Mathias and Flynn❤️

There is some great fanart of the couple out there


I dont get the confusion this is a counter thread to the hate thread dont waste your time Puny!!:heart::heart:


Then you be wrong because it is all over the net ,you can deny it all you want but come SL you will see and maybe try reading some books .

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He is bi sexual same as Mathias .


If you’re interested in this more than a good story, you are part of the problem the game has when it comes to its stories. Their sexuality shouldn’t matter at all, by making it a focus you make the game and story worse by extension.

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Same could be said for your view not wanting it to be part of the story just saying.

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Not what I said. Try again. Try harder.

Nothing to try for ,there is nothing wrong with how people are in the game .You are just making it a problem because you do not like it .

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I said that if the focus is to get representation over a good story, then the story will suffer as a result and people asking for more representation over a good story is a problem. I don’t care what fctional characters do with their genitals, I don’t care what real people do with them either. My point, to make it simple for you, is that it doesn’t matter and it shouldn’t be a driving factor in the story.

Its not an omg Im going to die without it situation calm down the whole point of this thread is to counter the hatred from it its just pixels honestly

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This here? This assumes I’m mad or upset, and I’m honestly neither. What you’ve done there is called projection and/or assumption. You’ve seen I don’t agree with your stance exactly and assume I must be mad about it, but to be super cringe and quote myself:

I don’t care if warcraft has gay characters, I honestly couldn’t find an Eff to show you. I do however care about the idea of wanting, praising or demanding representation instread of wanting, praising and demenading good writing first.

Don’t sacrifice one for the other, it’s never worth it.

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I KNOW RIGHT! Its so damn cute! Lets hope to see more in shadowlands

You dont have to simplify it, you just came in calling me part of the problem cause I like their relationship and wouldnt mind more GAYS its 2020 get yourself in the century

To simplify it for you this is the last time ill respond to your replies

Why are you lying though?
I didn’t say being gay was bad. I didn’t say gays in the game was bad. I said you’re part of the problem because you want more representation, you won’t care if the story is good so long as it’s gay, right? Cause gotta have more checked boxes. Forget the story, the game mechanics or them making sense, gotta have dat gay cause its Current Year . Get a grip mate. Call me all the phobes and ists you want, fact remains I don’t care where the story goes so long as it’s good.

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Listen Ill go against my words and respond you are not homophobic and I want a good story , I just like these two guys as a couple , the worst thing about bfa for me was the lore my friend I apologize if I seemed mad


The only difference between us then is I actually don’t care about ingame couples at all.

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To make things funny I love Lorthemar/Thalyssra I love Sylvanas/Nathanos im happy that there is a Shaw Flynn thats all but if all of these were suddenly erased from the game will I unsub? No. Will I cry? No

Nothing in my life will change but guess what these are in the lore now and its not something I personally want to invest any sort of negative energy on

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Just to point out they are bi not gay though .

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The only quasi-relationship that got a smile out of me was Ra-Den attempting to hit on Mother and her shutting him down with bassically saying ‘I can’t I’m washing my hair for the next cycle.’ Blizzard are good at big, cheesy super simple writing that they often rip-off from other sources, and I wish they’d stick to that, then we get more ‘I AM MY SCARS’ moments, which are cringe and awesome all at once.

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If you’re a dude, and you’re bi, and you’re with another dude, thats a gay relationship. They may also like to play hide the sausage with women, but while they are together, it’s gay, and thats fine, but call it what it is.