Mathias and Flynn❤️

So was Shaw with Valeera

Ok this one is fresh so i will step in before people start fighting again about the stupid relashionships of NPC’s.

Sooo …

Covenants are not going to be balanced.

What does balanced mean ? I would say that a 5% diferential between them would be considered balanced. So why cant we achieve this and still have a meaningfull choice. Simply put its way too broad of a system that encompasess player choice, player class and class spec all at the same time to be feasibly balansable. The other thing is its way too much systems ontop of one another, wich would mean that to hit the >5% treshhold we are aiming at, the ability should do around 2% of your overall performance wich would essentially make it a dead button, it would be better to press your filler spell instead than to lose a GCD on the cov ability. And thats the easy math, now lets look at the rest of it, soulbinds have around 7 rolls if im not mistaken so that would mean each one should be 0.3% troughput, soulbinds are the same.

And before someone comes in and tries to say that the argument was not that covenants over all would be 5% but the diffrence, i would like to remind you that the warlack night fae ability exist and has negative troughput, yes you hear me right negative trough put. Activating the ability actually decreses you dps, not only that but the first activation that chunks 20% off your HP is actually less of dps loss than using both activations (the second one beeing ofc the improve DL).
Point of fact is an AoE cannot be blanced to an ST. If the AoE deals the same number as the ST that makes the AoE the best choice, same goes for the CC. If your argument will be that they should not be blance then again you just pick the one that would suit the majority f the content and that would be the best choice, leading to the same exact conclusion wich is covenants will be more than a 5% troughput increase, be they baseline or diferentials.

never they were just talking about potential relationships they could have with OTHER people not eachother

So being bisexual doesn’t exist? Also Shaw said he HAD someone in mind.


And yet people are wondering why are there many homophobic people.

You are literally doing everything just to get their attention, okay you are gay keep it for yourself god sake. Why to show/mention it everywhere?

Stop these LGBT threads.

Nah now Shaw have a forced relation from nowhere where Valeera was more likely.

Someone from nowhere.

I mean… polyamory?

That’s gonna go down in flames.

People abuse this moment not knowing why it is funny.

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You’re a Nightborne your comments are null and void. Be gone.

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So says the Troll?

No one is forcing you to come and read, its just when you see the title it seems you get tilted.


And what about it? Why are you along with others being triggered by something so SMALL. You can call everyone else snowflakes but when this happened ya’ll are acting like the sky is falling and the end is near!

I dont respond to threads I do not like, people just like spreading hate for some reason, its on them.

Big deal to guys are in love , but not a big deal when a Man/Woman are tho

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Oh really? There literally have been 10 threads about this, yet you have decided to make another one?

I am a gay by my own, but I think what you do is stupid.

No you’re trying to be edgy and cool, trying to fit in with the norm. Please be quiet and eat your greens Karen.

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And these threads are for people who want to talk about it
Also there are thousands of threads rotating daily basis, so how big is it compared to overall output. Good luck tracking this kind of threads though.


no one cares the whole point is why would people rage when its a same sex relationship, this is just a thread to support it

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Oh really? Edgy?



Chile you came out that womb acting the clown so keep that emoji.

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