like Demon Hunters were tolerated in the factions back then in Legion.

As the old saying goes, “the enemy of my enemy is my ally”.

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Make them warlock pets. That’s technically playable? :smiling_imp:

This for real though.


Get away from me you void spawn elf! I wont be your warlock pet! :rofl:

Coming from a Void spawn thats pretty ironic!

It could even also be the DH who actually inform us (the factions) about this, or the warlocks.

Yet people ask for more allied races in like nearly all the Q&A :sweat_smile:

You are claiming things again, the different between you and me there is that i am proposing an idea, and you go claim “we dont need this” while you have no clue or authority to make such claim…i just find this unreal, its like if i said “no we dont need new zone in next patch because we already have enough zones.” it makes just no sense

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But you’re proposing something we don’t need. And seem to be doubling down on it.

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But i am kinda curious whats makes you do such a claim, like whats makes you say “ho we dont need a new race” i am just curious

This dont exist by the way, like you can claim you are an high elf because you play with blue eyes, but there will never be written “high elf” in your inbox when someone mouse over you…

We’ll we’re in a Dragon Expansion, not a Draenei or Fel expansion for a start.

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Can you stop quoting my one reply here over and over again and spam my notifications? Thanks.

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Thats not the topic like at all…like i already answered that my topic did not have to be related with DF but in things in the future, so well, i guess you can move on now because your coment did not bring anything interesting ><

Well you said so many bs i had to react to it, sorry if it took more than one post to explain how it was bs, but well the fact you simply refuse to argue back says a lot…

Well I think we’re done with Fel and Draenei lore for a long time to come.

Sure I can see them touching on it again, but years in the future and not next expansion for sure.

If they can make it work, sure. But do I think we really need another new race.? nah, especially not one that is Core to any storylines… and I mean, really core to any.

I’d prefer the do what they did with Dracthyr/Evokers and have a Class/Race combo again, and then later open up to additional classes. That’s something I really thought was a good way to bring it into the game.

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