Maximum Realm Capacity Increased – 28 August

Create a raid and kill it with 20 man then?

Thats not how it works in IT world bro, you never over provision servers.
The reason why they to this so late;

Server also have a stress test to check whats best for server to reduce problems/issues.
You never want to put servers to the max stress because issues will appear etc.
With the increased max player cap on realms, Blizzard now puts there servers to the max stress.
I think this was a last resort and a plan Z for if things were bad.

People need to stop hating on Blizzard, you do not know how hard these things are to fix… especially in IT Business.

No one on this forum gets to see what happens behind the screens, these guys are doing there best to give us the best possible gameplay.
Give it some days to let things fall in there place, its just day 3, everyone will be able to play classic sooner or later. Just relax


Go away with your knowledge and common sense. (troll I agree)

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People think blizzard is trolling us for fun xD

Haha nice topid for a board meeting…So we will redo classic…just to troll million of players…

Yes! We love it! Here is 10 million as a start.

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I think it is very clear that they had to do something. They could not let the queue-fest continue for who knows how long, and they could not keep on adding new realms and asking people to move agan and again day in day out. At least this will give them the chance to gauge the real population over a longer period of time without alienating too much the playerbase and then, before phase 2 (I hope xD), they will know how many new realms are needed, open them and offer free transfers (I really really hope XD).

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Can you do it in raid?

I agree with you. I know how difficult it is. I also know that it is possible. It is just a matter of cost vs profit.

My rant goes against what feels to be unwillingsness from Blizzard to please its playerbase, even if it would cost them. I just want them for ONCE to put their playerbase in front. That’s it.

And I am not talking about the engineers behind the server setup and the admins that have to take care of the server. I am talking about management.

And yea, I know, I sound naive when I ask what I do. :slight_smile:

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While in raid you can’t complete quest objectives…

My scenario:

I think WoW Classic was a bit of a side project.
Many players demanded a WoW Vanilla server because people stopped liking Retail.
I think management at blizz/activision agreed with this demand but didn’t want to much $$$ in it. I think they had a x $ to spend on building this demand.

Now they see WoW classic has become far more popular then what they expected it to be.

It will just be a matter of time before things start to get shape and they optimized their systems for it.

Well at least they supplied us with this wish. Which we must be grateful for, they could also have said no to it dont forget.

I think next week everything will be working great.

Also WoW vanilla was never about Rushing things, take it easy and enjoy leveling and everything else.


I’m seriously concerned with you making the realms this big.

What are you going to do about layering if massive numbers of people don’t quit?

I could accept going over capacity to certain degree, but I’m starting to doubt we’ll ever get to a single layer for each realm.


How the hell can they see it as a side project, when you have private servers with hundreds of thousends of players. :slight_smile:

I think they knew exactly what they were doing but they chose to, like you say, “optimize” things over time, rather than spending too much from the start.

I 100% agree with you. But I never expected or wished to take it so easy with 6 hour queues, play for 15 minuttes, get disconnected and enter a 6 hour queue again. :rofl:

We’ll see after most of the people gets home today how the queue works. Right now on Shazzrah I entered instantly. :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


I think they knew exactly what they were doing but they chose to, like you say, “optimize” things over time, rather than spending too much from the start.

Cant blaim them either.
Thats how Business works.

liar, liar, hands on fire… no queues on Shazzrah? how come I’m in a long 1.8k queue already? and its not even 10 in the morning.

That bluepost doesn’t mean s**t. We expect…, and some realms should…, and of course the evergreen closely monitor… When I come home from work today at 18:00 CEST, I’ll try to log on the Skullflame, and if it doesn’t have a queue, I’ll admit they did something. But I doubt it, because it already had a queue yesterday, and it was brand new realm.

You can give free transfers, from the cluttered server to new ones until population lowers enough to enter phase 2.

If this take too long, you can give any boost to promote these migrations.

The points is that the current population is not real because the hype.

Within a few weeks blizzard will have enough data to see what’s better, if they need more time to phase 2, fusion realms, migrations, etc.

The terrible decision is to endanger the initial release, loosing the core point of a game (being able to play), based on future population hypothesis. That has not sense at all.

This got reverted? Shazzrah, 10AM 2100 queue

Golemagg 10.00 am 3400 queue already, nice capacity increase and hotfixes…

3500 on Firemaw at 10:30 CET is fine, like two times better than yesterday…

They’re obviously doing it in a careful way, not removing the entire queue.