Maximum Realm Capacity Increased – 28 August

That might also be true, but I won’t affirm that.

What I meant is that a “Full” realm in 2006 had less capacity than today’s “medium” classic realm. Therefore, if a realm is on Medium capacity, there’s more than enough people to play. There’s no need to go tho the “high”, or “Full” servers in fear of ending up on a Dead server.

Are we being refunded the time on our subscriptions for the hours of waiting, as we have paid for this time to play, not queue for nearly all our available game time.


Still hasn’t began layering on Gehennas

not having equally shared population indicates to all servers not being full which brings another problem > dead servers. dead in term of being low population compared to other servers which will be full. anyways you ignored my other points about people not wanting on pvp server to play on one faction sided server (in faction that has least players) and especially when its population decreases

Your ‘Hot Fix’ has broken realms - server lag is so bad that you die when all the mob’s damage on you catches up and hits you at once. Blizzard, you owe me three repair bills. Please send to my character.

when is this being implemented? i’m stil at 4000 in line.


In that case we need more layers, because right now the game is unplayable.
There are just to many players trying to complete the same quests.

I wish people would stop saying this because it doesn’t make sense. We simply don’t yet know if that was right or wrong, because we are still in the ‘You think do’ phase - people are checking it out because they think they do. 6 months from now is when we’ll know if people actually do or don’t and that can be answered.


This is just plain wrong. Just because a server isn’t full, it doesn’t mean it’s dead.
Maybe the community should grow up a little and stop with this stupid perception of “if it’s not full, it’s empty”. There’s more colors in the spectrum than black and white.

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These threads are so fun to read


I love it xD

yay finally, ahem I mean hopefully be able to play in the afternoon. Currently can only get on in good time after midnight :frowning:

If things keep up like this, with people being unable to play, I’m sure it will be flagged as “but you don’t” even though the truth is people do, but will not admit having to wait on 10k queues all days.

People want to play classic, not “Theme Park queue simulator”. And if Blizzard can’t provide this, people will flee.

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yay about time blizz

Gehennas is also jumping down, went from 8k to 5,7k

In that case we need more layers. Right now at least the low level areas are overcrowded. There are simply to many players trying to complete the same quests.

Party up to decrease time by 80% =)

This is just plain wrong. Just because a server isn’t full, it doesn’t mean it’s dead.
Maybe the community should grow up a little and stop with this stupid perception of “if it’s not full, it’s empty”. There’s more colors in the spectrum than black and white.

Well no basically what you are saying is " be positive " " be optimistic" what bigger picture are you talking about?i stated real problems but you are closing eyes on all of them :slight_smile: unless you are playing on PVE server or RP if so its understandable

add. more. servers.

this “hotfix” will cause an even bigger problem in phase 2 than before… such a stupid company. 0 brain cells


This is the case when every new game releases. It will even out with time.