Mistweaver buff request

I totally agree with you, even with high versatility I can’t survive in arenas sometimes. I really love MW but getting very annoying declined from every single pug (RBG’s, Mythic+, 2v2).

I mean, we are mana starved and lack utility but healing wise we are strong. I’ve raided Cutting Edge in late WoD and Legion and done tons of M+. Maybe it comes down to knowing your class, we are quite hard to master because we synergize so much between different spells. Like you have to have ReM out on CD, you have to be pro-active so when the damage comes in you can AOE heal efficiently. Don’t rely on Essence Font.

Past two weeks I’ve done a lot of M+ and I’ve gotten praise for what I managed to heal. Just today someone called me a “god”. I was surprised cause I thought I was just healing as usual. Honestly, I’m not that good, I think, I just know how to use the class. You have to rely on Vivify healing with ReMs out, Revival to stabilize, Yu’lon when poop hits the fan (I think people underestimate the power of this CD) and use Soothing Mists to push out instant heals. I know Soothing Mists is a hot topic but honestly, it works for me at least.

You have to track your ReM. Did you know putting one ReM also activates Gust of Mist? It’s a free, small instant heal. Knowing that you can react differently to whomever needs healing. EM is very strong as well, in fact, looking at the meters after my dungeons my highest abilities are usually EM, Gust and ReM. Sometimes Vivify pushes EM down.

It might be years of experience (I’ve mained MW since ToT) but I don’t think all the doomsaying is right. Yes, we have mana issues and lack utility (Mystic Touch is not valid if you have a WW/BrM in the group). RoP is a good talent especially during necrotic and keeping adds at bay, but this is mainly for M+ and not for raiding.

Like I said, we are tough to master but it pays off (mostly).

A +100% dps buff would put Monks at around 1.6k on most fights, where you use RSK on cooldown and tp,tp,tp,bok as filler. And allowing for a certain degree of downtime for mechanics. I’m usually sitting at around 800-900dps and I’m generally speccing crane these days, so my own experience represents a very dps oriented playstyle. A +100% flat buff probably wouldn’t be smart due to scaling later in the expansion with secondaries. But Blizzard are smart they can figure something out

Palas have good utility, aura mastery is a much better cooldown than revival as well. I’m not talking about reducing their damage. As others have stated, melee has increased risk so it should pay off. We are 100% pigeonholed into melee these days as we will always get melee mechanics (chained with melee in sludgefist even if you stand at ranged for example). Where in previous expansions this was not the case, what mechanics a mw monk got were based on our distance to the boss. I believe 15 yards was the limit.

Sludgefist is not world first at this point so please, representation on that boss is totally valid. It’s a perfect example of utility and damage reduction > HPS.

Reducing the mana cost on single target heals would absolutely not make them the best spec in the game. It just opens up more diversity in the raiding playstyle. It’s really silly that vivify/Enveloping/Soothing is not a viable filler.

Spot healing should absolutely be a viable filler for those who want to do that.

This could probably be done by improving lifecycles, as opposed to a flat buff. So there’s at least the mana tea trade off. You could basically make clouded focus a bit weaker and then make it a baseline talent.

And yes, prideful helps with m+.
But even then, you cant spam enveloping anywhere near the degree that a shamman can spam healing surge.

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Hmmm… “Blizzard is smart” very interesting statement.

a 100% DMG increase would put me at 2k+ on bosses. 2.6k on Huntsman.

Oh, and that’s not counting the 5% physical damage we bring :slight_smile: assuming you are the only monk ofc.

We are 100% pigeonholed into melee these days as we will always get melee mechanics (chained with melee in sludgefist even if you stand at ranged for example).

Why is this a bad thing? You should be in melee no matter what so why is this an issue for you? MW should never stay at ranged, even if we did count as a ranged spec.

Reducing the mana cost on single target heals would absolutely not make them the best spec in the game.

A 100% dmg buff and mana reduction would make MW monk much stronger than would be fair.

I’ll say it again because why not. The issue here is that people think MW isn’t good just because some specs are better. People treat the class like it’s not viable even though it’s perfectly fine, even for top guilds. Are some specs better? Yes. Is MW more than good enough for everyone but the World First Racers? Yes.
Should MW receive changes in the form of changing some things and buffing underperforming talents? Yes. Should MW receive buffs to their main kit? Absolutely not.

And also, in WOD MW was doing 50% of a DPS’s damage. They were still not considered better than Shamman, Druid, Disc. Despite having very good throughput.

The other issue the spec has ALWAYS had is the random nature of its smart healing and lack of control. For example a shamman chooses the first target of their chain heal and the reminder is at least position based.

As a MW, you can play the entire fight without mousing over your raid frames and still pump. Not that that’s good

They fixed this to a certain degree in wod with one of the set bonuses. Where a % of uplift healing would redirect to a ReM target. It basically made rem a beacon. Obviously it jumped but if you played it on a tank or target getting rekt it would of course not jump. And this gave a tonne of control. Mechanically that was the best version of the monk. With 5.2 - 5.4 being the most fun with instant casts and 1 sec gcd

Edit: and the 5% damage buff while being the only monk is a big assumption. With Brm and WW being so strong right now it’s a minority. 1 of every class is an advantage, as basically every class has an equivalent to this.

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I dont play MW monk or monk at all but… god I hope you get buffs. I actually feel guilty facing one in arena rn because they literally flop like they are made of paper , it’s kinda embarrassing tbh that mw is so weak while WW is so strong


Common Blizzard Show MW some love

At last:
Mana cost -10%
Fortyfied Brew CD 50% lower and useable during stuns


This would honestly be about all we need, imo.

I mean, things that would be fun to see…

  • Mana Tea actually restores mana…
  • Spirit of the Crane effect doubled (1.3% per kick).
  • Every extra BoK produced by ToM reduces the cost and cast time of the next Vivify or EnvMist by 20% (stacking up to 60%). Help us throw out those extra targeted heals.
  • Chi Ji cooldown and strength reduced (I’d rather he was 1/3 as strong but on a 1 minute CD so he’d be available at the start of most packs.)
  • Fortifying Brew restored to it’s old 25% and 1.5 mins, now usable while stunned like everyone else’s defensive.
  • Cocoon usable on ourselves while stunned.
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Yulon seems Kind of bad too
If u not Spam Enveloping mist his healing is super low, if u spam EM u Oom super fast

(Olny Think about PvP here, u need to pick the Statue so u always have yulon, best he can do for you is soak a hunter trap.)

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Chi-Ji is the play on most fights, and yu’lon isn’t used very often. Having an innervate for it turns it into the strongest HPS cooldown in the game. I’ve had a few yu’lons do more than 1 million healing on Council of Blood.

It’s still quite decent with just Mana Tea though.

I see your edit and realized you’re talking about PvP. My bad.

I do think Yu’lon is often so hard to use right, than I end up not using her at all.

Chances are I’m using Mana Tea close to cooldown, so unless the moment of need happens to coincide, I can’t justify the cost.

I can not for the life of my work out how you get numbers like that… It’s just an extra HoT from Yu’lon, on targets of EnvMist, neh? Within the innervate window, there are maybe 5 EM’s, and by the end, the first one has worn off…

I mean, it is decent, but I don’t see big numbers :confused:


I am using Invoker’s Delight here, and since it’s Mythic there is actually enough damage to allow such a massive amount of healing.

With EnvM spam and +33% haste I can get enveloping breath on the entire raid. Then at the end of innervate I use TFT > RSK > Spam envm again > EF > RSK again (if I played it perfectly) to extend the enveloping mists hots (not breath, just mist)

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It also really depends on group size. If you are running 2/2/6 Then Enveloping Breath is pretty crap. If you are running 2/3/15 it is pretty strong.

If you can get Yu’lon -> MT -> EM x4 -> EF -> EM x4 it does push crazy healing. I also think people with really high HPS in logs are obviously cheesing the logs with other healers not really trying, Getting PI’s and innervates during Yu’lon.

Getting PI’s and innervates during Yu’lon.

I have not been getting any PI’s during my Yu’lon, but to achieve +1 million healing you absolutely need innervate because yu’lon absolutely eats your mana. People act like that’s a bad thing even though it isn’t. Being able to give innervate to your healer so they can do 40k+ HPS for 25 seconds is absolutely worth it. Anyone with a brain would jump at the chance to do so because you’re gonna have a hard time finding a better healer to put innervate on in this case.

Yu’lon is still super strong without innervate. You just pop mana tea, spam envm and EF just as mana tea is about to end. Then you RSK > TFT and extend all of those EF and EnvM hots. However chi’ji can do a ton of healing too, but with a much smaller mana cost. Besides, RJW is only played on very few fights so it’s not really something that sees play outside of something like Council and maybe Sludgefist.

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I actually play Chi’Ji on every fight except Sun king. That way Mana is never an issue. I can often get 1 innervate and I finish with Mana Tea on Sun King for pumping those heals.

Yeesh… that’s mental :slight_smile:

On the other hand, while I accept it works… it’s very tied to a specific set of conditions and legendary. The pug world could never make use of that, and I think a lot of guilds just wouldn’t believe that their MW can really make use of the Innervate like that.

Not for the first time, I wish MW was just a bit more… straightforward.

I didn’t feel like it was this hard to get numbers out in 8.2-8.3, and it’s frustrating that I can pull out a similar % parse to my guild’s resto shamans, and still be 10% less healing done than them. It seems like the player base at large finds MW just a bit too hard to get the most out of :confused:

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Spot on, and that is probably the main issue with MW right now. MW is so much more difficult to perform well on than it was in BFA. In BFA you could clear Mythic by just spamming EF on CD and stacking Severe III and you had unlimited mana because of Lucid Dreams and Claw.

SL is another story. While none of the healer specs are particularly difficult now, MW is extremely punishing compared to its earlier iterations.

This leads to people going on the forums and whining about buffing the spec because they often end up underperforming on it. I wish they’d buff a few of our useless talents and make the spec less punishing for people who aren’t actively try-harding during raids. It shouldn’t really be difficult for your average-joe to do okay healing on any spec.


Yeah, the mana costs of Vivify have really killed the ‘friendly’ turret healer option. Standing still, cleaving Vivify through ReM and getting mastery from EF just runs you out of mana with the boss at 75%.

Personally I find I’m maxing at around M+13. I can finish them, but have yet to time one. I don’t think I’m a bad player, and I often turn in raid parses in the 70-85% range… but I cannot work out how to M+ this season.

The affixes often make fistweaving really dangerous, and the ATotM heals might not go where I need them to. Tear of Morning helps amp up that cleavage, but on tyrannical weeks I’m going to have to find 3 great dps to kill the boss before I run dry. Feels like I’m always getting slightly carried by my team :frowning:

Some tweaks to make MW just… work… would seem warranted. Simple buffs to Mana Tea and Spirit of the Crane would do wonders. But I’d really love our interrupt back too ¬_¬


Reminder to pick up the chest enchant called: “Enchant Chest - Eternal Bounds”

Don’t. This is a horrible idea =/ the +30 stat enchant is better. 6% mana is literally nothing when you realize how much mana you actually spend during one fight. The only healer to use the +6% mana enchant is Shaman.