Metagoblin made a petition for a TBC server :)

Hahahah but most of the people doesnt want what you want and still you want your version to be inforced, i am sorry to tell you it is not how it works.

OK so ‘most people’ want super-fast speed levelling in Classic, you say?

Fine, let’s assume you’re correct. Presumably you have some kind of evidence to back this up? Official statistics? Surveys? Analytics?

If not than I’m just going to have to assume that YOU want super-fast speed levelling in Classic, and it does not apply to ‘most people.’


I agree, sorry I did not read all the Bla-bla written with the petition before linking :wink:

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That’s OK, it’s still a petition and still promoting TBC servers. Just hope Blizzard doesn’t go down the whole SoD or seasonal route with TBC, or if did, at least have a couple of standard TBC servers as well.


Retail is far from dead, no matter how much you hate on retail is still the most played version of wow, cata and sod are decent but CLASSIC ERA is for sure 100% dead. So you mean to tell me that if they release TBC it will not be dead? Nobody cares to play TBC again we done that mby a small playerbase will be happy and play it but still blizzard wont bother to put TBC for a small amount of players.If you rly want to play TBC you can go play on warmane they are just releasing TBC in couple of days.

Couple of standard TBC servers?? bro there will be so little players playing that and you suggest couple hahahaha CLASSIC ERA has 7k people what makes you think that TBC will have more xD.

If you’re going to regurgitate the ‘wall of no’ from 2012 you forgot to add: “everyone will complete BT and quit” along with “Blizzard has no plans” and the evergreen “Blizz said they intend to keep moving forward, not backward” - before accusing us all of wearing rose tinted goggles, and dismissing our desires as “just nostalgia.”

I really am feeling all nostalgic now.

Now, you’ve had your fun - off you trot back to your War Within. Don’t you have some instances to run though with bot NPCs instead of wasting time on here?


Go level 100000 char in era loser for the rest of your pathetic life.

“you think you do, but you don’t”


Last time I checked there was lots of people in Classic Era. If you don’t like Classic? No problem, you can go back to your beloved Retail forums instead.



It’s certainly not mainstream. But it’s quite astonishing, that there are so many people playing a 20 year old video game. And not a few doing this instead of the current release.

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The numbers are so little, but that is not the point i was making if 5k people wanna play era thats fine its their life, i was commenting on the person that said every wow version is dead but didnt include the most dead version ERA.

Its not about the numbers every version of wow appeal to a different person and is good in its own way, the problem is people like the person i replyed to that are delusional and hating every version of the game and says its dead while the most dead version of wow they think its the best and being delusional that tbc classic will somehow have a lot of people.

I’d love to see either a fresh vanilla or a tbc version of the game.
no changes (only things like spell batching or debuff cap)
staggered content release


That’s exactly the point.

It doesn’t need to have “a lot of people”, which btw is subject to interpretation. All it requires is “just enough” to make it financially viable for Blizzard and playable for their customers. And if it’s not “a lot”, well, those who need mass servers and instant invitation around the clock simply will look elsewhere.


You need to understand that when you ask for that, then there will be people that want WOTLK,MOP,WOD or even Legion perma servers? So i suggest to not be delusional and go play on private servers, it rly doesnt make any difference if you play on pserver or blizzard for pve mby for pvp but nobody plays old exp for pvp.

‘really’ ‘maybe’

Rly y tht mad bcs i sd the tru ?

‘really’, ‘why’, ‘that’, ‘because’, ‘I’, ‘said’, ‘truth’

Because people who want new Era realms (TBC/Wrath) are in fact fresh belivers who are leaving any WoW project after 3-4 months and expecting everyone to abandon their progress and following same attention span pattern. Where were these die hard expansion “fans” in last months of Sunwell or ICC? Cancelled their subs, waiting for Wrath fresh or SoD fresh realms? It turns out Classic progression realm players were more expansion fans because played more than seasonal players.

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