Might of Stormwind is a good addition to Era

Yeh becuase Alliance minmaxers love to cheat and get Buff thanks to bug in game that was never ment to be for them.
BoW was there always to balance out unequality Between Horde and Alliance in pve.

it was the meta for private servers, classic launch, and still is for classic Era.
if it was ‘cheating’, blizzard would have hotfixed it and made it impossible to get for alliance.

AS far as I know they dont even bother to ban bots and goldsellers / goldbuyers on ERA. So you now have answer why they dont bother to hotfix it.

Either way those who love game as it was, they would even not vote for hotfixing it.

However point is that Warchief blessing was designated for Horde only, to balance out inmbalance of horde for PVE vs Alliance in pve.
You should take it as optional bypassing the bug as Alliance getting it not as something that should be avaible and you should be granted to have it for raiding because by logic Alliance have no simple valid point to have any acess to that blessing or MOS variation.

Unless you want redesign entire classic and give horde paladins for pve. What also means that classic should not be called classic, nor remake just another name to not confuse people who came to play Vanilla closest existing version of game.


it was designed as a fun little buff thats cool to get. Raids were never balanced around getting world buffs.

Yeh its not me who placing meta gaming above fun. Because if you really played for fun you would not call for MOS and tried harder without it.

Unless you want to make this game full socialistic simulator of equality.

Beating my past records and besting myself is fun.
Do you think people play racing games just to cruise and look at the trees and skies?
i am not impressed by this argument at all.


Haha, I beg to differ. Meta gaming is fun. I couldn’t imagine playing any other way.


Saying that everyone plays the game for the same reasons as you make me not impressed at all either.
Especially when I see you strugling to understand that there are games made trully for what you seek but you keep lurking in classic and change it to the games like you do not play.

if you actually played the game and engaged with the alliance community, i think you would be suprised.
and i am not seeking to make any grand changes, especially not to balance. But you also fail to understand that adding MoS does not affect the balance. Because alliance is already getting rend in the barrens, it is just a lot of unnecessary un-fun work that we have to do, so we can race our own scores the way we love to.

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Problem is not how many changes you seek. Problem is you dont see consequences of it. Yet you asking for change that is heavilly unfair for another faction. You should ask for change to remove ability for allies ot get rend and not get any version of it. Yet you are one of the those who stated that changes are there so what is the poin to not make more changes.

So yeh its affects balance and should be accessible only to Horde.

Its really easy, just don’t do it.

Thats just a handful of absolute cringelords who go for it. The majority doesnt.

Well every single melee dps playing GDKP does get Rend, which consist of the majority of the population on firemaw *server cluster:-)

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Like I said, the cringelords

Call it whatever you want but its not a handful, but the dominant population of the server.

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You must be new to classic

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As if new people actually still flock to era :rofl: :clown_face:

Clearly you don’t.

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And he is one of many that gets to have a saying how we should play the game.

People that don’t even play the game. It’s ridiculous.


People play game and you are the one who is asking for changes that will affect those who dont play the same way as you do, and are agaist those changes, yet the change will affect horde faction even further more down to be played with easy access of MOS on alliance human PVE raiding meta.

You are the ones who ‘‘must’’ have rend for raiding and that ‘‘must’’ you force own members of raid. You prolly assume that lots of people left this game due elitists and parsing meta gear score checkers. So now you can push forward with even more senseless agenda like MOS for Alliance.

But I tell you new thing for you, there is lots of us playing this game. Many of us were just silent watching on retail how narrowminded player minority changed retail into that mess it is. And now same gaming culture meta parsing bots trying change ERA for their own intention not looking at consequences. Just like locusts.

So stop asking for changes that result into consequences you dont care about becuase all you want to force us to believe that your PARSING and beating own records is the most that what maters in this game.

Also ask your metagod with eternal wisdom Asmongold to aid you mate. Because you already reveal that you dont care about others players or about game itself, only about your logs parsing score.