Meh, I'm Bored

If we’re going by this board alone, I’ve seen mostly positive feedback except for the typical offenders who come here to be negative as a hobby and a flood of posts from people who never visit this board during the midnight launch meltdown.

The season has nothing to do with the story and voice acting while leveling.
No one is talking about gameplay here but about cringe woke things which seem more important than the actual story. So boring pure cringe.

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Objectively not true.

But hey, I’m not trying to convince you otherwise.

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Unsub! Problem solved!

Mostly, i had fun leveling. Last level was a bit of a chore given i was done with MQ but overall was nice.

Dragonriding is amazing, you are super fast and you pretty much never land once you get the glyphs (and you should, asap).

New dungeon seems good. Even if i encountered some movement imparing bug every now and then and still cant figure out what they are caused by.

Professions are really cool, did not spend much time on them yet, will do once i am done with the M0 tour, but they added some depth to them which is def nice.

The world is so colorful and amazing honestly, with a lot of grizzly hills vibes/nagrand vibes.

Good luck at higher levels then.
I was 300 something at like 68 and was getting chunked.
My first WQ to kill 3 ancient dragon with 1.2 M hp required me to kite them quite brutally to avoid being mauled.

The scaling at the start is definitely on the softer side but it changes quite brutally at the end. Unless you are a super tanky class ofc

Yeah problem is that this do not line up with their company ideologi. Creating acessible game for everyone. Which is biggest reason why hots and even overwatch hard failed and WoW follows. Acessible games created for casual audience are never fun. They lack identity as you have to cut down on lot aspect what makes moba moba, mmo an mmo or fps an fps. They dumb down hero building in hots, removed inividualism for sake of acessability and everyone got bored.

I watched some behind the scenes on upcoming callisto protocol. And they literaly said that they will make you die. Even lowest difficulty will be designed around fact if you screw up something game will kill you. Why? Becouse its survival horror game. You can hardly make something scary and survival if enemies are joke of faceroll.

Blizzard will never make any great game anymore becouse their chase for acessability and covinience takes all the fun out of their games.

Just move on from wow, you can’t play the same game forever.

I like the expansion so far, played like 1hour in total, but so far I did enjoy every minute of it. Sadly I will need to attend naxx raid today in the wrath :smiley:

But really, if you don’t enjoy it - don’t play it.

If you’re bored already, you’re bored with WoW. It’s probably time to cancel your subscription and find something else to do.

I thought the first zone was quite oki but then I started the 2nd one… and it was just so boring. The story, the characters, the quests and quest dialogues everything about it was just terrible. Never have I been so bored playing a new expansion before as I’m right now in that 2nd zone.


for a company is better cater 10 tryharders or 100 average players? We pay the same fee so probably the company will cater the 100.
This is why elden ring was created. To satisfy ppl aiming for a more difficult game.

and the game is not fun FOR YOU. Stop talkin in general way.

From my experience, the biggest complainers spend all of their time playing the game they say they hate. The sun will implode before they unsub :skull:

It’s Elias… Him and Vinzora would make a cute couple.

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You’re better off skipping dialogue and cutscenes tbh. It’s the typical Blizzard trash. Focus down the main questline and get to endgame that’s where the actual game is.

I do that too. because it’s super boring and miserably made.
It’s 2022 and there’s still stuff like that.
also, the constant “yawning” animations for people… really now?

What are you on about? Mythic raiding or pushing gladiator in PvP aren’t casual activities — WoW is an MMORPG and should therefore always have activities that cater to various different groups of people. It’s meant to be accessible, because otherwise it could never fulfill the “MMO” part in MMORPG.

This is a comparison made in bad faith, because these two games are not even remotely similar. WoW isn’t a survival horror game.

Nah thanks. I know what you guys call the actual game. It consists of running the same dungeons on repeat for 2 years and I’m not a fan of that. I’m taking it slow and enjoying it so far. I know by the time I reach “the actual game” it’ll be over and I’ll log out.

there arent much stuff outside. its not classic with deep exploration

I understand that and probably I’ll quit sooner rather than later. Point still stands, I’ll stick around for the new content. Take it slow, discover new thing, do the quests, play around with professions, races, some dungeons here and there and once all is done and I’ve entered the grind same dungeons/raids on repeat I’m done. The “where the real game starts” has never been all that interesting to me. So I’m in no rush to reach that point.

lately some certain new chars have added their precious presence to this group. In this thread we have an interesting court of miracles

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Imagine coming to the forums to complain that you’re bored with a game. Quit, go outside and play. NOBODY is forcing you to play the game.

I am happy and excited with the changes that the company is making and what I see implemented in the game itself.

I only hope that they continue advancing and improving and above all: that they do not allow themselves to be invaded by conformism, that they continue to evolve and create.