Man'ari Eredar Full Customization OR Allied Race

To be fair you dont know, like you really dont know, and we will surely see draenai storyline soon imo actually

Its core to many storyline, i explained why already, it can be Void, Light, Fel, Draenai.

And imo i really dont like the idea of a classe/race i think it was unique, and it should remains as such, as for “i dont think we need new race” bringing new race and/or new classes is just the basic of an mmo.

I suspect we’ll move into a Void Expansion next.

And since we defeated the Burning Legion and locked Sargeras up, it’ll be the long time before we go back that way. And I suspect there will be a point that we will need to release him for whatever reason. After all, all of these bad guys were trying to prevent something from happening.

But there is way more to get through before we get to seeing the Fel again.

Anyway, I think alot of the player base are really enjoying the more grounded theme in Dragonflight, honestly, I would prefer they continued that over going into outer space again.

But this race isn’t core to the story, and we already have Draenei, and even Lightforged Draenei. Do we need another Draenei race? Not really.

Maybe a cosmetic unlock like Dark Rangers, but a whole new race?

well it’s what worked to tell the story of the Dracthyr. They have pretty much confirmed Dracthyrs will get other classes in the future. But it tells their story of their Isolation or sleep and coming back into the world.

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I would love that race one the horde eye for an eye the alliance got our blood elves so why not. make it happen blizz

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Eredars are also related to the Void, like really, they are, remember who fought the Void? Burning Legion.

You perfectly know it wont stay grounded for long…and what is the only race that goes to space? Eredars.

We need them because they are the only one who actually fought the Void efficiently, and dont make me post the part about how customizaiton is bad idea for this.

We need them in the Horde btw because Horde have no race that can navigate to space.

Talking about Void/Light, ever heard of Yrel?

No its not, Dracthyr were lucky to get forbidden reach storyline in 10.0.7 because without this they would have bascially no stories of their own after the starting also, dont expect more story for them after DF, now i will explain you why its terrible idea to make a class/race thing, because just like dh and dk after their “related expac” they get no story…

Like did you hear about the dh since end of Legion? Did you see dk after wolk? you can tell me sl, but in sl their role is very minor.

Which is why I suspect we’ll return to the Fel in the distant future. Or even in a patch, rather than another huge story moving expansion which might add an addition race.

Wasn’t she in that bad expansion? Warlords of Draenor. The expansion that failed to get me to even buy even after a free weekend. Because it was space themed.

They weren’t lucky to get 10.0.7 it was preplanned to be like that.

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Bad example as the ultimate corrupted Orcs the chaos orcs are red.

But there is one thing I really wonder. Why are people so often ask for Man’ari when we actually have a much better suited Allied Race with the Broken.
Why could we not get first the Broken as an allied race who has as much animosity as bonding toward the Draenei?

Which is actually already true. The Wrathguard are Man’ari Muscelbrains that serve warlocks that are so brave and/or stupid to summon demons with easily breaking bindings.


Why that? I man, why the Void expac wont be that? And why the fel related one wont be that? Devs literally said that there will be a whole storyline related to each of the cosmics forces evolving their zereth. I already explained why would it be possible. What you say is questiionable here, its like if you said same for Shadowlands.

She was but she also was in the mag’har unlockment scenario as part of the lightbound (leader of them) an army of the Light. And devs said we will see her again soon.

It was, but it dont remove the fact that after DF you wont have any story related to them.

I dont really get you there, yes chaos orcs are red and all, but actually you have plenty of them in tbc and they are still red years after the demon they drunk the blood from (Magtheridon) was slain in tbc, as you can see a red orc in twilight highlands who was from tbc.

In war3 the orcs drink the blood and go red, then…nothing they go back to green somehow, its never explain what happen clearly.

But no way the man’ari lose their look anyway.

How about Alliance get their broken and the Horde get the man’ari, both will be dh (as to me dh dont fir draenai) and both will be related to some kind of return to Argus story.

No because this is their expansion. They will become part of the overall game arch with tidbits of story here and there. Until maybe 10 years in the future when they decide to build on dragon lore again.

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Well, you can see for example the Pandaren on that matter, they got barely evolved in anything post MoP expansion…that is the problem of the neutral races/classes they will get no spolight after their expac. Thats a bit sad, for example the allied races dont have this problem, because since Legion you have chars like Thalyssra being used or Mayla Highmountain, while chars such as the Illidari are barely a thing for example.

Actually it is. Grom whas cleaned in an exhausting big ritual from the Blood and so once they killed Mannoroth the Blood Pact with Orcs ended turning the corrupted Warsong Clan Green again as they are freed from the corruption. Same happened in Outland when the Alliance killed Magtheridon as so the Outlandchaosorcs got free too and so turned green as they became free too.
What actually is not explained how they could be killed as they where not in Nether.
Though it is speculated Mannoroth could still be killed because a Blood Pact made him vulnerable while Magtheridon whas in Outland close enough to Nether.

The Grommash thing ok, but the part about warsong getting green again that is never actually explained clearly.

That is wrong, and i have 2 facts to prouve its wrong, the events happenning in the Hellfire Citdal in TBC happens before the events in Black Temple, however in Black Temple you see plenty of red orcs which shows you they are not freed from the pact, then you have during Cata in Twilight Highlands this guy that i already mentioned before :'ghor

This guy was present in Shadowmoon Valley in TBC and then moved to Twilight Highlands in Cata and he is still red, which shows you red orcs dont go back to green.

The whole part about Mannoroth is wrong though since you see him in Warlord of Draenor, how can you explain that the orcs are free from him if he is not dead but just back to the Nether? Here is the question =p

Didn’t need another elf race but we got one. and a lot of people enjoy them :wink:

People need to stop being old whiney farts and accept that Red Draenei for the horde would be cool and a nice flavour. I’d bet quite a few people would check them out too, only a small % of the playerbase go on the forums. Don’t forget that

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… and just get on and play the game as it is, rather than worry about how their character looks.

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Off you go then :joy: :joy: :rofl: :rofl:
Politely requesting something , for more of the attention of Blizzard shouldn’t be faced with this level of criticism, particularly stemming from trivial details

This is a discussion forum. It’s a place to discuss topics, which I am doing. Also against code of conduct to tell people to go away.

I’m merely pointing out that the game doesn’t need this race, and resources would be better spent elsewhere.

Maybe try making some requests which consider where the game is today, rather than where it was 8 years ago.

Gameplay is important to the game, not new races. Yes, they can add new races when they are suitable to the story. But I would rather see them introduce new Races like the Dracthyr were, than recolours of older ones.

Notice we didn’t get any new races in Shadowlands? That’s because they weren’t suitable for the game. They told a story, but didn’t need to be joining our team(s). Eredar would be no different.

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I disagree



Ridiculous, Manari weren’t in the game 8 years ago. This is a request
If anything it’s more relevant today - please consider Trading post introduction and it’s positive feedback

Same but it adds flavour and makes some players happy. Blizzard can’t seem to get gameplay / balance right anyway. How many years?

Mecha gnomes are a disaster but still exist. Shouldn’t just be story dependent

Yeah , I also notice how Shadowlands is regarded as one of the worst expansions they have produced. Also as you note, didn’t add a new race… maybe it freed up resources better spent… or not

Not trying to start an arguement, my first reply wasn’t aimed solely and directly at you , and was meant in good humour

Not at all.

Not all all.

The game play is far more important, because without a fun and challenging Game, there will be no players, meaning no subscriptions and no money to make new cosmetics.

I fail to see the connection.

I’m fine with most of the game. But just imagine if they took 100k a year away from Cosmetics, and put that 100k a year into Development. That would make a huge difference.

There you go, you’ve given more reason why they should be more thoughtful when adding a new race. More reason why we don’t need Eredar.

This is where I know you’re crazy ;).

Shadowlands was regarded as a bad expansion because of all the Compulsory content and over complicated systems, and failure to listen to player Feedback. 9.0 players “We hate the Maw” —> 9.1 Blizzard “New zone: The Maw pt 2”.

Shadowlands failure had nothing to do with lack of additional races.

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It was an example to completely disprove your notion of… if they spent less on cosmetics they could reinvest elsewhere. Evidently not and that isn’t how the allocation of business resources work in a practical sense

It was regarded bad due to a multitude of reasons, not just due to compulsory content lol

As for the rest of your quote replies. Yeaaaah not gonna bother. We will only chase tails

It’s not really evidence for anything really.

Just because something failed because resources were pumped into a bad idea, doesn’t mean putting resources into another bad idea is going to be a better option.

But putting resources into Developing ideas, QA testing, and even market research is far more important than a new race.

Game art is simply it’s marketing. Have a good looking game, and you can put it on a poster and sell it. WoW looks great, but unfortunately, it looks better than it plays. And that was definitely the case in Shadowlands.

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Wouldn’t say WoW looked great in Shadowlands personally… In fact I felt it was lacking somewhat outside of the zones.

See how so much is subjective yet?

It’s your opinion that more races / allied races are bad ideas though? I would love it , as would many other players

That’s a better success rate than what occurred in Shadowlands