Meh, I'm Bored

It’s a meta view. They’re not doing something new/different if they just keep the same policy instead of trying to make their product unique. Because if you keep throwing together stuff from other products, then your product starts to look like a business application instead of a creative expression.

This somewhat reminds me of the cringer years ago when the CCP (EVE Online) management was making stress because they considered their video game as in competition to all of the entertainment industry, including movie theaters and sports stadiums. - What a no-confidence vote in the own product, and not even justified there because EVE is quite unique.

to be fair wow has always consisted of stolen ideas from other games this is not new it happen even during the metzen era and they was proud of it taking what good ideas others had and refining it

Every game borrows stuff from others.

Most fun expansion launch I’ve had since legion, the flying, the proffessions and the zones are a treat

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taking people’s ideas without asking is generally consider stealing :stuck_out_tongue:

Damn, guess everyone stole from the first RPG ever.

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indeed everyone’s game empire is built on the throne they stole from the father of rpgs :smiley:

Lets just go back and go to William Greener, who patented the first “electric lamp” (whatever shape it had). Guess everyone using electricity just stole his idea.

Nah. Stealing is wrong. It’s not stealing to refine an already existing thing to another version of it.

your taking my joke way to seriously friend though if you go far back you will find that nothing is truly original and people have been doing the same thing for thousands of years

A theft accusation is a joke apparently :man_shrugging:

Just wish people stole the 90s RPG games instead then, and rebranded them.

the 90’s are gone friend they aren’t coming back and the people who hold the ips have no $$$ in making them

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Oh, but you are so wrong there my friend.
Blizzard’s greatest ability is to actually create META products, aways has been, always is.

As a counter example, the only time Blizzard tried to inovate and go against the market was with Heroes of the Storm, trying to build something completly new and different then what LoL and Dota 2 was, is the only reason Blizzard failed with HOTS. It was the only Moba that would have had the best LORE for each characters. They had everything and every asset to create a success story, but they went their own way and failed misserably.

Every other product of Blizzard is a META product, WoW is the combination of Runescape’s hardcore meets Everquests casual, Overwatch is the combination of BO3 (unique classes) meets Team Fortress 2. And so on.

Probably the first unique game genre of Blizzard being Diablo, but the rest are just a mashup of existing games. And this is what I like about Blizzard, cause they get something out of other games and polish it and add it to their own.

If they would have just create HotS keeping the same ideology as LoL/Dota2 in mind, it would have been probably next to them as we speak.

Cata had a new landscape and a bad huge Dragon.
WoD had a new timeline with the old Iron Horde.
Legion had countless demons to kill and fight.
BFA had Horde vs Alliance.
Shadowlands move us to the realm of death.
Dragonflight have a new storm dragon? Not that fancy or threatening to be honest. I hope we will see some twist and move evil powerful enemies.

hahaha this is exactly ! what i think :slight_smile:

aint going to play wow now, maaaaaaby in some future when things changed from bland and boring to actually interesting

drakes like razageth i killed countless times in dugeons, i will spare this one lol

So another one hyped preordered expansion? :slight_smile:

Waiting for a 50% off sale…

more like 75%
I’ve only read bad things about it so far. also there is nothing to do there because world gear is rubbish and m+ is locked until 14.12? (big rofl here). and people level up to 70 in 2-3 hours and hardly see other players around? hey…

and sl dungeons are no longer in lfd??? and world bosses are no longer there in sl?
lvl for bfa raids would be raised AGAIN??

…and they charge €50 + subscription for something like that?

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Can i ask you a genuine question?
you arent playin the game. why are you are to post in every thread with cool negative statements about DF? you are reading just the thing you want (as usual threads are splitted between good and bad).
Human nature never stop to amaze me.

Not posting sorry. spamming is more accurate

Ps: im a white knight for DF, NOW (after we’ll see)

you mean childish provocative question? NO

and stop lying!

Its not childish. Provocative, yes. But not childish.

Ofc: you never answered.

I mean, it was like that in Shadowlands launch as well.

Before M+ and Raid opens there are limited endgame content to do.
The difference this time is, that you don’t have to rush dailies and weeklies to get your borrowed power so you’re viable at season launch.

I just do the new zones and leveling some alts it feels really nice.
I’m poking to professions as well, i have never bothered with that in BFA and Shadowlands. Because my time and mind were focused on getting power.