Mistweaver buff request

your “0.1% marginal difference”

do you think world first guilds say “whatever” when they compare specs and see that one spec can do everything the other spec can do, but does 0.1% more damage for example? They absolutely do care about even the tiniest differences.

reality the guides that came out with SL were just absolute garbage and people suffer for following them.

Yeah the guides posted were not the best, I agree. However, that has nothing to do with how MW performs.

do you think blizzard are stupid?

is this a trick question?? are you actually insinuating that blizzard is not extraordinarily stupid? I have never seen a game company be so out of touch as blizzard. Have you seen how blizzard treats the people who give them feedback? not the forum dwellers, but the actual theorycrafters who are in direct contact with WoW devs? It’s disgusting to read.
