Mm hunter looooool

100- 0 in 3 sec even without stun , and you cant do nothing about it nerf that class to the ground or even more


Ok , whats your name ?

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Rogues, looooooool stunlock you to death and you can’t do anything.


both deserve nerf and hope they will get that nerfs to the unplayable point coz that are 2 most disgusting classes in that game


It’s double tap, aimed shots are already hitting 7k+ they really should make it so the second free aimed shot doesn’t hit 100% of the damage! NO CLASS should be hitting 15k instants right now


And palas.
All I see openly running around are Palas, Hunters and Rogues. Some druids. Some priests. Where are all the mages, the frost dks, the warlocks, demonhunters?

here :raised_hand:
but y playing it feels so unfun in bgs currently xD
getting hit by 8k+ aim shots while my only abilty that comes close to the dmg is the covenant skill with 90s cd xD

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I’d welcome a nerf to MM, I want legit reasons to play SV.


iks survival no longer the top one? :open_mouth:

I bet u dont actually have a hunter.

Just ignore that troll.

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Time will tell if SV will surpass MM in terms of utility and synergy, but my impression so far playing both in BGs (not the same as arena, I know, but the basic PvP gameplay has turned out as follows:)

SV: Perform decently, get a few kills, but die instantly if a shadow priest looks at you.

MM: Stand further away than anyone else can reach with their spells, absolutely annihilate them with 2 buttons.

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Aimed shot takes a while to actually cast. Whereas you can just stun kill people to death with instant attacks.

If you get hit by double tapped aimshot…it really is you own fault. It’s one of the longest casts in the game and you have a ton of time to move and interrupt. Learn a few things about your own class and other classes instead of ‘nerf x specc’-complaining on forums. You’re waisting time where you could be getting better instead of trying to blame your fail on the game.

mage cast 3 sec 1500dmg.

hunter cast 30.000dmg same time


I got hit for 9k aim shot as Plate healer.
The game won’t get any better with Ion as a leader.
When a pve guy try to do something in the pvp.


You can delete 5 people like grass in a few seconds.Mage dont need to cast just lance to death.

They can do it from stealth btw.

Also few classes can stop an unkickable cast 40 yards away.


All Warlocks have to do is spam chaosbolt and win, why aren’t you complaining about them?

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mage Needs to cast, because Ice Lance Deals no damage without procs.
This is the reason why i dont Play it anymore in bg’s, because while you try casting frostbolts to fish for procs, marksman runs by, brrrrr t t t
you’re dead before you could even cast 2 bolts. No procs, no Chance to deal damage.

press orb and nova, no need to cast to get procs :slight_smile:

even if mage was in a bad spot (which it is not) they won’t be missed

also yeah mm hits like a truck from the opener, but I was never one shotted so far. Took me half health and then I just forked over the hunter, maybe they were just bad dunno

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