Maximum Realm Capacity Increased – 28 August

As a member of Shazzrah this is sorely needed, Thank you!


Blizzard didn’t anticipate the demand for Classic. This is a good thing for the future of classic IMO as they acknowledge just how popular it’s gonna be. This iteration of the game has only been up for 2-3 days, the growing pains will pass. There will be tourists who get bored and quit after a wee while but plenty will stick around on each of the realms.

Remember it’s not a race. I’m only level 11, but I’m excited to begin sinking my teeth into The Barrens tomorrow, and all the stuff that follows. It’s gonna be fun.


At last! Ty Blizz! Will see…

Is it already done or is it coming with the weekly restart later today?

To those asking, yes it is done. Servers went done about 3 hours ago. And yes you are still in que inspite of this. We need like 10 more servers for EU!

13 realms are now showing as medium population, the rest High, and none of them full.

Yeah i also tried loggin into all realms atm, no queues to be found. i know its 2am here in Paris time, but still considering the queue on 20k last night at this point. this is big change

So, still going by my predictions I see. More realms before or in the same night of the launch (after the 1st 4). It wasn’t 2 but 4.
Still everything full.
Blizz gets stubborn and doesn’t open more (enough) filling EVERYTHING with bad queues because “you think you do but dont and you will leave”. I thought this would be Saturday but it was faster.
Next part, even more realms… Or if they really upped the limit (which they said they WON’T LOL) that’s gonna mess with economy.

I had like a 500 queue for Shazzrah 20 mins ago. Just to test it, as I wanted to delete a character there.

But… yeah, that’s insane.

And btw, did they look ready to “release more realms as needed”? Do those 5 names we got last look like “planned this” and “saved Ashbringer for last” and the 2 word PvP server like nowhere in the history of WoW (EDIT: ok nvm remembered that wrong…there are a few 2 word PvP realms in retail),

To be fair the “Ten Storms” name is super weird.

Great news! But some english eu realms having arguments that goes off the rails way too often over people not speaking english in public chats. Bringing in a few spanish focused servers would come along way of alleviate this as well as some of the realm queues. It is the 4th most spoken language basically, seems silly not to launch with them.

Now everyone is so smart.

Do you know people asked blizzard for multiple versions of realms as an alternative? The server x1 x2 x3 x4 approach?

Dont u dare to come up with “naming issues” that are irrelevant when the name pool couldve been shared between them from the start.

People couldve spread out better.

If classic becomes a succes with staying power they couldve renamed the x servers into individual ones, if it wouldnt have, they wouldve merged.

But their bet was: wow classic will suck. Nobody really wants it.

After they lost that bet they now double down with: 95% have to quit in 2-3 month.

Actually… now that I think about it:
the chances of making classic fail due to this are quite high… its either infinite layering, infinite ques or the game really dies out by 95%.


All i know is, anyone with an 8hour job who finished after 13:00 will have to enter a queue. I spend 8hours in queue after work and was able to sneak in 1 hour of playing before sleep cause of work. I just hope they somehow find a way to decease queue times so our group can stay together and perhaps compensate the queue simulator.

Thaaanks <3

Stop saying its not a race…not all people are the same…

On topic. No queue anymore. In the morning its almost empty.

This just delays the problem until later…
Lets do sone estimates here.
Vanilla realm cap = 3500
Classic cap with layering (pre hotfix) = 10k
Classic cap with layering (post hotfix) = 20k
Classic cap phase 2 = 3500-4000
On top of that we still got 10k+ ques after the hotfix. So we got about 30k people that fight for maybe 4k spots in the future.
Lets asume that 25% reduction in que due to ppl spreading out their playtime after first two weeks when their time off work is done. Ok, still 22.500 people left. Lets assume further that 50% of the initial players quit (i dont think that many will quit but ok) within 2 month. We are still looking at about 7.500 ppl that fight for maybe 4000 spots, every single day, even more on weekends and at phase openings.
How is thst sustainable? Also, i could be totally wrong and the current realm caps are way higher than 20k… then the situation is even worse…


In addition, people are still joining every day. We are at day 3 now and it will keep rising for a bit until it starts declining

That is welcomed news and am sure that everyone will be very happy to hear it(read it :slightly_smiling_face:).

But why are we in this situation in the first place? You started by opening 3 pvp servers which players could choose for their character creation. There are 14 already + 11 for none english and will likely increase. And that’s only PVP How…what…who…WTF?

How did you come to the conclusion (not you as a community manager, but the entire launch team) that “3 server and we’ll scale it up to maybe 5, if there are a lot of players joining” will be enough.

Why not just say to your player base “You know what guys, we want you to have the best Classic experience possible and we have therefore taken precautions and made sure that everyone will be able to log in and will be able to play under stable conditions. That was a huge expense for us, but frack it…YOU’re worth it” and just open all the fraking servers.

Why does there have to be so much drama every time there is a mega launch (am thinking about D3 fiasco here)? Fraking hell.


Yay! Could you do something about quest respawn also? 20 of us waiting for Kreenig last night and he has 6 min respawn timer