Maximum Realm Capacity Increased – 28 August

servers can be leased and/or reused, its just a box with hardware running software, they are not bound to wow classic forever…

there is really no excuse


RIP…this means that on high population realms people are not going to leave and layering cannot be removed ever.

Have fun.


After waiting 100 mins over on Ashbringer i managed to get in and leveled my toon to level 5 and BLOODY BLIZZARD IDIOTS Disconnected the server and now i can’t get back in and have to queue for 100 mins plus. F BLIZZARD. RETARDS


just got your spot, cheers mate


hey blizzard pls fix this further Jesus. from 8 hours that i have free of my time i can play only 30 min…


Horrible idea to be honest, even with layering it feels already now way to crowded

And i’m not even talking about evening nights, early in the morning this is sometimes already the cause.

I guess server migration will cause issues with people their nicknames. And that this issue will solve at its own. But i don’t see a player drop that fast to be honest, because vanilla is a really much better experience than retail imo

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if you think this is bad, wait until the weekend :smiley:


Thank God, I was in queue for 8 hours today.

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I do have considered it. May you indicate me which of all the Classic realms is flagged as “Medium” or lower? Yeah, none. People want “Full” servers with tons of queues expecting what? 95% drop for phase 2?
Let’s be realistic. Numbers have blown. Just like in 2004-2005: There were 3/4 realms on High when I joined the queue 75 minutes ago. The rest were all on full.

Besides, let me remind you that back in vanilla, people played smoothly in High and Medium realms, which today would be flagged as… low? Have you considered it?


What weekend ? Better queue early on Thursday so you get your spot sometime on Sunday and get a level or two


This does not solve the issue. Higher populations just means more strain on the realms.

Just release 2/3x PvP, 1x PvE and 1x RP-PvP and we can go from there. Will face the consequences further down the line.

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Totally botched this launch, how unprepared can you be? What did you learn during the last 15 years?


The realms all sit on virtualisation tech, so its not as simple as you say. They probably know more than you on this…

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Nope. That will just cause more issues down the line.

They should give people the ability to transfer their character freely. Would solve the problem of people not wanting to move.

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1800 in queue, sometimes it increases by 1 or two like somebody had hopped over head. In about 30 min decreased by 80-90 ppl, which means ETA is about 10hours from now, but their calculator says its 11 mins.
Blizz, “You are not prepared!”.

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goods news, shame nothing changed


Transfer to what ? To another Full realm or High pop one with “world server is down” ? Poorly executed launch and even gets worse by the hour


That’s the exact opposite, duh.