Mechagnomes & Horde Mains

Why though? You still need to put in the grind for rep, and you need a level 120 (I might be off here) Alliance character for the unlock quest itself. So no matter which way you turn it, even if you complete the rep grind on a Horde toon you’d still need a max level Alliance character to unlock the race.

I mean, there’s legitimate reasons why people might see a Horde bias, and then there’s just nitpicking. Which just makes legitimate arguments look weaker because of “boy who cries wolf” implications.

My douchey snarky attitude is working as intended. Probably in legion they didn’t think too much about it and honestly comparing legion vs BFA, there’s a lot more to do (and initiative) in legion so at least this gives something to do. It only makes sense and to be honest it makes races a bit more special the more they are locked behind content although some flowers here will cry the moment there’s a grind behind anything. Imagine grinding in an MMORPG. :smile:

I won’t play a 80 centimeters height character unless their racials make me immortal.

Vulpera would make a nice alt not a main for sure :grinning:

And Void Elf is much better than Blood Elves, think it like the the cars made in 1930ies versus the current ones. A reskin doesn’t always mean bad just like a new model doesn’t always mean good (Fat’Tirans).

I still want 1 Night Elf reskin, Satyr with modified animations like Zandalari Trolls. Lastly, an elf reskin will always be better than a Gnome reskin, I can assure you :smiley_cat:


Not really, no. It would work if the allied races in Legion weren’t achievable with a single character, only needing you to complete the introductory quests on
separate characters of separate factions.

Their “Specialness” value is about on the same level as of the statement “Epperstyne commited sepuku”… I have faith you are capable of figuring out what that means.

Not an argument.

Might not be an argument but I find it silly when people complain that it’s such a big grind as if it took literal years to complete.

Pro tip, spend less time trying to outsmart by using words from other cultures that make very little sense to, well, Europeans since this is EU forums. It’s slightly cringy to go with the whole 90s “I have faith you are capable[…]” comeback.

:crazy_face: sure yeah, sure. Totally alliance bias when the horde have better racials statistically speaking for most classes and content, usually better mount variety, better race choice. Mean while the alliance mostly choose between horses & griffons and have rehashes of elves, humans and draenei and now gnomes which literally like 0.5% of people must of been asking for.


In all fairness, it’s a rather garbage system. A massive advertising point was Allied Races- which you can’t obtain unless you fulfill requirements, one being you continue to play a Horde and Alliance character with respective reps capped. So the big advertisement is locked behind having to sink double time in for access “just incase” the new stuff is tied to how to unlock future alliance races.

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Got exalted with:

  • Warsong Gulch;
  • Arathi Basin;
  • Alterac Valley;

During vanilla.
Needed that gear at the time, it allowed my character to get stronger.
Could had done through PVE mode farming the dungeon set, but PVP was way more engaging.

Got exalted with Shatered Sun offensive, during TBC, to get the gear and the tabard.
Did it on this character and my Forsaken priest.

Grinding rep to add more options to my selection screen, to waste more time in alts ?
Thank you, but no thank you.


They could have chose an other race than mechagnomes with Alliance exclusive reputation to even things. Like Ankoans.


Fine. That is your choice to do so.

What stuff? The only thing gated behind having to play a Horde in this conversation, is the ability to unlock Vulpera….Which is a Horde race, so if you can’t stand playing Horde, you figuratively speaking have no Horse in this Race. Your own options are still available, you can get Alliance stuff without needing a single Horde character. There you go. Problem solved.

you would only need a Horde character to grind Vulpera if you wanted to play a Horde Character, which you have said you do not. Same as I would need a max level Alliance character (Which fortunately I have two of) to take advantage of unlocking the Alliance Allied Races.

There is nothing stopping you getting the Alliance Allied races on an Alliance character, you do not have to deal with -any- Horde Stuff.

That is precisely my point. You -choose- not to play both factions, well heck, that’s up to you. Why does it therefore matter that you have to have a member of a Faction at level 120 to unlock an allied race for that Faction, that you have decided you will never play anyway? What are you looking for here? To be able to get a Horde Allied Race that you have no intention of ever playing, without making a Horde 120?

Because I gotta tell you, even if you can grind the rep, the number of Allied races you can get without having a 120 on their respective faction is 0.

I could grind Argussian Reach, and Lightforged, same as Allies could grind NIghtborne and Highmountain. But without a level 120 on the correct faction, you can’t -get- them. That is how -every- Allied race works! You need an appropriate level character of the correct faction to complete the process of finally getting them.

You can choose to do that, or choose not to do that. but making Vulpera unlockable purely on an Alliance character would be massively unfair, no other Allied Race works that way. You always have to recruit them with an existing character of their faction.

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They could have chosen all sorts of things, but Mechagnomes were on the list of commonly requested races by the playerbase. Sooner or later it would still have been a neutral reputation though. Tha’ts going with the presumption that we are getting one more Allied race each.

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Do you have a source on this? Because I find it quite hard to believe that this race has been commonly requested by more than a handful of people at best.


Do you have a source of any other race?

And don’t say Vulpera, because Vulpera is in the same boat as Mechagnomes, except they have been known in their current state for longer of this expansion. There are no exact stat for any of them, but yes, they have been requested multiple times.

Dark Iron Dwarfes and Mag’har Orcs have been requested for years.

I don’t have any strong desire for half the commonly requested races. They mostly just seem things that could have been done via customisations.

I was told it by a CM:-

Allied Races are generally intended to be more along the lines of sub-races that players were asking for for years

I hope you realize that his quote means that the players simply wanted for sub races in general. There’s no proof that anyone ever wanted anything like the mechagnomes before their inception.


That’s not a source, which was my point exactly. Mechagnomes have also been requested for years, but not in this current state. This is a new style. The original request was based on the style they had in areas like Stormpeaks.

The current style however, have also been requested.

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Yes, this I do remember seeing, even though it wasn’t that much requested.

Not really. Maybe by a handful of gnome fans at best. This allied race is objectively a total disaster. Only half the transmog is visible, limb customization is lacking in both shape and color, and the non-robed mechagnomes are literally wearing diapers instead of pants. The race is a total joke.

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We’ve seen them in the current state for how long? 6 months?

And believe it or not, there are people who find this version very appealing, and I’m pretty confident the art team are fairly happy with the result even. That you personally think they look bad, is all on you. There are people out there that really love the look. Some of those people are friends of me, and if I can have a bunch of friends who think they look great, I am certain there are plenty of other people out there who like them a lot too. I personally think they look cool too, but I’m not an eager allied race person. I will likely make one at some point though. I really like mechanical aspects of WoW, combined with magic.

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And they still look like garbage, I’m sorry to say.

I’m sure this is more than true. After all, the art team seems fairly happy with the worgen heritage set as well, despite the overwhelmingly negative feedback from quite a large number of players.

It’s not just on me though. Again, the race is objectively lacking in both the looks and customization. I’m sure there are people who like them though. I still doubt that they’re anything but a hard minority however. The stats will show soon enough.

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