Might of Stormwind Reverted on Era. And why it shouldn't be

As the title says, Might of Stormwind, the new Alliance version of Warchief’s Blessing, has been removed. Here are my thoughts on peoples complaints and why their points are invalid:

“This is not real classic!”
-The game is no longer the same, and it never will be. Even with no changes the game will never be “the real classic” that you pretend it is. People didn’t raid with every world buff all the time. Raid/grp comps weren’t optimized. Talent trees weren’t optimized. You didn’t have every consumable. We didn’t have a perfect bis list back in the day. The game and the way the playerbase plays it is no longer the same. And to pretend that it is, is ignorance. In 2005 alliance players didn’t get WCB, they most likely didn’t even know we could. Since 2019 however, we’ve known its possible, and WCB has been obtained by alliance players by geting mindcontrolled or Mind control capped by someone on Horde. This you could even argue is more of a breach of the “classic spirit”.

“It disincentivies playing horde”
-Due to how WCB has always been avaliable for both factions, adding an alliance version doesn’t impact the choice of faction at all. The main difference between the factions has been the Paladin vs Shaman Debate. Alliance players have always been able to get, and have been getting, WCB in Classic Era. The only way it could impact the choice of faction, is if it was a Horde Exclusive buff. Which:

  1. It never has been.
  2. Would make Horde completely dominant in PvE due to Windfury being Horde only, in addition to the most powerful worldbuff for melee, being WCB becoming Horde Only.

This would ruin alliance PvE as it would no longer be competative. And something I doubt the playerbase would accept due to 60+ % of the classic playerbase being Alliance.

As for the #NoChanges crowd, I find their arguments to be a repetative loop between “First this, soon tokens” and “this is not real classic!”, most of whom seem to not play the game nor understand how proposed changes would affect it. Their mentality seems to be: I’d rather burn my hand than move it.

I get not wanting changes, and I think 99% of the players would agree we want as little change as possible to the game. And I 100% think a lot of players are scared of allowing changes to the game we all love and enjoy, in fear of what could happen down the line.
I think however that MoS was a really welcome change to the silent majority of players who actually play this game.
Classic Era is World Buff Meta, and with the limited amount of people being able to pop WCB (as all world buffs are only able to get popped 1 time per level 60character, and the game having been out for more than 5years now), giving us more opportunity to play and get this game-changing buff for melees, I believe is a good thing.
It doesn’t affect Horde since they still have theirs, and whenever they pop theirs Alliance players have always been able to get it as well.

I wish Blizzard would make a community poll whether the buff should stay or leave, as from my own experience, I believe the silent majority would be in favor.


Its super scuffed that Blizz implements, and removes it without a warning or any way of communication. Also me using a lot of time farming the head of Rend on 3 different for it now to be a complete waste of time is pissing me of.


Alternatively they could make it so that Horde players can infinitely turn in the head which would help both horde and alliance players being able to get it even with the low amount of people able to pop it seeing as its 1 time per 60 char and the game having been out for 5+ years now


Or at least let the NPC stay up, so those who have taken the time to acquire the Rend head gets to deliver it.


Idd… Shortterm solution, but idd

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Signed. Bring back MoS. Improve communication.


Petition to bring MoS back sign below.



Give alliance windfury too! Oh wait, all of these things exist already on SoD!


SoD is a completely different game to classic, and noone is asking for windfury x))
Take ur low effort ragebait somewhere else lol

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If ERA and SoD are completely different games then SoD features have no business being in ERA


As if Ally rend as an idea is something that only came about last week when SoD got it… people have been asking for it way longer.

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Can’t imagine how alliance suffered since vanilla and remained better pve faction and dominant one


go play SoD, we dont need it in era. Only sweetlord raid leaders crying about it, they are now not able to finish naxx 10minutes earlier.

Revert logout skips and dispelling world buffs as well, stop corrupting game.


LOL, “not being able to clear naxx 10min earlier”…

  1. You just sound super salty saying stuff like that x)) not getting inv’s outside of gdkp as buyer?x))
  2. It has nothing to do with clear times. All the “sweetlords” you cry about already get WCB / MoS by simply getting mc’d by priest or engi cap.
  3. I agree on logoutskips, plz bring back.
  4. Dispelling wb’s is the most cringe thing ever. Just admitt you have nothing better to do than to try and grief other people out of their enjoyment of the game.
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We do need this in Era. We have always needed it. And we will always want it.
And now that Blizzard opened this door it won’t close that easy.

I look forward to a blue post on this subject, until then I’ll keep bumping threads.

This Blondie is a funny guy, has obviously no idea what he’s talking about.


Same here.

I’m waiting for this.

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you know what, i really don’t care about MoS however MoS patch ruined all my fun in game because it also removed Dungeon Logout Skips for some reason.

If there were no patch as it promised around 2019, my logout skips would be still in game.

Therefore, I prefer no changes. Stop ruining classic.

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Great post. i would very much like to avoid getting griefed while collecting world buffs. Removing the dispelled songflower and DMT, also great! The dedicated griefers still have their HoH Island, or booty bay teleporter to abuse to get their kicks in.

I would also love a new blue post, and some in-game polls or what not, since they insist they have a lack of communication.

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Still waiting on a blue post on this.

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