Maximum Realm Capacity Increased – 28 August

Could we know by how much are you increasing it? Because I just got 700 positions ahead, I hope you are just doing it staggeredly so the server does not crash :slight_smile: Because you know… 700 is quite few :sweat_smile:

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Don’t know about server restarts but it would seem odd that a client restart would be required. You are seeing you place in queue but the actual queue is all server side.

I’m happy you’re doing this, but why has it taken so long to do it? And why wasn’t this a thing from the launch? :confused: The reason i ask… (like many others)…

Today’s Time - Queue Position
12.47 - 14264
13:13 - 12821
13:28 - 12328
18:02 - 4775
18:37 - 4065
18:47 - 3845
19:06 - 3339
19:14 - 3190
19:31 - 2388
19:47 - 1500


Position 700? Wow I dream was that close…

Been in queue since 14:30 or so and am still at 4050 :,(

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Lets see if you do it … bein in queue 6h in golemag from 16k…still 5k left…

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Should we waiting for restart?

Thank you Blizzard!

When is this going to be action-ed though?

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After wasting about 20+ hours in que’s it is about time!

do we need to restart the client? or still being applied and we’ll be notified when done? Thanks for the work :slight_smile:

I’m at 8700 :slight_smile: I got 700 positions ahead (now 1400 o.O)

Thanks… Finally, but when should we expect a restart and a chance to play the realms we wanna play on ???

Yay! Only 5 hour queue instead of 7.

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So I guess layers are gonna stay forever and dynamic respawn too…

So much for no changes

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For everyone asking:

This is a hot-fix, no you dont have to restart your game and neither should you since that will case you to lose your position in the queue, just stay online and in queue and you’ll see big drops.

Perhaps add additional servers together with it. Mabye also add some free transfers for those that does not want to stay on that ‘full’ populated servers and not want to start all over again.


Chocolate teapot… that’s my fave

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Let me guess, you’re playing on Shazzrah? I queued around the same time and my position in queue is at 4.2k :stuck_out_tongue:

This is not solution.
Online AFK players will be still AFK.

Actually if you knew anything it does.