Many DPS classes completely useless

Hahahahha, hahahhah hahaha, haha ha ahhahaahaha. Haahahhahah hahahahh; hahahahaha (hahahahhhaaaaahahha, hahahhaha?) Hahahahahhahahahahah! Hahahhaha, hahahah, haha.


Where are those double dps rogues? Who are they? Can you show their logs to us? Or better give character names so we can report them to the

Cry cry cryladin, moan moan moanladin.

You guys never surprise me, never.

Pretty sure they were top 4/5ish SL S1 as i recall… :slight_smile:

Had a key where a rogue was doing like half my dmg as brewmaster. Thankfully we finished it anyway but still

Just started gearing my hunter I’ll be playing mm or sv cos I don’t really like Bm pets get annoying at times (in game)

Thanks for the clarification. I knew it was something to do with aug, but didn’t understand what’s causing it.

And I really wish greens would stop claiming knowledge about topics that they clearly know nothing about. All it does is encourages the community to form negative attitudes towards specs they believe are overperforming.

The Wowhead and Icy Veins guide writers, as well as the class discord admins (often the same people) have contacts with Blizzard and addon developers that the rest of us don’t. When they say a thing is true, I’m happy to believe it because they have proved over and over again that they know what they’re talking about.

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so back to MM hunter it is then as default forced spec ?

again ?

oh well was fun while it lasted at least i have my survival hunt in wolk classic :stuck_out_tongue:

i have those issue constantly lately - you join key you see people around 2k score 460 itlv and they do like s1 dmg

that 24k dps lock from 2 weeks ago was beatinng all records. - SL dmg levels in s3 of Df.

other times you join key everyone is blasting and you faceroll .

problem is that delta of performace between very good and very bad players - its very veyr big atm .

maybe pala should learn how to play and do the same what others are doing ?

i mean im mediocre player but i dont blame class i play on my bad performance :slight_smile:

And that warrants toxicity?

look at that store mount.

only 20% off your next transaction.

Bobby needs his money before he leaves 2024

ah yes forgot its 2023 - facts are toxic - just like math and few other things :smiley:

lets pretend that people doing 40-50k dps in +16 is a normal thing that should be tollerated supported and not pointed out.

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Please just stop replying to my posts and completely ignoring my point

you dont have a point tough .

you just scream toxic at everything :slight_smile:

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No i say its toxic to join someone elses key and intentionally brick the key wasting my time and your own tbh

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But you are , i do not like saying it but you come across as so toxic and elitish sorry, you constantly jam your view down other throats and only your view matters.


thats what forums are all about though

nobody comes here to have any disussion and havent been like this for ages :slight_smile:

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In your mind maybe but others come here for actual civil debate’s and to discuss in gentle manner and not have a person like you being overly aggressive and forcing there views but carry on being you but dont be surprised when people call you toxic :slight_smile:

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lmao that never happens

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Are they useless, or do you perceive them to be ineffective because there is a better option, which will always be in a game like WoW, which is impossible to balance without homogenizing massive swaths of class and trinket design?

By stating they are useless, you are stating they cannot complete activities weeks into the raid or season, which is simply false. If you want to play a class and think other players will shun it because of its output, it may be time to make friends and join a guild. If your friends refuse to play with you, then make better friends.

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A season anyone barely even played?