Microsoft buys activision/blizzard

Bobby Kotic is still in charge so nothing much will change.

You are looking at it too pessimistic.

The Elder Scrolls Online Xbox Series X Gameplay [Optimized] [Xbox Game Pass] - YouTube

The Gameplay is very interactive. If you get a player playing like a bot, it is probably a player that is completely new to the game or a child playing.

Compared to WoW TESO is MUCH FASTER paced, so even if MC would make AB do a console version, they will make sure the controller controls feel strong and powerful in impact but without making it too slow or too lazy.

its gonna be more childs as well. extra job watch my every word i say, no room for open dirtyness. playing wow on console is gonna be like being a unpaid babysitter

Wy Wow is already controller compatible and if it comes to console then the developers will be forced to add addon functionality into the game which means more players and a better experience for everyone.

yea goona be awesome, i got a friend who plays gta on console gameplay is so interactivee he uses a rubber band to stay online so he can get passiveee income.

good times ahead

Unfortunately, other games have found a way around that now. They use the number of active inputs on the controller to determine if you are still active. So you would have to use a macro to get around it.

I think it is a good move but if WoW goes to console ill be very sad. It just cant imagine warcraft in console. Maybe something like WC3…maybe but if they talk about WoW in consoles ill quit honestly

Its a race to hell.

activion blizzard own many more games then just wow and make an average of 10 billion dollars a month from those games in game shops so it will not take microsoft long to get their cash back , lets hope they get rid of the old guard at wow and bring in some new blood

They made $2b. Last year.
And that’s revenue, not profit

Until Deal Closes, then he’s gone for good at last.

Microsoft are slowly capturing them big reliable IP’s.

If they can get Blizzard to bake over watch 2 for longer and turn it into a true sequel - imagine the power of owning it PC & Xbox only.

Then perhaps Diablo, followed by ‘World of Warcraft’ included with game pass on PC.
If they ever do a console port hopefully it’s either a separate entity or they really carefully map them controllers or make it only playable via M&K.

WoW and potentially ES exclusivity? Way to corner a market Microsoft!

He will leave after the deal closes. So year, still in charge. But not for many more years.

Big stonks!

I thing it will be worst

Cannot wait to play the MasterChief class.


Don’t be silly.

We will get a griefball mode


I told my investors to buy Acti/Blizz stonk at the beginning of Jan… they owe me 10% :blush:

I think this is more a political move than anything. Announcing the ousting of a CEO before the acquisition is complete is usually not a good idea, and sends too many mixed signals in the market.

I have no doubt he will be gently told to resign after the ink is dry.


Ye. For Bobby Kotick the “End Times” have come. No more missteps. No more chances. He will end.

And no. I am not listening to Warhammer OSTs rn… Absolutely not