Maximum Realm Capacity Increased – 28 August

forgot to say that if people wanted to play on different server they already would now :slight_smile: theres 5 servers on eu INCLUDING english one (excluding rp) which has no queue but people still want to play on their server

Make free character realm transfer a thing (yes, already) - I’m happy to transfer my lvl 25 priest from Gehannas to new realm. But there’s no way I start fresh on level one (reroll on other server).


logged in on pyrewood yesterday at 20:30 and was in a queue of 6000. Logged in on pyrewood today at 20:£0 and I am in a queue that started at 5500 with a longer expected wait time. You did what now?

Waited 3 hrs to get disconnect and get back in que…GJ and Goodbye blizzard. That’s it, I’m fking tired of this shet. Go get your money and shove it in your dark portal


Just jumped from position 3k into game, logging the world now. Amazing blizzard, thanks!

This doesn’t make sense either.

Yes today’s Medium = Full from 2006, so great…currently. But you don’t seem to have considered the drop off. That is the server at it’s peak. In a few months time will that drop to low? Because then it’s not a Full from 2006.

Alternatively servers that are High could drop to Medium in a few months - which as you said is the equivalent of a full realm in 2006.

what a great idea ! now i got 4x dc within 1 minute !

Jumped from 5,7k to 700

dced 500 players LULW
Blissard> we are increasing server caps
What actually Blissard does > DC PLAYERS


gehennas world server is down

disconnect waves rolling again

Ouch, world server down (shazz)

Aaand im in. Wow. I dont know what you did, Blizz, but thanks!

well then thats a good idea ! chose one from all the Full server !

Went from 11k to 4k on shaz what happend

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Changing the server from Full to High pop just resulted in a “world server down” or something like that. This as ridiculous as it can be and any whining or complaining doesn’t even come close to describe the fact that this launch was a complete failure. Doesn’t matter if you get days off work or school or you are living in a basement and never see a sunlight, 2 days of completely unplayable game simply kills my desire to even keep trying at this point.

The whole barrens layer crashed

3 hour que, gg

They melted Shazzrah and its now broken. got Dc’d and was in a queue for 6 hours. GG blizz.

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Whilst this is a good idea now queues are more reasonable across the board I think (30min-1hr). You just threw everyone offline …

Shazzrah is soooo laggy. My god it is bad.