Maximum Realm Capacity Increased – 28 August

What’s happening??? For about 40m im trying to enter on Dreadmist and it only say “World server is down”

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so numbers, before and after, EU:
Shazzrah 20k->7k
Golemagg 22k->10k
Mirage 5k->1k

Stuck on the loading screen on Dreadmist. World server is down. Please fix this Blizzard!

+1, been about half an hour now

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I’m 1672nd in queue but with current speed i will (not) enter the game in about 9 hours. They’ve reduced numbers in queue indication, even ETA shows 10 min to go, but actual waiting time is the same as before the fix, we still have to wait 9 and more hours to log in.


So you don’t see having say 10 extra servers completely dead when we’ll get a drop off? People would complain day and night for free transfers. Mergers isn’t a good counterarguement either as that too will introduce issues.

This issue is just temporary and will be gone sooner than later.

but apparantly not enough

An in-game Blizzard support message said that Dreadmist will restart in 5 minutes to fix the world server issue!

So what will then happen with the newer servers, people who recently moved there will just go back to the high. Doesn’t this run the risk of creating dead servers?

I love your spirit!

Im gonna wait and see a bit first, how they handle the weekend rush

Executive team had no idea and acted to be DUMB STUPID AND BRAINLESS. So they are now hiding in their toilets and shut their internet to avoid this mess.

some fool once said "You think you do, but you don’t. I can’t remember that fool’s name. It was… um!! anyone guess?

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I also realised this, they just crunched the numbers lmfao…


Lets play.

As long as we get Vanilla authentic caps once Layering is gone.

So I’ve been in a “Estimated 4 min” queue for over an hour now. I have a feeling this was just a cosmetic change.


In 5min -30 in queue so i will enter the game in 7 hours…

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57 is the new 500, 1 hour=1min. Wasn’t time hopping introduced in BC? #nochanges I want my 12k queue back with 500 dropping every hour at least it feels like things are moving.


Havent u realized so far that the players in the waiting queues is around 60k and the cap increase with 5k will hardly solve the problem?:smiley: what will be in other phases when PVP ranks etc. introduced? nutin. the hype will end very…very soon.

Oh yes and i gues there is a reason why no communication att all on exact numbers… great management.

16k queue for Golemagg… Hope this works Blizzard!

We are about 20-30 servers worth of overcapacity, so no I don’t see 10 new more at any risk of being dead.
If we listened to you “DEAD SERVERS !” clowns, we would still be with the 10 initial international servers that Blizzard wanted to start with, with each proposition to add a server or have language servers being answered by a mindless “YEAH WE HAVE 500K PEOPLE IN QUEUE, BUT WHAT IN 20 YEARS WHEN PEOPLE HAVE LEFT HU ?”.

Which ones ? Because queues and overcrowding seems actually to be issues, while mergers… aren’t ?