Metagoblin made a petition for a TBC server :)

You forgot to add period at the end…I am truly disappointed in you.

I just assumed the typos in the last one were due to you being a thicko, never did it occur to me that they may have been deliberate.

You are probably British and thus expect everyone to write English perfectly because your brain can only process to learn only 1 language while many people from other countries can speak multiple languages while you getting butthurt I typed ‘rly’ instead of really seems pretty pathetic of you and is why your country is going to shet and getting dominated by Muslims and I don’t blame them if I have to be around British Karens all the time I whould be mad also.

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you an adult man using a female gnome puppet, stop trying to give lessons to people “man”…

you are goin into dangerous ground talking like this, get out of here barbiegirl


Ok weirdo.

How charmingly racist.

На мајкати во пичка да и го ставам, да ти го ебам тоа менталното куче британско нездраво, ти ебам тоа болното.

This thread was likely started by Metagoblin himself or one of his devoted fans. Its main purpose seems to be farming clicks and subscriptions for his YouTube channel.

A permanent TBC realm wouldn’t retain players’ interest indefinitely, but only for a limited time.

Personally, I’d prefer a WotLK Era realm, though I understand it’s not a sustainable option in the long run.

And Metagoblin is just an engagement farming rat, He will never play TBC if it’s released he quit classic vanilla he quit classic TBC he quit Classic Wrath he quit SOD and quit Classic Cata…
He makes 30 videos hyping up a patch/xpack talking about how it’s the best ever in the history of WoW farming all the nostalgia then 2 weeks after release makes a video how he just doesnt like wow anymore and focusing on other things :joy:

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Well, it would certainly get my interest for the limited time of a couple of years. I also might be willing to raise the limited time of my subs from 6 months to, let’s say 2 years?

Some of the players here are serious about TBC era.


It would get my interest too. I’d not only change my sub from one-month-temporary to a year, I’d also seriously consider creating a second account for more alts.

No interest in a temporary seasonal TBC though where I’m on a timer and have to race against the clock before they pull the plug and I lose my character. I’d not even bother to play it.


At this point, I’d play anything FRESH tbh…

Stale guilds and raid-logging is all that is left from the “classic” enthusiasm.

i really dont have an opinion there but what i do know is that i just want a fresh tbc, or IMO a vanilla-tbc-wotlk loop with an option to clone or transfer a char to a permanent tbc/wotlk server. call it “sad” or whatever, im a family man who just want to play some classic whenever i get the sparetime :slight_smile:


It is always possible to release an “improve” version of TBC.

What to improve on though, without betraying the spirit of classic.

In my opinion, there are a few area where the game can be improve while maintaining the classic feel, like a true effort at balancing specs, and make some group buff raid wide. Having played TBC, both classic and og, it an really be frustrating to be outside the “good” group, stuck with the healer, without the 5% crit, windfury totem, etc…

I don’t think it somehow improve the quality of the game to have critical raid buff limited to group only.

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I don’t want anything to be “improved” in tbc tbh.


Personally my biggest problem with TBC is every party required a shaman.
And if the party didn’t have a shaman everyone in that party is gonna be asking why the hell they dont get lust?

sign the petition guys

and #nochanges

metagoblin sucks. I’m not signing.