Missing Twitch Drop - Goblin Weather Machine

Hey all,

This issue is once again being investigated.

As always, please make sure that:

  • You have attached your Twitch account, from the Battle.net website (and not the other way around). If you haven’t done so, you should have up to 7 days to do so after claiming a reward.
  • You have claimed the Drop on Twitch’s side.
  • You have waited 24 to 48 hours after claiming the Drop: it is not uncommon for Drops to be delivered after a day or two depending on the number of claims happening at the time.

You can post the following information if the issue persists:

  • Check and confirm that your Twitch account is linked on your Battle.net account management page
  • Check and confirm that you have claimed the Drop on Twitch
  • Confirm that you have waited 48 hours

You can also find more information if you haven’t receive the Drop on Twitch (i.e. there’s nothing to claim in your inventory).

Finally, please note that Game masters cannot grant Twitch Drops via tickets. Our developers are however investigating the issue, and should be fixing broken claims / rewards on their end.


Exactly the same here. Got the Feldrake, the Purple Firework, and the Abomination Toy (whose name escapes me as of right now).

Twitch showing 100% and I’ve claimed the weather machine, yet still not delivered in game.

Twitch account is linked
claimed the Drop on Twitch
more than 24hrs passed

Same here,

Twitch account is linked
claimed the Drop on Twitch
more than 24hrs passed

Would be nice to get something when you meet requested requirements.

It is not working and it is not the first time something drop related isn’t working as intended. The takeaway from the US forums is that the boys in blue have decided it isn’t their problem if the volume of affected users isn’t sufficiently large enough.


Same here,

Twitch account is linked
claimed the Drop on Twitch
more than 24hrs passed

Also still waiting for the drop (30+ hours currently since claimed). Got the Feldrake in around 8 hours last time and nothing changed and still showing linked since that drop but this one hasn’t arrived yet.

I had this same issue with Feldrake, so back then I just made a new account to meet the requirements a second time before the timer ran out, and claimed it again on the temporary account to actually get it.
I made the mistake of removing my temporary twitch account and reconnecting my old one a few weeks ago, because the old account is clearly broken somehow.

Account IS connected (I can see it on my Blizzard account connections, and also on Twitch account connections).
Item HAS been claimed over 24h ago (friend got it instantly).
No item in inventory, mail or toy collection.

EDIT: Received the toy around the 48h mark. I hope it’s just slow for everyone else as well, instead of being stuck for weeks or months like some twtich drops have been.


Same here clamed it yestruday it about 24+ and still nothing

Same here,

Twitch account is linked
claimed the Drop on Twitch
more than 30hrs passed

A few days everyone would understand, but many players have waited for a month by which time it is obvious that some things would never have happened without developer intervention. What is worse, they’ve previously introduced an entirely new drop while everyone and their mom was already having difficulties redeeming the items.

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Same here.

I did receive (each time instantly in my case):
Perpetual Purple Firework
Swift Windsteed Mount
Cenarion Hatchling Pet
Feldrake Mount

I did not receive:
Goblin Weather Machine

I can confirm that I have claimed the drops on Twitch
I can confirm that I have my Twitch account linked on my Battle.net account management page
I can confirm that I have waited 24 hours

Furthermore, @Aydra, how could you possibly make a new account to redeem the Feldrake, as the drop was up only 2/3 days if I remember well, and considering you have to wait 7 days to link a new Twitch account on Battle.net ? Thank you by advance

If your current account has been linked for more than 7 days, then adding a new account works instantly. At least it did back when the Feldrake issue was ongoing, if they haven’t changed anything.
I risked it on the last few hours that the feldrake was available, and it worked for me and many others who did the same. I’m going to do the same again if the Weather machine hasn’t arrived in a couple of days when the time runs out. Last time we were told Blizzard and Twitch wouldn’t be able to help with lost items, so I had to try a bubblegum fix instead. Luckily it worked back then, so I’m hoping it will work again if I have to do it.

Same here,

Twitch account is linked
claimed the Drop on Twitch
more than 24hrs passed

Thank you very much for the answer, I will try that too then if needed!

Same problem. Account is linked, never had any problem with other Twitch drops before, claimed the drop on Twitch, 24 hours passed, but didn’t get the reward in-game.

I still have not received the Perpetual Purple Firework either and yes, I have checked in lots of times both on my account page and on Twitch to make sure they’re connected, so I’m worried something is broken for me. :frowning:

It worked fine with the dragon kite and feldrake, though.

Same here, didnt had any problems with last drops … everything is linked …

Where do I even search for this item toy? It’s my first time redeeming a Twitch drop and it’s not clear at all if you are supposed to look inside your inventory, your mailboxes or your toy collection to find it…??

And I have many alts and different accounts under the bnet account that I linked to my Twitch account; is it hidden in amongst one of them or what?

I also can confirm i have had my account connected for 7 months now and also have claimed the item and have not received the item that i claimed it over 30 hours ago, i will check back on here for a further update.