Mathias and Flynn❤️

lmao its the real housewives of beverly hills Kim richards

Rabies the magnificent approves of this message.

I apologize for my ignorance. It is just that this is not the genres that I tend to watch. I am more of the scifi, fantasy type.

I’ll add: it’s equally stupid to be so hyped or happy about pixels being in love.

They better not make Anduin gay or the Alliance will never see the end of Kappapride being used whenever my faction is mentioned!


Too late. He’s already gay.

And Wrathion is having that cake.

It is more like a wish.

Why a wish? He’s not my boyfriend so why would I care.

Yea you never cared yea yea

I had no idea who they were either. Not my kind of tv :slight_smile:

Bsh gimme some Wrathion you can keep yer Anduin.

Mindless consumers don’t care about the actual story if there’s an appropriate gender agenda attached, it’s too easy for corporations nowadays.

So says the dark iron dorf who was an enemy of the alliance since classic and now outta the blue was made goodie because players wanted them.

So much for the story eh?



Why involve LGBTQ in a game in the first place … i just hope they dont make anduin gay otherwise i legit have to move horde kekw

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I ship baine and millhouse manastorm


You do realise horde has plenty of gays, right?

Insert the gif with the train smashing into the tunnel.


Insert dramatic : Nooooooo!!

Dude, you should definitly google ‘Bison’…I mean, honestly…

As for this topic and not coincidently the post I responded to, I always thought Baine was going to end up gay, I abhore this character, but that could’ve actually made for some interresting twists if they had to write in something like that (Not on my account, but since we’re here anyway)

Tauren lore is poor as dirt overall, So Baine, ‘good and naive’ as he is, always trying to do what he thinks is right, he needs a firm counter / antagonist to help put this character into place, so that could’ve been Jevan Stormsong - Well, why not? I know people will ridicule me now, but I’m just speaking my mind here, in how something could’ve gone, without looking forced like Flynn and Shaw.

Baine is Cairne’s son, so the Grimtotem aimed to murder him in his sleep while they took over Thunder Bluff, Jevan stopped this by betraying his matriarch and his clan.
This could be an actual developing romance/bromance that would bring something to the table, Jevan being a bad ars Grimtotem, mistrusted, despised, having to keep up his guard at all times, but also honorable and he cares for his people - But he comes from a tribe of hard ways, he’s not diplomatic and he will not hesitate to fight when he needs to, compared to compasionate to a fault Baine who comes from a tribe that’s more openminded, more open to talking and diplomacy.
It could’ve added more insight into those characters, their respective tribes, tauren culture in how it views such matters, amongst other things - In other words, it could add a little more depth to Tauren culture and bring a nice dynamic in it’s leadership, wich is more than Flyn and Shaw bring to the table, if we’re honest here…

But then I’d expect it to be written in an organic way, over time, and not wham/bam, we’re wearing eachothers clothes now and finishing eachothers sentences :D…so I guess, that’s off the table anyway.