Marry sue class. Delete paladins

Yes because lv60 warriors with Ashkandi or Twin Emperor swords were pressing more than 3 buttons. Charge -> Mortal Strike -> Whirlwind (4-6 guys dead).
Mages -> /m make macro: Use Presence of Mind, /use Arcane Power, /use Trinket #1 /use trinket #2 -> Press it + PYROBLAST! yay 2:58 waiting before you could kill the next mob.
Enhance shaman: Beg / pay for Hand of Ragnaros -> Frost shock and pray for a WF proc.
Warlocks: Fear + dot, Fear + dot, Fear + dot, Fear + dot for 30+ seconds. Or if good geared: Seduction, Soulfire and Shadowburn.

Dude pvp always suffered from 1-3 button specs.

This might be the funniest statement I have read all year. You should try out in comedy clubs, you’ve got great comedic talent!

Mages are weak punching bags, the only time mages can do something, if they’re in a group, protected, not CCd by some 2-shotting rogue, and are able to basically freecast. Mage can’t outrun anything, can’t escape without Ice Block (which is useless if there’s a warrior or priest even nearby), with 1 blink and alter time, if used perfectly and planned ahead, MAYBE it can escape some situations (for awhile).

But basically, if warlock didn’t exist, I would think mage is the weakest thing ever. Everything one-shots it quickly and there’s no tools against stealthers like druids or rogues when they want the mage dead.

The ONLY thing mages can do against Paladins, is spellsteal the ‘winged’ thing that protects from physical damage. Or the speed buff (but it’s buried under 80 other buffs, so good luck), and then slow it down. Then it bubbles and kills the mage. Countering Paladins?

What? Really? How?

says the one shot kill machine, oh please


Just use one slow/stun, paladin is dead.

Meanwhile, rogues can kill someone in a cheapshot+kidney shot. You’re doing it wrong if you can’t pull that off as a rogue.

Lots of the comments here assume 1v1 scenarios. Classes aren’t meant to be balanced against solitary members of other classes.
If your class loses against another class, tough luck. Make up for it with team synergy.
Don’t try to solo the paladin, use your strengths, use friends to minimize weaknesses.

You’re playing rogue!
Stop embarrassing yourself!

I don’t think playing rogue is emberassing… :expressionless:

As a rogue you can easily deal with a paladin. It might take a while if they’re good at the class but if you’re the same skill level the rogue would win every time. And about the instant bubble things, you know they’re not right? All of them are on GCD, you can’t go from bubble straight to BOP because of forbearance, and shield of vengeance is an absorb - just stop hitting when you see it or carry on if you can take the reflected damage.

Doesn’t matter much to me wether shield of vegeance classefied as an absorb or immune bubble really… None of my damage gets trough either way.
Still effectivly a double bubble as far as i am concerned :stuck_out_tongue:
Luckily i can run away if sprint and vanish are off cooldown. And I haven’t been stunned twice and ran over by a horse sprint by then… And thats only if it happens on my rogue :cold_face:

From the hands of rogue… Just counted that half of the bg are rogues atm… wonder why… So point being who’s the real Mary sue here as ppl tend to navigate towards the most op class every time :rofl:

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Obviously… Your opticals need maintenance my Mecha friend… Because clearly and surely what you have seen filling the bg’s are paladins!!! D:< And hunters! their mini uzi machine gun fire. I’m actually missing Blood death knight encounters at this point!

Imagine thinking Rogues, or any other class have any chance against paladins.
At this point you either pvp as a pally or quit the game.
Rogues are among the weakest classes in terms of survivability in the game. If you think otherwise, you never played one, or you don’t play curent patch.
They nerfed our healing from 30 -> 20%, which was already mediocre considering all other dps classes have some sort of healing as well, except better. Meanwhile paladins can get back to full hp 3 times instantly, and constantly through word of glory. Instant cast, zero counterplay, can’t kick it, as all their heals are.
Rogues have decent damage only during burst, but even then, if the target uses Defensives/ Immune, you are done, unless you reset. Meanwhile paladins are hitting harder than rogues with all and any attacks.
My shadowstrike does 2.4k dmg, hello templars verdict spamming 4.5k, judgement 5.5k, and shield 8k, wake of ashes 4-5k. They have literally 5+ abilities that hit harder then rogue’s most powerful attack, and they say rogue burst is OP?
Outside the burst window, i do 400-500 with backstab/gloomblade, while getting hit back for 1.5k crusaders, etc.
Anyone defending paladins at this point is a troll or a paladin. It will get to the point where you will all play by yourselves.

Paladins… I didn’t use to think they’re that OP, although they’re certainly OP. I’ve killed Paladins in my day (of course never alone, but as a group), etc.

However, this one BG really changed my mind. They had a paladin that had like 2 x the KBs the next in the list had, it had superior damage compard to anyone else, AND it had top healing, too! How nice that one player can be now top healer and top DPS all in one!

THIS is definitely an OP thing … no one should be able to both heal and DPS as the top one in any BG.

I still think rogues are the most OP class ever, and huntars are, especially at lower levels, completely ridiculously unbeatable (as a warrior, you charge to huntar, it slows you, then jumps 100 m away, and starts shooting… you’re snailpace and can’t reach it OR escape it, and you just…die.) but Paladins could stand to be nerfed a little bit.


first of all, name checks out.
secondly, i mean, where to begin with you…

rogues have the most tools to deal with w/e situation they are facing in PvP.
feels weird having to explain this to you, but lets carry on.

a bit of a drama queen today aren’t we?

its actually the opposite buddy, but im not surprised you would make such a statement.

yes i think otherwise, but stick around we will get to the bottom of this, ill hold your hand the whole way. Don’t worry my friend.

wrong, rogues not only have an amazing burst they possess sustainable dmg as well. hence why they are so good right now. Probably the best melee currently.

Ok this was fun.

to conclude, you are clueless in PvP and absolute trash at your class. But fear not, there are plenty of help online if you struggle, until then im sure Paladins will keep demolishing you easily.

wish you all the best on your quest Douchebeg, may the HoJs always find you my dear dear friend.


As espected, no argument was brought into this conversation by you, therefore I consider you a sad troll, with nothing better to do. You clearly have no understanding of the game, therefore no point in this talk taking place.
At the very least please stick to your class, and don’t explain to me what a rogue is or isn’t capable of. Sustain damage on sub = spam 400-500 damage backstab once every 3 seconds, then dump it on 1500 evis? Outlaw feels 3 times slower then during bfa, where I NEVER got energy starved.
Don’t know who the clueless one is, since i’ve been playing this game for longer then you ever owned a PC, but if you think a class can have tons of Get out of jail free cards, instant healing on par with healer specs, Burst on par with / over the best burst classes ( which are glass-cannons in comparison), and better sustain, then you cleary don’t understand even the basics of an RPG.

not your daddy to spoon feed you the information you don’t know, you started by attacking me and EXPECT (no espect btw) to have an constructive argument with you?

son, i am absolutely 100% certain i would perform :point_right:t2:far better :point_left:t2: on a Rogue than you currently do, but lets leave this fact for another time.

you are doing something wrong, but at this point who is surprised?

start of an Expansion, you lack haste and a myriad of other stats that would streamline the experience. Regarding the energy starvation, you forget we had Essence-Memory of Lucid Dreams.

i can answer that. You are.

pressing X for doubt, but besides being quite the cringe statement, ill give you the applause for being funny as well.

a lot to unpack here.
but again, not here to hold your hand.

ive told you, there is plenty of help online if you are struggling playing Rogue.
From PvP guides and videos, to streamers. Hell my suggestion would be to start doing skirmish arenas and try to get a feel for your class.

overall, like i said before, rogue is probably the best melee class currently. you have all the tools to deal with a Paladin and more, its up to you to improve yourself and see your mistakes.

Lastly, i will not engage in further discussion with you. Ive helped you far more than you deserve.

take care buddy.

You can’t explain anything to me, random warrior who thinks his opinions on subjects he can’t comprehend matter. You are “struggling” to put together some sort of passive-agressive responses, because you have nothing constructive to say. You don’t know the game even at a basic level. Please stay off the forums, or this topic, and let the grown ups talk, kiddo.

This is the first time i enjoy ret since cata.
And why rogue cry about ret?
You Just one shot as rogue.

I said few weeks ago that it is to do with how you play the game and how you use your abilities at the right exact moment, and this guy yet complains about it, last night I got my butt kicked several times by pesky rogues and feral druids, and this guy keeps complaining? :joy:

I think pala just needs a little nerf, le not being able to use bubble and wings.
For rogue the restealth system need to be changed. Just one time in fight and blind does not enable out of combat.
MM Hunter can’t use double Tap in stealth.
Oh and take away the Knockback from Shami.

That is what i think should be changed and if they still are to strong. Nerf dmg slowly.